The Chilling Similarities Between Amber Heard And Gone Girls Amy Dunn!!!

Jul 3, 2022

8 min read

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This movie is not only amazing but also very chilling. let’s just say this Amy chick utterly terrified me. I remember reading an article about Amber Heard, and people were adamant that Amber seems to be scarily similar to Amy.

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So, I decided to watch this movie again — only this time with my pen and notepad so I could take notes along the way, and I was shook. So shook in fact, that I decided to write an entire article about it so you can see what I see. I’m going to list all the similarities between the two, and I’d love to hear your opinions at the end.


let's start with Amber and Amy's similar medical conditions:

Amber — As of recently, a forensic psychologist testified during Johnny and Amber’s court case that Amber has two mental health disorders.

  1. — Borderline personality disorder
  2. — Histrionic personality disorder.

Amy — According to several people's opinions online, Amy suffers from

  1. — Narcissistic personality disorder
  2. — Anti-social personality disorder.

I’m not an expert at all on these conditions, but I’ve heard that borderline personality disorder and anti-social personality disorder are Cluster b, and the pair appear to be right next to each other.

Please do correct me if I’m wrong.


Now let's move on to these very eerie similarities.

Staging the scene

We saw in the movie that Amy set out to stage the scene before her disappearance. She broke a table, smeared her blood, burnt evidence, and the list goes on.

Staged scene from the movie gone girl

Obviously, Amber doesn’t disappear, but she does set the scene. Before Amber filed for a restraining order, Amber submitted a bunch of photos showing the aftermath of what she claimed was a massive row between her and Johnny.

Images found on newspaper site and created in Canva

Amber and Raquel (Amber’s friend and neighbor) claimed he was breaking tons of things in the hallway. The pair also accused Johnny of using a magnum-sized bottle to smash everything in sight. The wine was spilling on the furniture, walls, floor, photo frames smashed, and he supposedly smashed everything in the home.

When the police arrived, Officer Hadden told the court that he didn’t see any signs of broken glass, damage, or spilled wine when he did a protective sweep of the penthouse.

We see in the movie that the police investigate, and they all agree that it looks like it had been staged.

She Successfully made everybody hate him

Amy admitted her plan to turn everybody against her husband. She started to reveal the wonderful early days and how in love they were.

After that, she was going to expose the spending, the abuse, the fear, the violence, and how afraid for her life she was.

If successful, then everybody would turn against and hate him

Amber would state……

‘’we’re very much in love.’’

“so in love”

“I was so in love with Johnny at that time. We had had a wonderful year together where he was sober and clean and that is how I got to know him.”

‘’They’ve always been together. They travel for work, then come home. They live together and are very much in love, despite what’s being said about break-up rumors.’’ said an insider.

Amber would then begin to accuse Johnny of abuse, and after Amber applied for a restraining order, she claimed that Johnny was abusive towards her and she was in fear for her life. She appeared in court with a visible mark on her face and stated…

“Johnny has a long-held and widely-acknowledged public and private history of drug and alcohol abuse.”

“He has a short fuse. He is often paranoid and his temper is extremely scary for me as it has proven many times to be physically dangerous and/or life-threatening to me.”

After Amber's claims, several members of the public had started to turn against Johnny. He was fired from his role as captain jack sparrow in the pirates of the Caribbean movies, and In November 2018, British GQ put Johnny Depp on the cover of their magazine describing him as an outlaw, and people were not happy.

The magazine came under fire and was accused of glamourizing and belittling the allegations against Johnny Depp. The public also stated that the words such as “vulnerable” and “aggrieved” presented him as a victim.

After Amber’s article in the Washington Post, she called herself a survivor of domestic abuse, Johnny revealed that it caused even further damage and irreparably destroyed his reputation and career. The pair are currently in court because Johnny is suing Amber for Defamation of character.

Johnny wanted a divorce

We see in the movie that nick sits down to talk with his sister, and he tells her that Amy is framing him because he was going to ask for a divorce.

In 2016 Johnny revealed a final argument he had with Amber. He stated that she flew into a “verbal barrage of abuse.”

Later, Johnny’s housekeeper sent Johnny’s bodyguard a photograph which was a picture of the couple’s bed, and on his side of it was human fecal matter.

Johnny claimed that this incident spurred him to leave amber. He also stated that he wanted nothing to do with her after that.

I look at this as disgusting revenge on Amber's part.

Faking her injuries

We see Amy hurting herself in several scenes in the movie, and Amber has also been accused of faking her injuries.

Several people have come forward stating that they have seen Amber without makeup, and there were absolutely no marks on her face. If you’ve been following the trial, then you will have seen other witnesses testify that they also saw no visible injuries.

Also during one of the many audio recordings, after the couple’s fight in Australia where Johnny lost the tip of his finger, it’s revealed by a member of Johnny's team that….

“She has scratches on her left arm, I’ve seen those scratches before — and as far as I'm concerned they’re self-inflicted.”

Relationship with Johnny's sister

In the movie, Nick's sister states that she doesn't like to be around Amy.

Johnny’s sister revealed that she once called Johnny a fat old man during a discussion about Dior. She once spoke to amber, telling her that it’s not normal to fight the way that they do. Amber then confronted Johnny's sister and told her to get off her high horse because johnny likes it when she’s feisty.

She said that she was “scared” and “devastated” when she heard that Johnny was marrying Amber.

911 call

Amy anonymously calls 911 to report strange activity.

On May 21st 2016, somebody calls 911, and the call appears to have been made when Amber claimed Johnny launched a phone at her face and tore out chunks of her hair

‘Hi, I need to report an assault right now happening at 849 Broadway at the Eastern building, it’s penthouse three,’

The caller refused to give a name and she calmly explained that Amber was being attacked by a man who she described as her boyfriend. She stated…..

‘I happen to know that it’s happening and I just need to remain anonymous.’

The operator explained that she needs a little bit more detail, and the caller says……

“Physically assaulting her, yeah,’ replies the caller.

She suddenly begins to sound a little agitated……

‘Send somebody up there please,’ the caller adds.

She then reveals the location again, and the call abruptly ends.

There was no panic in her voice, she refused to say who she was and then she suddenly ends the call — that sounds very strange to me.

Manipulated her ex

Amy talks to her ex-boyfriend, telling him how scared she was of nick. He offered to help her by allowing her to stay in his utterly secluded lakehouse.

Amber revealed that she had no other relationship whilst she was with Johnny. During this time, she saved Billionaire Elon Musk under rocketman on her phone, while she WAS with Johnny.

Elon offered to arrange ‘24/7 security’ for amber after she claimed that Depp had attacked her. He said this would be UTTERLY confidential.

Very strange indeed

Unsent letters

The police show nick letters written by Amy stating, “this man may kill me.”

Amber states….

“Some instances were so severe, that I was afraid he was going to kill me. Either intentionally or just by losing control. He explicitly threatened to kill me several times especially later in our relationship.”

Rubbish storyteller

In the movie we see Amy telling the police what had happened. Amy also appeared to smirk as she’s wheeled away in her chair.

We see Amber in court, discussing an instance between her and Johnny, which looks to me like she’s lying through her teeth. Amber smirks as a lawyer accused Amber of admitting to hitting johnny. It looks to me like she’s loving every bit of the attention.

Acting up for the cameras

Amy is wheeled through the crowd smirking and acting up for attention. Amy also talks to the cameras and thanks everybody for their support.

Amber walks through the crowd, refusing to hide the supposed bruise on her cheek.

Amber also spoke to the crowd stating that the public have given her so much strength, and she would now give it back.

She also appears to mimic Amy Dunn — talk about creepy. 😱😨

Image found on google free images

Threatened to ruin his entire life

Amy threatens nick that she will destroy him.

Amber also threatened to destroy Johnny in a couple of secret recordings.

“You can tell people it was a fair fight… see what the jury and judge think,” .

“Tell the world, Johnny, tell them ‘I, Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim, too, of domestic violence… and it’s a fair fight.’ And see how many people believe or side with you,”

“Nobody will ever believe you because you’re a man.”

“See how many people believe or side with you.”

“I’m a 115lb woman…. Have I ever been able to knock you off of your feet? Or knock you off balance?”


Throughout the film, I took note of a couple of quotes from Amy, and it just reminded me so much of Amber, and her need to destroy him. I’m not saying Johnny’s perfect because he’s not, I think he also has issues.

However, after all the evidence and witness testimonies, I find it extremely hard to believe that he’s capable of doing some of the horrendous things Amber’s accused him of.

‘I inspired him to rise to my level and forged the man of my dreams’

‘He doesn't get to win’

‘Cute, charming guy needed to learn’

‘Grown-ups pay, grown-ups suffer consequences’


This could all be a coincidence, but I find it incredible how this entire situation resembles this movie so much. It’s like Amber studied the entire thing beforehand. Very creepy indeed.

I’m curious to hear what you think?

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