30 Rohit Sharma Quotes To Boost Your Morale

Jun 28, 2022

8 min read

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Rohit Sharma is the current captain of the Indian Cricket Team in all formats. Born on 30 April 1987 Rohit Sharma is an international player playing national-level cricket since 2007.

Rohit Gurunath Sharma is considered one of the most outstanding and talented players. He is the captain of the IPL team ' Mumbai Indians ' and he is the only captain to win 5 IPL trophies as captain.

Rohit Sharma was honored with Arjuna Award(2015) and Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna award(2020) and he serves as an idol among the teenagers and his fans are greatly influenced by him.

Here are 30 Rohit Sharma Quotes to boost your morale:

1. No matter how talented you are or naturally gifted you are, there's no substitute for hard work if you got to maintain standards. - Rohit Sharma

This is one of the Rohit Sharma quote inspiring a large number of people. According to this quote hard work is the key to success. As talent is important for succeeding in various fields but it goes hand in hand with hard work. Hard work adds essence to the efforts of a person.

2. You need to realize that you must have something to aim for, something to drive you. - Rohit Sharma

This is another influencing Rohit Sharma quote. This quote tells that to grow in life the main thing is to set an aim for yourself. Setting aims helps you to grow and driving towards a goal taking one step each time helps you conquer.

3. Nothing is easy in cricket. Maybe when you watch it on TV, it looks easy. But it is not. You have to use your brain and time the ball. - Rohit Sharma

Another influencing Rohit Sharma quote says that cricket may look easy when we watch it on TV but in reality, it is not as easy as it seems. Playing cricket is not a cup of tea, it requires complete concentration and years of practice and hard work.

4. You should not remain in your comfort zone, if you want to make it big, you must challenge yourself, get out of your comfort zone, and succeed in doing well outside of your comfort areas. - Rohit Sharma

Next inducing Rohit Sharma's quote tells that if you want to achieve something big in life it is necessary to step out of your comfort zone. The longer you work in your comfort area you will not be able to grow and upgrade your skills so coming out of your comfort zone is a step toward success.

5. Comebacks are not at all easy. After a major surgery, the difficult part is to conquer the inner demons. It's all in mind. Only an individual can overcome his fears. - Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote says that bouncing back to your old self after undergoing surgery is not easy. Self-confidence and self-belief are required to fight our inner demons.

6. every time you play for your Country, there is responsibility. But when you are Captain, you can say so, you have to lead from the front and make sure the team follows the direction you want them to.-Rohit Sharma

Another Rohit Sharma quote says that whenever you are representing your country you must give it your best and when you lead the team the responsibility increases as you have to make sure that the team follows you.

7. Everything that happens in the world right now makes us want to just hold on tight to the ones we love and pray that our time on this planet finds a place of peace and love for every living thing on it.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote says that in the present time when the world is stuck with various deadly diseases each one of us wishes to just be with our loved ones.

8. I am not someone like A.B. de Villers, Gayle, or Dhoni. I don't have that much power. I have to use my brain to manipulate the field and stick to my strength, which is to hit through the lines.-Rohit Sharma

In this quote, Rohit Sharma says that he does not have the power like star players he has to use his brain to enhance his strength on the field. It is another Rohit Sharma quote.

9. No better feeling than holding that little finger and asking her about her day.-Rohit Sharma

In this Rohit Sharma quote, Rohit says that there is no better feeling than asking our kids about their day by holding their little hands.

10. Going low only to push yourself higher.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote tells us that sometimes to fly high we need to take a back step just like before a lion takes a step back before attacking his prey.

11. The real challenge is not to face the world outside, but to take the first step in challenging yourself. -Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote says that it is more important to fight against your inner demons and accept challenges rather than facing the world.

12. Always hold on to what you love.-Rohit Sharma

This is a Rohit Sharma quote that tells you to always have a tight grip on the things you love.

13. Months of uncertainty and hard work, and it all boils down to this very moment, the moment that makes us who we are.

-Rohit Sharma

Hard work drives you to what you achieve in life. Days and months of hard work nurture your success and makes you what you are today. This is yet another Rohit Sharma quote.

14. To make this world a better place we need compassion but we also need accountability for our actions.-Rohit Sharma

Another motivating Rohit Sharma quote is that along with compassion our concentration on what we do is required to make the world a better place. Taking responsibility for our actions is the most important thing to do.

15. It's a cliche, but you will always be your most fierce competitor.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote tells that a person's biggest competitor is the person himself. Before fighting anyone else we need to fight against our fears and insecurities.

16. Music can change the world because it can change people. -Rohit Sharma

Music is a perfect healer and the best supporter. It has the power to change the world. This is another Rohit Sharma quote.

17. Gratitude to all the coaches, teachers, and mentors of the game who helped me understand this game better.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote tells us that it is necessary to pay gratitude to all our teachers and mentors because they are the ones who made us what we are today. They help us grow and move towards our success.

18. Some of the most inspiring people in my life are the women in it. I have always found that they carry so much power in the roles they played in life. -Rohit Sharma

Women are the strongest pillars of society. They carry a lot of power and inspire people with their deeds. Women's support whether from a mother, sister, wife, or a true friend gives more strength to move ahead. This is an inducing Rohit Sharma quote.

19. If you want to learn to be happy, let a kid remind you how.-Rohit Sharma

A kid is the purest soul and they are away from all the negativity. Just spending time with a kid can make you happy. This Rohit Sharma quote says that whenever you feel something missing and want to learn to be happy again let a kid help you with it.

20. Hit the gym like it's a short ball.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote says that going to the gym is just like hitting a short ball for a cricketer.

21. People are impatient. They want things to happen overnight and have no idea of the circumstances and situations that can surround an individual at times.

-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote tells us that success doesn't come overnight. One needs to keep patience and handle situations precisely and wait for success to knock on our doors.

22. Isn't blue such a good color? Let's try and keep it that way.-Rohit Sharma

23. There are things we control-but things that are not in control, no point wasting time and energy on that.-Rohit Sharma

Through this Rohit Sharma quote, it is said that there are many things we have control over but there are also certain things that we are unable to control. So despite wasting time on these things it is better to focus on the things we can control. As situations are less about what happened and more about how we react to them.

24. Your wings already exist, you just have to fly.-Rohit Sharma

This is another Rohit Sharma quote that strengthens your morale. It says that everyone has wings it depends on us how early we learn to use them.

25. Nothing better than connecting with nature on a rest day.-Rohit Sharma

Nature is one of the best healers and gives immense peace. This Rohit Sharma quote tells that nature and a rest day are the best combination. It is enough for relaxing a person's mind.

26. High time we realize the value and prominence of women in our lives and respect their presence.-Rohit Sharma

Each individual must realize the value of women in their lives. Respecting the presence of women is necessary. This is another Rohit Sharma quote.

27. Process of preparation is based on conditions, not opposition.-Rohit Sharma

This is another motivating Rohit Sharma quote. It says our preparation is independent of the opposition and depends on the conditions through which we step towards our goals.

28. I'm learning from my past mistakes and trying to correct them as I move forward.-Rohit Sharma

To improve and grow it is necessary to learn from past mistakes and work on them to get better. This is another inducing Rohit Sharma quote.

29. Pride, love, and passion for India.-Rohit Sharma

While playing for your country the things that overpower a player's brain and heart is pride, love, and passion.

30. We have a lot of freedom to express ourselves.-Rohit Sharma

This Rohit Sharma quote says that everyone has the freedom and the right to express themselves.

All these quotes strengthen your morale. Sometimes good quotes help in getting motivation and at times help in starting fresh when a person loses hope.

Rohit Sharma has a class in whatever stuff he does, be it batting, be it captaincy, be it interviews, simply all. No wonder why he is adored so much all around the world. His words are wise and inspirational. So, comment down your favorite Rohit Sharma quote and let us know how he has impacted your life or motivated you.

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