Text Now: Great for Privacy, Not So Great for Tracking Numbers

5 months ago

3 min read

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TextNow is a free app that lets you snag a phone number for calls, texts, and even voicemail. It's perfect for folks who want a separate line for business, privacy, or just to avoid handing out their main number. But what if you're on the receiving end of a TextNow number and want to track it down? You can't exactly track a TextNow number down to its owner, since it's designed to be anonymous.

Why TextNow? A Numbers Game

There are a few reasons why someone might choose a TextNow number. Maybe they're a freelancer who wants a dedicated business line without a contract. Perhaps they're selling something online and don't want their personal number bombarded.  Or, maybe they're just a bit privacy-conscious and prefer not to give out their main number.

TextNow offers two main types of numbers: free and premium. Free numbers come with a catch – you get what you pay for (or rather, don't pay for). They can't be used for two-factor authentication (like receiving verification codes) and might come with area codes you don't necessarily want. Premium numbers, on the other hand, offer more features and control, but they come with a monthly subscription fee.

Benefits of TextNow: Beyond Just a Number

So, besides the obvious anonymity perk, what are some other benefits of using TextNow? Here are a few:

Free: We all love free stuff, right? TextNow's basic features are completely free, making it a budget-friendly option for anyone needing an extra line.

Cross-platform: You can use TextNow on your phone, tablet, or even your computer. This makes it super convenient to stay connected on all your devices.

Voicemail: Don't miss a beat! TextNow offers voicemail transcriptions, so you can easily see who left a message and what they said.

Customizable: Want a number with a specific area code? TextNow lets you choose from a variety of options (with premium subscriptions).

Tracking a TextNow Number: Mission (Mostly) Impossible

Alright, now for the not-so-great news. TextNow, as mentioned earlier, is designed with privacy in mind. This means there's no easy way to track down the owner of a TextNow number. Here's what you can't do:

Reverse phone lookup services: These online services often claim to reveal the owner of any phone number, but they're not very reliable when it comes to TextNow numbers.

Social media digging: Unless the TextNow user is incredibly careless and uses the same username or info on social media, this is a dead end.

So, are you completely out of luck? Not necessarily. Here are a few approaches you can try (although success isn't guaranteed):

Context is key: Think about how you received the TextNow number. Was it from a business transaction? Maybe you can track down the company's contact information elsewhere.

Report as spam: If you're getting harassing messages, report the number as spam within the TextNow app. This might not reveal the owner's identity, but it could help TextNow flag the number.

Law enforcement: In cases of serious threats or harassment, involving law enforcement might be necessary. With a court order, TextNow can be compelled to reveal user information.


Can I pay someone to track a TextNow number?

There are websites and services that claim they can track any phone number, but these are often scams. TextNow's privacy measures make it difficult, and there's no guarantee these services will deliver.

What if the TextNow user is harassing me?

If you're receiving harassing messages, your best bet is to block the number within the TextNow app and report it as spam. Additionally, consider keeping a record of the messages for potential legal action.

Is there any way to tell if a number is a TextNow number?

Unfortunately, there's no foolproof way to identify a TextNow number on the spot. However, some red flags might include area codes you wouldn't expect or nonsensical phone numbers (like a string of repeating digits).


TextNow is a fantastic app for those seeking a free, anonymous way to make calls and texts. However, if you're on the receiving end and want to track down the owner, it's an uphill battle.

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