Promote Your Book With Videos on Youtube - Book Advertising Tips

Nov 17, 2022

4 min read

Write your own content on FeedingTrends

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the book advertising world. It is a social media site that allows users to upload, view and share videos. YouTube is also a video-sharing platform on which you can promote your book by uploading videos and making them available for free viewing.

You should start by figuring out what your audience would be interested in watching about your book. If you have written a fiction novel, you could create a trailer that includes scenes from the story or interviews with others who have read it. If you have written an autobiography, you could show scenes from your life and talk about what lessons are learned from those experiences.

If you are promoting a nonfiction book, then do something like an informational video or Q & A session where people can ask questions about the topic of your book directly to the author or publishing company representative.

Why set up a YouTube channel

  • With over 30 million daily visits, YouTube has surpassed Google as one of the most popular search engines. Every day, about 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube.

  • The content is searchable, and technology is catching up to text searches. Choose a long-tail search phrase or keyword for your video and include it in the title, script, and description. You may also include up to 15 hashtags in the description on YouTube.

  • Everything you film on video can be posted to YouTube to help you form relationships with your readers, and you can then construct playlists to connect your material.

  • A YouTube series is an excellent approach to convert one-time visitors into channel members who will stick with you in the long run, allowing you to advertise additional books or new services to them. Begin with a YouTube Premiere timed to coincide with your book launch or publishing date.

  • Your social media followers will have an additional opportunity to connect with your book or business content: you may perform readings, presentations, and observations from your area.

  • Once you have over 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 viewed hours (within a year), you may apply to be a member of the YouTube partner programme and earn book advertising money. This provides you with an additional revenue source in addition to book sales.

What content to include in your videos

You can provide a synopsis of the book. In nonfiction, it's helpful to explain why the book will be of interest to the reader and what it's about. It's critical to convey what they'll learn from reading business literature. Then you may construct a mini-series that delves further into a topic than you did in the book. You may give a character backstory in fiction works, providing your readers greater insight into why a character behaves the way they do. You could even create a book trailer by casting 'actors' for each role.

How to make your videos look more professional

Give readings from your work or talk about the characters as an author. Nothing is wrong with talking head videos. However, Savvy Book Marketing has several tools and techniques to help you make your films appear more professional.

  • Use a technology like Loom to show material - cutaway photographs or images - alongside your speaking.

  • If the video is going to be shared on social media, include subtitles to prevent people from playing the loud version.

  • Use your webcam at an eye-line level in good light, so no curious angles or shadows affect the image.

  • Remember that certain networks (such as LinkedIn) use the first frame as a thumbnail, so place a branded graphic in front of your film to entice users to watch it. (Sorry, but your face may not entice viewers!)

  • Consider the background; if you're talking, you may dress yourself and/or construct a tiny set environment to make the video more aesthetically appealing.

  • Script the film and take a presentation skills course to help you talk clearly and professionally.

  • Basic editing skills will help you improve the videos, but if your approach is more conversational, you can shoot them in a single take.

If you decide to employ a professional videographer, search for a local company with a good reputation rather than paying for travel expenses. Consider going to a specialised studio where the equipment is already set up.

No.1 Book Publishing Company - Savvy Book Marketing

Savvy Book Marketing is a leading book publishing company specialising in book marketing and distribution. They have been in business for more than 20 years and have helped many authors publish their work, find an audience, and sell more books. The company has also helped countless bookstores find new inventories to sell, as well as helping readers find new authors to read.

The company offers a wide range of services to help authors publish their work, including editing, design, printing, marketing, distribution, and more. They also offer traditional publishing packages for those who want to maintain all rights to their work and keep it out of the hands of publishers. Savvy Book Marketing offers services for book distribution and marketing, as well as organising author events. They focus on high-quality work and will only publish works that meet their standards. They also provide a number of publishing services in addition to their book marketing and distribution expertise. The company is based in the UK but can offer these services internationally. Their clients include many authors who have gone on to achieve great success.

Write your own content on FeedingTrends