Symptom & Treatment for Blood Clots in the Legs

Sep 13, 2023

4 min read

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At one stage of life, you will need to be aware of blood clots in legs, and undergo treatment for blood clot in leg as well. When blood clots in your legs, you will feel weird pain and aching in your legs, which is quite natural. 

It is seen blood clot in legs is a normal thing, and you will need to treatment for blood clot in leg on an immediate basis. When you bleed after injury, you will need to stop the bleeding at the first place. 

The blood clots can form in your legs, which is not at all necessary. While there can be troubled spell for your legs, you will need to undergo treatment for blood clot in leg to solve the problems. 

Symptoms of Leg Blood Clot

When you have blood clots in your legs, you first need to know about symptoms of such condition, before undergoing the treatment for blood clot in leg. 

Swelling In One Limb

There can be common signs for Deep Vein Thrombosis, if you have swollen legs. While the blood can pool behind the clot causing swelling, there can be blocking of heathy flow of blood in your legs. 

If you are getting stiff or large legs, it is normal to overlook swelling as a symptom of DVT. If there are showing of pain in your legs, you will feel that there is clotting of blood. You will need to undergo treatment for blood clot in leg.

Leg Pain

It is seen that there can be redness, and swelling in your legs, as DVT pain comes in a combo for your legs. You may easily mistake the blood clot as muscle cramp. You will need to undergo diagnosis from podiatrists so that they can help in blood clot treatment.

It is necessary to diagnose such issues, as such issues can be specifically dangerous. When you are flexing your foot upward, or when you are walking, you will feel DVT pain. You will need to blood clot treatment, if your skin of your legs is discolored and warmer. 

Redness On Your Skin

There may be worrying factors for you if you feel that there are bruises in your legs. These are signs of blood clot. While you may see some bruises- like – discoloration, you will be unable to find DVT. 

While you will feel that your legs are warmer than normal, you will need to know that you need to be diagnosed by doctors. The doctors will perform blood clot treatment with ease. 

Unexplained Cough

It is often seen that dry cough can be major symptom for blood clot in your legs. Since the blood cannot travel to heart, you can cough up mucus. Your doctor will conduct the ER, when they are in doubt. 

Feeling Faint

There can be feeling of faintness, as you there will be oxygenation of blood, and chemical released from lungs. It is seen that brain is sensitive to the changes in blood flow, and oxygen. 

It is seen that faint feelings may be caused due to blood clot in legs, you will need to undergo blood clot treatment as well. 

Treatment For Blood Clot in Leg

It is seen the first blood clot treatment for DVT is thrombotic therapy. Doctors will give anti coagulant medication to thin your blood. While the medication can help in blood clot treatment, the medication will help in preventing new clots. 

You will need to take the blood- thinning medicine for at least three months, once you are experiencing deep vein thrombosis. 

IV Heparin 

While treating blood clot in leg, doctors will also use heparin, which is a powerful blood thinner. The thinner will start work right away. You need to be hospitalized, as you doctor will use the heparin through a vein. 

Injectable Heparin

When it comes to treating blood clot in leg, doctors often use the injectable heparin, which are given once and twice a day. You will be required to stay in the hospital for a day so that the procedure is done easily. 


When it comes to treating blood clot in leg, doctors will suggest warfarin pills along with heparin. It is seen that warfarin will take several days for working. 

Direct Oral Anticoagulants (Doacs): 

When it comes to treating blood clot in leg, and deep vein thrombosis treatment, doctors will give direct oral anticoagulants. These medicines are prescribed in place of heparin for treating blood clot in legs. 

Xa Inhibitors

It is seen that when it comes to deep vein thrombosis treatment, doctors will suggest Xa Inhibitors. These newer medicines are very capable for deep vein thrombosis treatment. The medicine will stop excess bleeding from your legs as well. 

DVT Surgery Options

It is seen that doctors often perform DVT surgery so that they can provide deep vein thrombosis treatment. While providing deep vein thrombosis treatment, doctors will perform advanced surgery as well. 

When it comes to DVT surgeries, doctors also perform endovascular procedure. 

Final Words 

When it comes to DVT, there are lots of symptoms of this condition. You will need to undergo the treatment for successful recovery as well.

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