Taking a Break: A Guide to Canceling Your Urban Air Membership

5 months ago

3 min read

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Urban Air Adventure Park bursts with vibrant energy, offering a thrilling indoor playground for all ages. From heart-pounding leaps on trampolines to gravity-defying climbs on warrior courses, it's a place where laughter mingles with the exhilarating adrenaline rush. Whether you're a seasoned thrill-seeker or a first-timer testing your limits, Urban Air provides a unique space for bonding, exercise, and pure, unadulterated fun.

However, life throws curveballs sometimes. Maybe your work schedule gets busier, leaving less time for family outings. Perhaps a new fitness routine takes center stage. If you want to cancel Urban Air membership, this guide will walk you through the process smoothly.

Understanding Your Membership Commitment

A 12-month commitment is required to join Urban Air. There will be no way out of the monthly payments for the first year. To prevent unpleasant shocks later on, make sure you completely understand this commitment before joining and give considerable thought to your requirements.

Your subscription will renew automatically every month after the first twelve months. Keep an eye on the renewal date if you're thinking about canceling.

Canceling After the 12-Month Commitment

The good news is that after the initial commitment period, canceling your Urban Air membership is relatively straightforward. Thankfully, Urban Air offers a convenient online cancellation option. Here's how it works:

- Head to the Urban Air Membership Portal: First things first, to cancel Urban Air membership, navigate to the membership portal. You can usually find the link on their website or within your membership confirmation email.

- Change/Upgrade Existing Membership: Once you're in, Select change/upgrade existing membership from the drop box under Please contact me and write an appropriate message.

- 10-Day Waiting Period: Be aware that there's a 10-day waiting period after submitting your online cancellation request. During this time, Urban Air may reach out to confirm your decision or offer incentives to keep you as a member. You are under no obligation to accept these offers, but the waiting period is a necessary step.

Cancellation Before 12 Months (Exceptions Only)

Life can be unpredictable. Thankfully, Urban Air recognizes that unforeseen circumstances might make it impossible to fulfill the 12-month commitment. They offer exceptions for early cancellation with valid proof for the following reasons:

- Relocation: If you're moving more than 25 miles away from the closest Urban Air location and can provide proof (like a utility bill with your new address), you can qualify for early cancellation.

- Disability: If you experience a medical condition that prevents you from safely participating in Urban Air activities, a doctor's note can expedite your cancellation request.

- Death: In the tragic case that a member passes away, legal documents can be used to cancel Urban Air's membership without incurring any penalties by the company.

For early cancellation due to relocation or disability, you can typically submit proof documents by email or mail. Contact Urban Air customer service for specific instructions based on your situation.

Important Reminders Before You Cancel

Before officially canceling your membership, it's helpful to keep a few things in mind:

- No Cancellation by Phone/Email/Fax: Urban Air only accepts cancellation requests through their online portal. Calls, emails, or faxes won't be processed for cancellation.

- Outstanding Charges: Ensure you've settled any outstanding charges on your account before your cancellation takes effect. This includes any monthly fees or additional access charges you might have incurred.

Conclusion: Breathe Easy with Your Decision

Canceling a membership can feel overwhelming, but hopefully, this guide has made the process more transparent and manageable. Remember, after the initial 12-month commitment, online cancellation is quite straightforward. For situations requiring early cancellation, Urban Air offers reasonable exceptions with proper documentation.

Your personal circumstances should ultimately be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to cancel Urban Air’s membership. Consider the benefits and drawbacks, and if you have any concerns, don't be afraid to get in touch with Urban Air's customer service department.

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