The Flash Season 8 Finale Breakdown & Review

Jul 4, 2022

4 min read

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Photo by dhehaivan on Unsplash

The Flash Season 8 Finale Breakdown & Review

To say that the CW’s “hit” show The Flash has an audience hanging on by a thread at this point is nothing short of the truth.

I have loved this show wholefully ever since its 3rd season debuting over 5 years ago. So I am not saying I suddenly switched up with my thoughts on it from amazing to utter garbage, but I am also not saying that going in that direction wouldn’t be inaccurate.

Look, The Flash is a good show with good characters and stories, but lately is has been very bland and dim under the light that it once shined upon.

With the season 8 finale having released a week ago, here are my thoughts on if the conclusion to this 20 episode season did it justice.

This season finale was very intense from surprises and moments that I was not expecting.

So of course the main villian was our favorite evil speedster Eobard Thawne, also known as the Reverse Flash. Only this time he was not alone, as he was accompanied by some new friends of his, the negative forces.

The Negative Forces have the same vendetta as Thawne does, and that is to kill Barry Allen. The negative forces help Thawne fulfill is goal, as is theirs to kill Barry, by drawing all their power into Thawne, dawning a black new suit, with the powers of all 4 forces (speed, strength, time, and sage).

Meanwhile in the lives of the good guys, Barry also has killing on his mind, due to Thawne killing Iris so he can be reborn again for like the 6th time throughout the show.

Cecile of course becomes annoying with eavesdropping on Barry emotions by telling him that he shouldn’t let his rage get the better of him, and that the rest of team Flash believes that Iris is alive.

Iris is in fact alive, hiding away in the time stone after the time particles were transferred back into Thawne in the previous episode. While trapped in the time stone, Iris meets an old friend, that in Damien Dahrk.

Dahrk explains to Iris that she is not trapped in the stone, and can easily escape it if she tethers herself to the little spark of lightning that her and Barry have that signifies their universal love for each other.

After all the side plots of the episodes, we go back to Thawne terrorizing the city in his black suit. Barry, Bart, Nora, and Meena, all run in to save the day, as at this point they are all feeling vengeful against Thawne for his reprehensible acts.

After Thawne gets the chance to solo Barry in a one on one, the battle is on, but not until the positive forces are revived back to life thanks to Ceciles pyschic powers to tap into the forces to bring them back.

The positive forces find it only fair that Barry and Thawne fight match and match, as they give Barry their powers to compare with Thawne. Now, the battle begins.

Racing through the city, and now with their wide array of powers, they throw lightning, drop planes, teleport all over the place, causing another Armageddon in the city.

Upon Iris returning back home, she requests Jay Garrick to take her to Barry to stop him from causing all thisndestrcution in the city.

Barry realizes that they shouldn’t tip the scales of universal balance to stop one another, and sits own to meditate to defeat Thawne like the goat he is.

Thawne does not care and begins to unleash a wave of negative speed force lightning all over the city, destroying everything and everyone. Barry’s meditation works more effectively, and seemingly reverses time and implodes Thawnes power on himself, finally killing him for good.

The day is saved once again, but more mysteries are to be solved, as we are taken into a lab showing an interesting blue crystal being stabilized on a desk, now leaving many theories open on the table.

Overall, I underwhelmingly enjoyed this season finale. It defintely wrapped up the season nicely with all its stories, but I would have to give it a 7 out of 10 because of the poor writing, and Cecile just existing.

Once again, I liked it, but excluding the parts with Cecile because she is an annoyance as much as she is psychic now (and she is very psychic now).

Thawne finally dying after all these years gives the show such a new creative direction, because they don’t have to keep using Thawne as its backbone anymore. They can finally move on to different things, new things.

I am interested to see how season 9 will play out in the first few episodes, as I would assume they would follow the events of season 8, and jump directly into the new storyline they have planned.

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