Prayer Performing Method According to Tafseer-E-Quran

6 months ago

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Prayer is the global language of the soul that cuts over national boundaries and cultural barriers to facilitate communication between people and the almighty. In this piece, we explore the prayer technique as explained in the Tafseer e Quran, revealing its deep meaning and tenets.

Tafseer ul Quran

The term "Tafseer ul Quran" describes the interpretation or exegesis of the text of the Quran. It explores the intricacies, settings, and meanings of the verses, offering priceless insights into the meaning of the Bible.

The Significance of Prayer

In Islam, prayer is very important since it is a direct channel of communication with Allah (SWT). It encourages attention, spiritual development, and a sense of being in touch with the divine.

Steps to Perform Prayer according to Tafseer ul Quran

Ritual Purity: A Prerequisite

It is necessary to achieve ceremonial cleanliness through ablution (Wudu) or full-body bathing (Ghusl) prior to praying, which represents both spiritual and physical purification.

Facing the Qiblah: Orienting Towards the Divine

Aligning the worshiper's focus towards the sacred core of Islam, the Kaaba in Mecca, represents unity and reverence.

Takbir: Beginning the Hajj

Setting the tone for prayer, the worshiper begins with the declaration Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest), which brings them into a state of attentiveness and submission.

Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha

By reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, one can develop a close relationship with Allah and ask for guidance and blessings for their prayers.

Sujood and Ruku: Prostration and Bowing

Invoking the essence of servitude, bowing (Ruku) and prostrating (Sujood) signify humility and surrender as the worshiper fully submits to Allah's will.


After completing the prescribed units of prayer, the worshiper sits briefly and recites the Tashahhud, a declaration of faith.

Completion and Tasleem: 

The prayer concludes with the worshiper turning their head to the right and left, saying "Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah" (peace and mercy of Allah be upon you) to both sides.

Purification: A Spiritual Cleanse

Wudu: Customary Discharge

Before praying, Wudu entails washing particular body parts in a set way, signifying the purity of the body and soul.

Ghusl: Total Sanctification of the Soul

Ghusl is a full-body wash that symbolizes a thorough spiritual cleansing. It is usually done after significant impurity or before specific acts of worship.

Finding Tranquility in Postures in light of Quranic Tafseer

Standing: A Sign of Power

Standing in prayer is a symbol of fortitude and perseverance that reflects the worshiper's unwavering faith and dedication to their spiritual path.

Bowing: Giving in and yielding

When a worshiper bends in prayer, they are humbling themselves before Allah and confessing His magnificence and mercy. This shows submission to Allah's will.

Demonstration: Reaching the Core

In prostration, the worshiper lowers themselves to the ground, signifying humility and adoration towards Allah. This is the pinnacle of submission and devotion.

Reciting the Verses: Connecting with the Divine

Quran Recitation: Soul's Melodies

Quran recitation during prayer satisfies a religious requirement while simultaneously nourishing the spirit since the words' rhythmic cadence strikes a deep chord in the heart.

Thinking and Pondering: Examining the Significances

Understanding the meanings of the verses deepens one's spiritual experience and promotes inner serenity and a closer relationship with Allah.

Du'a: The Heartfelt Conversation


The Language of the Heart Du'a, or supplication, is a sincere dialogue in which the worshiper shares their wants, desires, and thanks to Allah, creating a strong connection with the Almighty.

Personal Provocation: Close Bonding

Personal dua promotes closeness and trust in the worshiper's relationship with Allah by enabling them to communicate their deepest feelings and ideas.


In summary, Tafseer ul Quran's approach to prayer includes significant spiritual exercises and rituals that uplift the soul and strengthen a person's relationship with God. In the fast-growing world, there are different online platforms like eQuranekareem and apps that provide Quranic Tafseer courses. Through comprehending the importance of every step and accepting the fundamental nature of prayer, followers of Christ can set out on a life-changing path toward enlightenment and spiritual development.


Tafseer ul Quran: What is it?

Tafseer e Quran is the interpretation, or exegesis, of the text of the Quran, examining its meanings, contexts, and subtleties in order to extract valuable lessons and direction.

Why is purification necessary before prayer?

Purification, through ablution (Wudu) or full-body bathing (Ghusl), is essential before prayer to symbolize spiritual cleanliness and readiness to engage in worship.

What is the significance of facing the Qiblah during prayer?

Facing the Qiblah, the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, symbolizes unity and reverence among Muslims worldwide, aligning the worshiper's focus towards the sacred center of Islam.

How does prayer foster spiritual growth?

Prayer fosters spiritual growth by nurturing mindfulness, humility, and a deep sense of connection to Allah (SWT), guiding believers on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment

 What role does Du'a play in prayer? 

Du'a, or supplication, serves as a heartfelt conversation with Allah, allowing believers to express their needs, hopes, and gratitude, forging a profound and intimate connection with the Creator.

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