Psychological Attributes

Nov 2, 2022

3 min read

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“Like the five fingers of our hand there are differences among individuals as well” – Justify this statement with the help of at least 5 psychological attributes.

Introduction- I totally agree with the fact that “like the five fingers of our hand there are difference among individual as well”.

The statement given above can be justified by the psychological attributes

Following are the five psychological attributes to explain individual differences.

1.     Aptitude refers to an individual’s underlying potential for acquiring skills. Aptitude tests are used to predict what an individual will be able to do if given proper environment and training.


1) Training a person who is very eloquent with good language aptitude can help him become a good writer.

2)  My friend Samay is a brilliant student since school time. He could understand and solve any math's problem easily. When he entered in college he opted for Engineering and it helped him to know more about different aspects of mathematical problems which enhanced his Analytical aptitude skills. Now he is a very successful engineer and he also teaches math's to graduate level students.

3) Recently I have started to learn Korean language. While learning this language I came to know that I could memorize phrases and words with ease. The type of aptitude which I have can be called as linguistic Aptitude.

2. Interest – It is an individual’s preference for engaging in one or more specific activities relative to others.


1)Since I have graduated, my field of interest was to teach school children which helped me to choose my career as a teacher. 

2) Sir APJ Abdul kalam, who was interested in aerospace since childhood. His interest in the field of aerospace leads him to become a very eminent scientist of India when he joined ISRO.

3) Sachin Tendulkar who was interested in playing cricket since childhood. It Led him to become a world-famous cricketer in the world.

3. Personality – It refers to relatively enduring characteristics of a person that make her or him distinct from others.


1)One of my friends has a very aggressive personality. She gets angry on small things like if she has a bad day then she will aggressively talk to us or use harsh words.

2) Sana who is science graduate student, helps an orphanage by teaching their children math's and science for free. She has a very helping personality.

3) Rohit who was my classmate, had a very social behaviour, He enjoyed doing variety of task like taking part in college competition or being a part of college committee. His personality was of an extrovert.

4. Values-Values are enduring beliefs about an ideal mode of behaviour.


1)In my family we do worship god but my uncle, he is a very religious person as compared to others in family. He values religion more than other things.

2) As for me, I value Happiness over other things.

3) One of my friend values financial securities as a very important part of her life. Because earlier in her life she has faced many financial crises.

5. Self Esteem- In psychology the term self-esteem is used to describe a person's overall subjective sense of personal worth or value.


1)   Riya Avoid dwelling on past negative experiences and have a positive outlook on life, in this case Riya has healthy self-esteem.

2)     Sneha was frequently experience fear, self-doubt, and worry in front of the class when any question is asked by the teacher, in this case we can say that she has a very low Self-esteem.

3)     Kirti focuses on always being right and she believes that she is more skilled or better than others, here we can say that Kirti has Excessive Self-Esteem

-Anjali Mishra

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