Simple Steps to Read and Understand Textbook

Machine learning engineer

Nov 4, 2022

2 min read

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From: Shashank Suresh Shahi

Just finished reading the book title "College Reading:The Science and Strategies of Expert Readers".

I was struggling to read and comprehend college level textbook related to STEM field because of my NON STEM background.

But after reading this book it had changed my view of approaching technical textbook.

➡️Main Take Away from this book:👇

👉You have to make brain connection in your Brain to become expert reader. Whenever you read something you create dendrites in your brain and new pathway. You have to make that new pathway in your brain strong through revision.

👉With the help of Rehearsing and Repetition & Chunking you can remember what you read. You just have to make connections and associations between your word in your mind what you have read.

👉If you are not able to understand your textbook technical words that means your textbook or subject vocabulary is weak. You should go to the Glossary section of book if that part is not available then you should check on google and get yourself familiar with word and their meaning. You should be aware of your knowledge gap related to that subject of textbook which you are reading and you have to fill that knowledge gap while reading or before reading.

👉Every author want to convey their message to reader with MAIN IDEA of textbook or chapters in textbook with the help of Major supporting details and sometimes author also uses minor support detail to convey his/her message.

👉Every textbook have some patterns to organise it's information for reader. With the help of textbook pattern you can find out the author's tone and style of writing which will help you to find out the meaning of information. Common Patterns ( Listing, Analysis, Cause/Effect, Comparison/Contrast,Definition/Example, Sequence, Mixed Patterns)

👉After going through above written points it will help you to find out the author's argument which will be useful for you to comprehend the textbook critically. You should first read Preview of textbook then skimming to find out the Heading and subheading of textbook then after getting familiar with book you should start reading. Repeat this process 3 or 5 times for ONE TEXTBOOK. Do not slow down your speed in this 3 or 5 process. After this process you will know lot's of information about that TEXTBOOK and you will feel confident in yourself. Now you are ready to read TEXTBOOK in slow speed to get deep knowledge and master skill or subject.

👉And the last thing, Don't get "STRESS". If you are not understanding something in One Week that means you will understand in Two or Three Weeks. Just Relax and Happy Reading. 1 % improvement everyday.

Thanks & Regards

Shashank Suresh Shahi

#science #reading #education

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