Jul 9, 2022

3 min read

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Night performance “Il Giocatore” Venice 2016.

Humanity has experienced many forms of paid and unpaid work, from slavery and the feudal system to minimum wages and bonuses.

Now the paradigm of work has shifted again, but this time the change is more profound and far-reaching, as working conditions have completely altered.

Maybe you cannot tame inspiration, but you can tame your response and make a principle of it.

It is said that he who controls your time controls your future. As it seems, the future came on a roller coaster, and not even NASA can see where it leads.

That is good news because it shows that the potential is free to become what you make of it.

Possibilities are endless, or in other words, they are flexible.

Are you ready to adapt?

Whatever happens next has the potential to serve as a quantum leap to your dreams, and CEOs have finally realized the benefits of respecting the time and needs of their employees.


The future is decentralized and open, like Web 3.0, and research has shown that companies that promote remote work options and flexible work schedules have a greater chance of succeeding and retaining their employees, who will consequently form a strong team capable of navigating the roller coaster of economic, climatic and geopolitical changes of our time.

The humanization of work, where employers must meet employees where they are, represents a historic revolution greater than the industrial and digital booms combined.

Free people working what they love, when and where they want, were such a rare phenomenon in the past that we made movies about them and called them our heroes.

But that’s all changing now. Anyone can be a hero of their life and an inspiration to their community.


No one expected the pandemic to trigger the Big Quit movement while raising environmental and social awareness, leaving little room for companies to organize their employees’ lives as they had in the past.

The days of blissful control and social ignorance are well and truly over.

Today, more and more workers want to have a positive impact on their environment and the ability to change their residence, whether due to a devastating tornado, an unexpected civil uprising, or their children’s athletic inclinations.


The hybrid work model greatly benefits workers, businesses, society, and the environment.

Improved well-being, effective income growth, increased mobility, and less paper, plastic, and energy waste are just some of the benefits.

Companies that have shifted their strategy to telecommuting are seeing lower real estate costs, higher employee productivity, better employee retention, a larger talent pool, the ability to increase headcount without additional space costs, and better visibility for executives.

At the same time, society reaps the environmental benefits, higher employment rates, and an overall healthier population.

Remote work has redefined the values of freedom and consciousness, for with freedom comes responsibility.

Never before has humanity been so emphatic and cooperative. Something has changed.

The big shift has brought lasting changes that we are yet to perceive.

We welcome the future of flexibility and adaptability; glad we found you.

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