35 Self-Improvement Books To Be An Improved Version Of Yourself

Aug 14, 2021

8 min read

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Self-improvement books are the ones which you can go for when you feel like giving up, want to learn some new skills and feel like that you can’t do it. 

So self-improvement books will give you the motivation that you can do anything if you are willing and also are best for personal growth. It will help you to understand yourself better and will also give you clarity about yourself.

Orison Swett Marden quotes, ‘’There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover and use, would make you everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become."

There are some books which you can take help from if you need to improve or develop yourself. Following is a list of the top best books for self-improvement that you can easily find in a book store near you. 

1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

So, this self-improvement book tells us that everyone has habits. They can be both good and bad but your habits affect your day-to-day activities. 

Many people are not aware of their habits and claim that their habit is permanent but some of them are not aware of their bad habits. So you should check properly about your habits before they create some problem.

2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book explains that people who give their best and do all the required efforts will achieve great and mass fortunes but those who will not do anything won’t be able to find an end.

3. Whatcha Gonna Do With That Duck? by Seth Godin

Whatcha Gonna Do with That Duck is about the uniqueness in you, not perfect as everyone has some or other flaws no one is perfect and consistency is the key if you want to achieve something.

4. Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This self-improvement book deals with the uncertainty of human knowledge that everyone gets an opportunity and chance in life and human are generally unaware of the existence of randomness.

5. The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This book explains that you can live your life to the fullest if you have an abundance of patience, confidence, strength, and consistency.

6. The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide by James Fadiman

The Psychedelic Explorer tells that psychedelic substances and functions of brain and long term effects of psychedelic use of for spiritual(high dose), therapeutic and problem-solving purpose.

7. The Attention Revolution by Alan Wallace

This book tells us that attention is the key through which change is possible and it can be trained too and also it tells us about the bad effects of not focusing on things and meditation can be the one that will help you to gain concentration.

8. The Paleo Manifesto by John Durant

This self-improvement book is on health. The book is not only about how we exercise and what we eat. 

The purpose of this book is a functional movement; not just being healthy but also living a happy and purposeful life is important.

9. Mindsight by Daniel J. Siegel

Mindsight is written by the author of emotional intelligence who asks that do you get angry sometimes without any reason and find it hard to control! Do you get in conflicts easily, do u know why you behave in a specific way and you are unaware that why are you behaving in that way!

So this book will help you to change the wiring of your mind.

10. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book will tell you how to influence people, make friends in a short span, attract people towards you quickly and how to increase your thinking ability. This book has been an inspiration to many.

11. Feeling Good by David D. Burns

Feeling Good is a useful self-improvement book on mental health.

It is for people who are going through stress, anxiety, depression and are feeling low. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is the main theme of the book.

12. Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

Thinking Fast and Slow is a book that tells us why we do rationality and irrationality for eg why we assume that who is looking good can be good competition.

The reason behind this is that we do fast intuitive thinking, slow rational thinking, and also because our mind is prejudice.

13. An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield, Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet & Shou-Ching Jaminet

This self-improvement book is for people who like space, astronomy, planets, etc. 

The author has talked about his experiences from space, training that runs into years, moments, and feelings about his launch, spacewalks, life there, returning to earth, etc.

14. Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell

Failing Forward is about success. This book will tell you how to overcome the fear and to face any obstacle that comes your way. This is how positively this book will influence you.

15. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

This book is all about living and enjoy the present and keep your mind at peace. Challenges do occur but the way you see them and approach them is important. 

This book will help you to look at everything with a positive attitude.

16. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

The Last Lecture is based on real-life experiences faced by his students, his family, and his childhood experiences. It contains a set of instructions that every father must give his child. This self-improvement book is full of inspirational & inspiring stories.

17. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Daring Greatly is a wonderful book. It will help you to face and deal with your emotions which you hide. The triumph of this self-improvement book is to know your emotions and why it is important to know yourself.

18. The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagans

This book is to know about skeptical thinking and critical thinking. This book tells us the role of science in thinking.

19. Philosophy for Life by Jules Evans, Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor. E. Frankl

This book tells how ancient philosophers saved him and how can we feel contentment, be wiser. He tells us a technique that we can use to change ourselves and live a better life. It is very informative and useful.

20. Winning Attitude by Jeff Keller.

Winning Attitude tells us that we must be grateful for everything we have, must have a positive outlook for everything, don’t ever stop putting in efforts, and never give up.

21. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

This self-improvement book focuses on the right approaches. In this, the author certain action plans and step-by-step processes to gain success. 

The Success Principles will change your perception of life and also will give you the courage to lead a successful life.

22. The Only Skill That Matters by Jonathan A. Levi

This book is for people who have high aspirations as it will help you to learn some skills which will help you. It will also help you to improve your set of skills.

23. The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

This self-improvement book will tell you the power of positive thinking is practical to overcome any defeat and win, confidence, success, and joy. If you apply these principles in your life you will see the changes.

24. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

The Magic of Thinking Big will not give you false promises it will give you useful ways like turn defeat into victory, think big dream big, and believe in yourself and success are not far.

25. The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz-

This book explains that managing and maintain energy is a must, not time. The techniques are given to how to recharge your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional energy.

26. The Alter Ego Effect by Todd Herman

The Alter Ego Effect tells us that there is only one person who can move you out of your comfort zone so you can perform at your peak. It’s the best self-improvement book that will help you to overcome negativity, self-doubt and will hold you back.

27. Everything is figureoutable: by Marie Forleo

This self-improvement book will help women to find inspiration and motivation. It will help you to overcome from lack of time and money, how to deal with criticism and how to overcome failure.

28. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

This book tells us that It doesn’t take much just getting criticized, getting into an argument, and making us feel that we are not okay. This book will give you solutions and giving practical guidance.

29. Switch by Dan Heath

This book explains that how to change behavior and deal with a situation. The real-life situations have been explained lucidly.

30. The Happiness Advantage by Work by Shawn Achor

This self-improvement book is on positive psychology as it makes life most worth living, focusing on both individual and societal well-being, and will encourage you to be happy, productive, positive, and purposeful.

31. Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck

Finding Your Own North Star is a book that compasses in your brain and body and will make you think, why you may have spent your life ignoring their signals.

32. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes

This self-improvement book will give you motivation as this is written by a single mother of 3 kids and how she took the opportunities to change her life and that you should accept yourself.

33. Get Out of Your Own Way by Mark Goulston

This book is for practical lessons on how to conquer fear, compulsion, self-pity, anger, guilt, rebellion, and obsession. This is a beautiful book and informative.

34. The Hope Circuit by Martin Seligman

This book is for developing modern psychology and the theme is that how ancient psychology has been replaced with modern psychology.

35. Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott

This self-improvement book is really helpful as it will tell you how to be stress-free, eradicate negativity and relieve anxiety. It includes a practical approach to decluttering, in mind, relationships, surroundings. It talks about mindfulness.

The books on self-improvement are so important as they teach how to love yourself, believe in yourself, be positive, forces you to come out of your comfort zones, and do what you think is impossible.

So do consider these books and give them a try. I know you'll love it. Comment down your experiences if you already read one.

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