Ready for "The Weekend!"

Dec 9, 2022

5 min read

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Welcome back all! I'm here again with another RecappeD! This time I'll be utilizing the special set of skills I've accumulated as a professional couch critic to explore the musical universe of the artist Sza!

From Ctrl to SOS:

We live in a society where almost everyone agrees that there are no sequels, or sophomore albums, better than the original. In that type of climate, you have to respect an artist that takes the time to develop and curate their next projects to make sure that they're giving listeners an experience rather than just trying to make the numbers move on the chart or in the bank. It's been 5 years since Sza's debut album first dropped and now that we've arrived at the eve of its follow up, I felt like now was the best time to really chronicle the masterpiece that was Ctrl!

I was just turning 20 in 2017, and while I wish I could say that I was on this road to building a better me, but honestly, I was lost, just trying to finish that last stretch of college after being burnt out way too early on. Being lost like that, it can create this sense of loneliness, it's like it starts to seem like everyone has it together except for you, Ctrl was a breath of fresh air. It was nice that a complete body of work left me with the impression that there was someone out there who was like me, they were anxious, and lost, and they didn't always know if they were going to make it, the whole time just trying to carve out a little piece of control. So, to properly celebrate her return, I want to give my top 4 songs from "Ctrl" and my hopes for "SOS."

The Hit List:

This song is only number 4 on the list because it tends to get me in my feels, however that does not take away from how good this song is! Twenty Somethings is an anthem, an ode to all those who are blessed and cursed to go through the tailspin that is your twenties! The coming of age that happens as you have to transition into adulthood and handle more responsibility than ever is perfectly captured, as well as the hope that one has to hold on to that this turbulent, ever shifting time, just doesn't kill you!

Now as we move up on our list to number 3 we really start cooking with gas! Normal Girl was the track that really made me feel seen! I mean, deep down, who doesn't want to be "normal," and yes I know that positivity culture will lead you to believe that it's all about being you! However, if being you always makes you feel isolated or misunderstood, then you'll understand the message of Normal Girl! It's not about trying to fit in, it's about wishing that you could just float along, not questioning every decision and action, not always feeling like you're failing at being. It truly was one of the standouts on the album.

Number 2 on our list and I'll be completely transparent in saying that this track is so high up because to me the melody is infectious! For some reason it always gets me out of my seat and on to my feet. The true reason though, that I love this song is because the concept of wasted time is always something I'm grappling with! As an overthinker, I can't help but to feel like every day I haven't become some pseudo famous millionaire who can take care of my loved ones I've wasted the day. It was nice to not just see a mirror for this feeling, but to also see that there is a silver lining in all things. While you can see the person singing as someone who's wasting time working dead end shifts and just trying to make it to a smoke break, what I saw was someone who never had to go back to the strip club and who had moved on for the better from an ex. Just because you feel like you're wasting time, it doesn't mean you haven't grown and evolved from the past!

Now, the moment I've been waiting for! Number one, the song that I felt stood out the most on Ctrl was none other than "Go Gina." I'll never forget hearing it for the first time and falling in love with the melodies and rhythms, the second time dissecting the lyrics and again feeling touched and personally attacked at the same time, but the true standout moment for this song was the Breakfast Club interview where she explains the inspiration behind the track. She said when she thought about Gina from Martin, she always saw her as beautiful and talented, but she just always felt like she could have so much more fun if she relaxed and acted more like Pam. I instantly understood where she was coming from, Gina cared, she cared about how she looked to others, a fairly common trait. The song is about someone who's put way too many expectations on themselves, and now they have to wonder if their life has been a mess because life is hard, or because they spend too much time ripping themselves to shreds and trying to be perfect! This song deserves to be number 1 because I feel like no matter who you are, you can relate to the frustration that is failing yourself constantly because your expectations are for you to be perfect!! This song was a perfect expression of that! Also, major points for the Martin reference!

SOS Era Loading:

Ctrl made me feel seen, it expressed a lot of the angst and confusion that I had been going through as a 20 something going through the rollercoaster of life. My hopes is that this SOS era is a continuation of Sza's ability to relate to her audience, while also evolving her sound and musical persona. I hope to get all of the angst-ridden ballads that fuel my emotional side, while also hearing a few pick me up tracks that give the feeling of hope for better! So, that's how I feel about Ctrl and SOS, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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