Special Featuresof Googlebeard Which Is Competing With Chat Gpt?

Mar 2, 2023

3 min read

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ChatGPT is being described by many as the search engine of the future. Powered by artificial intelligence, this chatbot can answer any question you ask.

Paul Buchit, the father of Gmail, believes that this is the biggest threat to Google's existence. Paul prophesies that artificial intelligence will end the search engine page. "The threat to Google is only a year or two away," commented Paul.

But what Paul Buchit may not know is that Google is gearing up for this disaster. Google has announced that it is going to bring its own artificial intelligence chatbot.

Google named it Bard. Before releasing this chatbot, it will be tested by a dedicated group. Google CEO Sundar Pichai made a statement to this effect.

"Artificial intelligence is a deep technology among what we are working on now. From doctors diagnosing diseases early to providing information to people in their own language, we have been working on a new artificial service through Language Model for Dialogue Application (LAMDA) for the last two years. We call this new AI technology Bard. "Today we took another step in this direction. We are sending it to tests before making it public. It will be available to everyone in the future," Sundar Pichai said in his statement.

ChatGPT is a chatbot

Chatbot Chat GPT gives very accurate content. It looks like it was written by humans. For the past few days there has been talk that this new tool could be a threat to Google.

Paul Tack, the founder of Gmail, said some time ago that this tool could destroy Google in two years.

If you read reviews of chatgpt on the internet you will see the word 'risk' being mentioned over and over again. Many believe that this program is rapidly copying human intelligence.

Now there is another chatbot in the market that uses artificial intelligence. Behind it is a big company like Google.

Google Beard Chatbot It can answer questions as sensitively as a human brain

Google is also adding new AI tools to its existing search engine. Chatbots answer people's questions using a knowledge base from databases on the Internet.

But there are also claims that the chatbot sometimes gives offensive and wrong information.

What causes changes in search engine?

Sundar Pichai said in his announcement that his AI Bard will answer people's questions by 'combining the knowledge of the Google Language Model world with creativity'.

Google says they want to make Bard a fearless, responsible service.

However, the company is silent on the content of harmful or offensive information.

The Google Beard announcement comes amid reports that Microsoft is also bringing an AI chatbot that works with its search engine Bing.

ChatGPT can answer your questions, write speeches, poems, marketing copy, news articles, even essays for you.

It's currently free, but the company's parent company, OpenAI, charges some money whenever someone asks a question on ChatGPT.

OpenAI recently announced membership as well.

But the ultimate goal of chatbots is to completely change the 'internet search'.

If you search for something in a search engine you will get millions of answers in the form of internet pages.

But, a chatbot will give you the exact answer to your search. We can't choose what we want from a thousand pages.

Sundar Pichai, the company's CEO, points out that users are now asking very different questions at Google.

"Earlier they used to search on Google how many keys are there in the piano. But now they are searching whether it is difficult to learn guitar or piano?" said Sundar.

A quick factual answer to this question is not possible in the current search engine.

However, chatbots are likely to be effective in answering such questions.

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