Powers I Got After Writing for 200 Days

Jul 9, 2022

3 min read

Write your own content on FeedingTrends

— Shaping my thoughts into words became easier.

— Conveying a message/opinion actually became a piece of a cake.

— My vocabulary enhanced.

— Playing with words became trouble-free.

Do you think writing is hard? Do you think only people with innate qualities can write? Do you think you are not born with these qualities? You are not alone. I used to think the same some 200 days ago. I won’t call myself Ernest Hemingway or Charles Dickens but I will say, I can write. In these 200 days, I explored writing. I played with words and experimented with sentences. Although It was a hell of a challenge, what kept me going was this day. When I put my fingers on the keyboard and the words are already on the screen. Yes, It’s magic and you can be a magician too.

Commitment To Write and Read Every Day

Maintaining Snapchat streaks is easy and rewarding. Our brain is constantly looking for rewards. That’s why scrolling is too addictive. We crave short-term rewards. Something named long-term reward seems a boring idea. Anything that does not promise quick rewards is boring. That’s the reason It becomes hard for an average person to be consistent at anything. They say consistency is the key. But what’s the key to consistency? No one talks about that.

The key to consistency is convincing your brain to value long-term rewards. It’s a reward you get in the future, working hard in the present. Understand this and It will help you to be consistent in everything. A key to committing to writing every single day.

Set a reminder for the next 200 days. Ask yourself, how many words I want to write today? 500? 200? 100? Or just a sentence. It doesn’t matter how many words you write as long as you are writing. What makes a writer great? Playing with words every day.

Read whatever you get your hands on. Blog posts, novels, website content, wrappers, descriptions behind products everything will enhance your vocabulary. Keep a journal to write new words you learn, skim through the journal once a week and use those words in your writings. Every new word you learn is a new way to shape your thoughts into writing.

Writing Is Not Just Making Sentences.

When I started with this challenge I thought of writing as jotting down words together. After a few weeks of writing and reading every day, I realized It’s not just that. Especially If you are writing for an audience your writing should be made easy to understand. It should present the information, idea, or anything on a plate for an audience to consume. How do you do that? By knowing your audience. Have you noticed how we talk differently with different age groups of people? For instance, you won’t use the same vocabulary talking with kids that you’d normally use in your research paper. Writing is the same. You are making a conversation with your audience. It’s better to know them.

Write your own content on FeedingTrends