Seo-Friendly Quizzes: Optimizing Content With Quizzes

6 months ago

5 min read

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One of the best ways of improving your website's SEO and engaging more and more people who are interested in your content and would like to explore your website further is to include interactive content in your website. One way to do that is by making use of different types of quizzes that are enjoyable for the audience. In this blog post, you will find out how exactly quizzes affect the SEO of your website and learn about different types of interactive quizzes that increase user engagement.

How Quizzes affect SEO

Quizzes provide your website with interactive content. Having interactive content on your website is going to affect the SEO of the website positively and increase the website traffic. Quizzes generally influence the website positively. People who enter your website and get interested in your content, more precisely in your quizzes, are likely to stay and explore your website more. You can create quizzes with the help of the WordPress quiz plugin. Thus, by having interactive content on your website, you are going to attract the audience’s attention and get them interested in your content.

Thus, how exactly quizzes affect SEO? To answer this question, let’s mention separately the ways in which quizzes influence website SEO.

Reduce website bounce rate

One way quizzes affect your website is that they reduce the bounce rate. People click on your quiz and take it, if it’s engaging enough for them, they are likely to try to find out more about your website, it can be participating in other quizzes, or clicking on the quiz recommendation to learn about your products and businesses.

Audience data

Another way quizzes affect your website positively is that they help collect valuable information about your audience. The quizzes require the quiz takers to fill in their names, and email addresses to receive the quiz results via mail. In this way, the businesses get a list of email addresses of their quiz takers. Some quizzes may ask for more than an email address, this helps them gather data about their users.

Increased website traffic

Quizzes increase website traffic, as they provide interactive and fun content for the audience. The audience takes part in the quiz and receives the results and if they enjoyed the process they are likely to share the quiz results on other social media platforms and explore your website to find other quizzes that are enjoyable.

Hence, quizzes positively affect the website SEO, increasing the website traffic, collecting valuable information about the customers, and reducing the website bounce rate. In this way, a bigger audience gets engaged with your content.

Types of Interactive Quizzes for User Engagement

Different types of quizzes are likely to increase the user engagement of your website. People take quizzes for different purposes, it can be for having fun, checking their skills and knowledge, finding out something new about themselves, and so on. Some types of interactive quizzes that improve user engagement on the website are:

Trivia quizzes

Trivia quizzes are fun ways of engaging users. People take trivia quizzes just to enjoy them and good trivia quizzes are likely to keep the audience interested in the website and other quizzes available on your website. Trivia quizzes are usually designed around an exact topic.

Personality quizzes

Personality quizzes are interactive quizzes that require a set of questions about the personality characteristics of the quiz takers. The purpose of these quizzes is to engage people and help them find out more about their personality type or special characteristics that are typical to them. Personality quizzes are one of the most popular types of quizzes, as the majority likes speaking about themselves and answering questions about their personality. For example, you can include in your quizzes dope personality test.

Assessment quizzes

Assessment quizzes are designed to check the knowledge and skills of quiz takers on exact topics. People take these quizzes to check their existing knowledge on exact subjects and find out their skill gaps, also assessment quizzes help them learn something new on exact subjects.

Including any type of these quizzes in your website is going to influence the website positively. To create any type of quiz for your website you need the WordPress quiz plugin. Of course, the choice of the quiz type depends on your goals and preferences. It is also important, what type of website you have and which type of quiz will suit your website the best.

Optimize Quizzes to Increase the Traffic

Now that you know how exactly quizzes affect the website traffic and the website SEO, you may question how one can optimize the quizzes on their website to increase the website traffic. Well, optimizing quizzes for increased website traffic all you need is to do a few things. The things you need to do to have optimized quizzes on your website.

Relevant keywords

The use of relevant keywords in your quizzes is essential, as they play a crucial role in driving traffic to your website. Use the keywords that your target audience is likely to use when searching for your quizzes. To do this you can make use of the keyword research tools to find the keywords that are relevant to your website and the content of your quiz.

Optimized quiz page

It is important to optimize your quiz page. You need to have your quiz page designed in a way that is attractive, relevant, and boosts the interest of the audience. The purpose is to engage as many people as possible.

Shareable results

Make the quiz results shareable for the participants. If the results are optimized and designed in a way that the quiz takers want to share the results on other social media platforms, it is going to raise awareness of the website and engage more people to participate in the quiz.

Mobile-friendly quizzes

Creating mobile-friendly quizzes is also important, as the traffic mainly comes from mobile devices to take part in quizzes. Thus, it is beneficial to have quizzes that are mobile-friendly and easy to use from mobile devices.

Internal links

Use internal links, as they take the audience from one page of your website to another. Internal links increase website traffic, when people participate in your quizzes they may move to other pages by clicking on the internal links to explore more about your website.


To conclude, we can say that quizzes provide the website with interactive content and increase the website traffic. With the help of quizzes, you can improve your website SEO, as quizzes affect the website SEO positively and increase website traffic. Different types of interactive quizzes increase the website traffic and influence the website positively. Hence, you can optimize your content with quizzes, making relevant changes and customization mentioned above.

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