5 Reasons Sarcasm Is Good

Jul 13, 2022

4 min read

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People who are very sarcastic or use sarcastic humor can sometimes be misunderstood or taken the wrong way.

People can sometimes be seen as being immature or even negative people. However, sarcasm used correctly, is far from immature or even being negative.

Here, in this post, I want to show you how sarcastic people can actually be good for you. Take into mind that this is using sarcasm as a way to be funny, not to be negative or bring someone down.

#1 People Who Are Sarcastic Can Be More Understanding

A research study was conducted at Rambam Medical Centre and it was found that people who use sarcasm have a lot of interpersonal sensibilities and that sarcasm itself requires a great deal of complex thinking.

People who use sarcasm are often able to understand the mental states of other people. This is also an aspect that is related to social cognition. In order for someone to understand sarcasm, it requires both the person’s ability to understand and identify emotions.

This gives a direct contradiction to the notion that sarcastic people are cold and detached.

#2 Sarcasm Improves Creativity

A report was published by Scientific American that shows that people who are exposed to sarcasm often tend to perform better on creative tasks.

The reason behind this is believed to be that when we are engaged in sarcasm, our brains need to be able to think creatively in order to differentiate the difference between the literal meanings and the actual meanings of what is being said.

This triggers, and enhances, the areas of the brain that are linked to our creative thoughts.

So, that being said, as long as it’s in good humor and meant well, you may want to give your sarcastic friend or friends a pat on the back and keep them around.

#3 Being Able To Understand Sarcasm Indicates A Healthy Brain

There have been MRI scans done that show people who have the inability to comprehend and understand sarcasm can be an early warning sign of brain disease.

Along with that topic, there is a sarcasm test which is one of the very few brain exercises available that can actually give some prediction to dementia.

#4 Sarcasm Is Actually An Evolutionary Survival Skill

Whether you believe in Creationism or Evolutionism, we humans have been around long enough that from the time we came to be until now, we have definitely evolved over the thousands of years in many ways.

During that time we have been able to get rid of unhelpful traits, for the most part. So if sarcasm is not good for us, why is it still around and often common?

As I hope you have started to see from what you’ve read so far, this is because it is helpful!

There is a Neuropsychologist from the University of California, who has recently discovered that sarcasm, surprisingly enough, has been a fundamental part of our human interactions for thousands of years.

#5 Sarcasm Demonstrates Affection

Ok, I know after reading that headline you’re probably thinking, “Wait, what? How can that possibly show affection?”

When used in a positive way, and you really think about it, people who use sarcasm are often doing it to tease someone in good nature.

I’m sure that you’ve noticed in life that we often tend to tease the ones we love. Sarcasm is another form of teasing those loved ones.

While there is negative and destructive sarcasm, I am talking about positive and good-natured sarcasm. It can often act as a bridge to connect people together when done in good humor.

An example I can personally give of this, as I am a very sarcastic person, is my workplace.

There are many times that I will start my shift and everyone seems to be in a bad mood. I pick my timing and will make sarcastic comments and jokes, all in good humor, and within minutes I can see the stress melting away and the smiles starting to come out.

I think my name has started to become a verb at work. I often get the response of “Richard!” even though they roll their eyes at me, smile, and sometimes chuckle or laugh.

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