Sexualities/ Genders That Are Often Confused

Apr 27, 2022

3 min read

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As an omnisexual myself, I just had to put this first. While both of these are VERY similar, there's a key difference that sets them apart. Pansexuals are attracted to all genders but are gender-blind, or in other terms, they basically don't acknowledge genders. Omnisexuals, on the other hand, are attracted to all genders as well, but unlike pans, they DO in fact notice the genders and can have preferences!


This one might not be as confusing, but I myself didn't know this until a few weeks ago! So basically, being asexual isn't not loving anyone at all, no matter what (which is what I thought). Asexuals have no SEXUAL attraction for anyone. Aromantics, on the other hand, don't have any ROMANTIC attraction to anyone. It's possible to be both (which is commonly known as being AroAce) and you can be one and something else, like bisexual!


This is another one I struggled with! But they are different! A non-binary person does not identify with the male/female genders, but is not exactly genderless, as it seems. Being genderless would be agender! I ended up very confused while doing my research, but I respect both! They are both valid!


I was shocked to find out that bisexuals don't have to be attracted to just males and females! Bisexuals can be attracted to 2 or more genders, but not all! Polysexual are also attracted to multiple genders (not all!) but much like pansexuals, they are gender-blind.

The End

I know this article is short, but I really hope this helped you understand some of the LGBTQ+ terms better! And who knows? Maybe this helped you figure out who you really are! :)

I will be posting another article soon about lesser-known sexualities for those who can't find the right label for themselves, or for those who just want to up their vocabulary!

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