Swami Mukundananda Books in Orders 2022-23


Nov 9, 2022

4 min read

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Swami Mukundananda Books In Orders 2022-23. Mukundanana Maharaj is a global very famous spiritual leader. Swami Ji expert in mind management techniques. He is a very famous Vedic scholar and Bhakti Sant. Swami Mukundananda is a world teacher of religion, yoga, and meditation techniques.

Mukundananda Books Summary Details

Golden Rules for Living your Best Life Download Pdf

The greatest tragedy of the human race is the untapped potential of each individual. The primary cause of this is our lack of understanding of the processes, tools, and techniques required to unleash it.

While life is a DIY project, there is no user manual that teaches us how to deal with the complexities of human life. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a life manual as well?


The Power of Thoughts Swami Mukundananda Pdf

Surprisingly, the ingredients for a hugely successful life are completely free. Every day, we mass-produce 60,000 of them. These are the ideas that our minds generate. They are responsible for our feelings of happiness and sadness.

They are the forerunners of everything we do. We struggle to improve our actions, only to have our efforts thwarted by impure thinking. Instead, focusing on changing our thoughts will yield incredible results with a fraction of the effort. Because our thoughts influence every aspect of our lives, we have a lot to gain by learning more about them.


Bhagavad Gita Swami Mukundananda

For Hindus all over the world, the sacred Bhagavad Gita is much more than an epic; it is the ultimate universal guide to living a life of peace and fulfillment. This God song not only provides a profound philosophical understanding of the world, or Brahma Vidya, but it also describes specific techniques for implementing spiritual precepts in daily life.

This is why it is also known as Yog Shastra, which includes methodologies for the practical application of spiritual knowledge, such as karma yoga, jnana yoga, and bhakti yoga.


The Science of Mind Management Swami Mukundananda Kindle

The state of our minds determines the quality of our lives. It can be our best friend or our worst enemy. A rogue mind can steal our inner peace and undermine any productive endeavor. However, with the right knowledge, training, and discipline, the mind’s infinite potential can be unlocked.

Swami Mukundananda charts the four different aspects of the human mind in The Science of Mind Management and lays out a clear path to mastering it. He gently guides readers on the path to inner victory through witty anecdotes, real-life accounts, and stories from the Vedic scriptures.

7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfilment Online

Persistent thoughts and feelings harden into an attitude. When you live with an attitude for a long enough period of time, it becomes second nature—a mindset. The wrong mindset can lead you away from happiness, joy, and enlightenment. The right one will point you in the direction of success, fulfillment, and an extraordinary life.

Swami Mukundananda reveals the secrets of the 7 mindsets—seven techniques for training the mind and intellect and unlocking the immense potential within—by blending science with Vedic scriptures and logic with spiritual insight. Swamiji, an IIT and IIM alumnus, brings decades of Vedic scripture mastery to these powerful yet simple techniques for mind management and life transformation.

My Wisdom Book Everyday Shlokas, Mantras, Bhajans

Children struggle to cope with the sheer multiplicity of stimuli and expectations in a fast-paced, rapidly changing world. It could be too much for the young’s still-developing minds. How do we get them to take a breather? What will enable them to face challenges calmly?

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