Step to Step Guide on Diy Lemon Essential Oil

6 months ago

4 min read

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Lemon essential oil, with its vibrant and invigorating aroma, is a popular choice in aromatherapy and natural living. Making your own DIY lemon essential oil allows you to capture the essence of this citrus delight in a pure and customizable form. In this guide we will walk you through the simple steps to create your very own lemon essential oil at home.

Lemon Essential Oil Overview 

Lemon essential oil, extracted from the peel of fresh lemons (Citrus limon), is a popular and versatile essential oil celebrated for its uplifting aroma and various potential health benefits. The oil is obtained through a process of cold-pressing the outer peel, or zest, of the lemon fruit. Here's a comprehensive overview of lemon essential oil, highlighting its composition, uses, and potential therapeutic properties.


Lemon essential oil is a rich source of bioactive compounds. It includes

  • Limonene: This dominant component gives lemon essential oil its distinctive citrus scent. Limonene is also known for its potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • β-Pinene: Contributing to the refreshing aroma, β-pinene is a natural compound found in various plants, including citrus fruits.

  • γ-Terpinene: Known for its antimicrobial properties, γ-terpinene is a terpene that adds to the overall benefits of lemon essential oil.

  • Linalool: This compound is present in many essential oils and is recognized for its calming and stress-relieving properties.

  • Citral: Responsible for the lemony fragrance, citral exhibits antimicrobial and antifungal qualities.

Is Lemon Essential oil and Lemon Balm Essential Oil same? 

No, lemon essential oil and lemon balm essential oil are not the same.

Lemon essential oil is derived from the peel of the lemon fruit (Citrus limon). On the other hand  lemon balm essential oil is obtained from the leaves of the lemon balm plant (Melissa officinalis), which is a member of the mint family.

Although they both have a citrusy fragrance, they come from different plants and may have distinct chemical compositions and therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil is often used for its uplifting and refreshing scent, as well as for its potential antibacterial properties. While  lemon balm essential oil is associated with calming and stress-relieving properties, and it is commonly used in aromatherapy for relaxation.

Ingredients for DIY Lemon Essential Oil:

  • Fresh, organic lemons

  • Carrier oil (such as jojoba, almond, or olive oil)

  • Zester or grater

  • Airtight glass jar

  • Cheesecloth or coffee filter

  • Dark glass bottle for storage

Procedure of Lemon Essential Oil

Selecting Quality Lemons

  • Begin by choosing fresh, organic lemons. Organic lemons are preferable to avoid any residues of pesticides or chemicals that may compromise the purity of the oil.

Zesting the Lemons

  • Thoroughly wash the lemons and use a zester or grater to remove the outer zest. Be cautious not to include the bitter white pith beneath the zest, as it can affect the quality of the oil.

Infusing the Carrier Oil

  • Place the lemon zest into an airtight glass jar and cover it with your chosen carrier oil. Ensure the zest is fully submerged. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit in a cool, dark place for approximately two weeks. This allows the oil to absorb the lemony goodness.

Straining the Infusion

  • After the infusion period, strain the mixture using a cheesecloth or coffee filter to separate the oil from the lemon zest. Squeeze out any remaining oil from the zest to maximize the extraction.

Storing the Lemon Essential Oil

  • Transfer the strained oil into a dark glass bottle for storage. Dark glass helps protect the oil from light exposure, preserving its potency. Store the bottle in a cool, dark place to maintain the freshness of your homemade lemon essential oil.

Tips for Success

  • Quality of Lemons: Choose fresh, ripe lemons for the best results. Organic lemons are ideal to avoid any unwanted chemicals in your oil.

  • Zesting Technique: Be mindful when zesting to get only the outer layer of the lemon peel. The bitter pith can alter the scent and properties of the oil.

  • Patience in Infusion: Allowing the lemon zest to infuse in the carrier oil for the recommended period is crucial for a potent and fragrant essential oil.

  • Storage Conditions: Dark glass bottles protect the oil from light, helping it maintain its freshness and effectiveness over time.

Creative Uses for DIY Lemon Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Diffusion

  • Add a few drops of your homemade lemon essential oil to an aromatherapy diffuser. The refreshing and energizing scent can uplift your mood and create a pleasant atmosphere.

Natural Cleaning Agent

  • Harness the antibacterial properties of lemon essential oil by adding it to your homemade cleaning solutions. Create an all-purpose cleaner by combining it with vinegar and water for a fresh and effective cleaning experience.

Skin Care Elixir

  • Mix your lemon essential oil with a carrier oil for a revitalizing facial serum. The astringent properties of lemon oil may contribute to a brighter complexion.

Invigorating Bath Soak

  • Enhance your bath experience by adding a few drops of DIY lemon essential oil. The citrusy aroma can provide a refreshing and invigorating soak.

Scented Candles or Potpourri

  • Infuse your living spaces with the delightful scent of lemon by incorporating the essential oil into homemade candles or potpourri. This brings a natural and invigorating fragrance to any room.


Crafting your own lemon essential oil is a rewarding and straightforward process that opens up a world of aromatic possibilities. From enhancing your well-being through aromatherapy to elevating your cleaning routine and skincare, the applications of homemade lemon essential oil are diverse and delightful. Enjoy the process of creating this citrus elixir, and savor the sunshine-infused atmosphere it brings to your home.

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