Symptoms of Cataract - What You Need to Know

10 months ago

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Cataracts are a common eye condition that cause clouding in the lens of the eye. As cataracts progress, they can cause vision loss if left untreated. Being aware of the symptoms of cataract can help you identify the condition early and take steps to protect your vision. Here are some key things you should know about the symptoms of cataract:

Vision Changes

The most common early symptom of cataract is a gradual change in vision. You may notice some of the following:

  • Cloudy, blurry, or dim vision

  • Colors looking faded

  • Glare or halos around lights

  • Poor night vision

  • Double vision in one eye

  • Needing more light for reading or other tasks

These symptoms are a sign the normally clear lens in your eye is developing areas of cloudiness or opacity. The cloudy areas scatter light as it passes into the eye, causing blurred vision.

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Gradual Progression

Cataract development is usually gradual. Symptoms tend to start small and worsen slowly over months to years. You may notice vision getting fuzzier or glare getting more bothersome over time. One eye may be affected earlier than the other.

Prescription Changes

As cataract progresses, you may find your eyeglass prescription needs frequent changes to help correct increasing blurriness. If your vision issues can't be corrected with a new glasses prescription, that's a sign cataract may be the cause.

Age Risk Factor

Cataracts become more common as people age. More than 50% of U.S. adults either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery by age 80. However, cataracts can occur earlier due to genetics, eye injury, medications, health conditions, and other factors. If you notice vision changes, see an ophthalmologist right away for evaluation.

Seeing an Ophthalmologist

If you suspect you have cataract symptoms, seeing an ophthalmologist promptly is key. They can do a full eye exam and accurately diagnose cataract. If cataracts are impacting your vision significantly, they may recommend cataract surgery. This is a common outpatient procedure with a high success rate for restoring vision.

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Catching cataracts early and monitoring for progression is important for protecting your sight. Don't write off vision changes as just a natural part of aging. See an ophthalmologist and discuss your symptoms. With early detection and modern cataract treatments, your outlook for clear vision is excellent.

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