Pili Nuts: Nutrition Facts and Natural Benefits

Jun 27, 2023

7 min read

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Pili nut is a fruit that is derived from a Pili tree. These are tall trees that are cultivated in the Philippines for these nuts. Its shape is like a teardrop. You can imagine them to be miniature avocados. They are dark in color and crunchy in texture. These nuts have a size of around 1-3 inches. They have a hard outer shell that protects the nut just like a walnut. The scientific name of the Pili tree is Canarium ovatum. These trees can be found in Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. 

As we all know that nuts are a high source of fiber and other nutrients. Pili Nuts are no less than nutritious dry fruit. These nuts remain edible for a very long period, just like dry fruits. And they contain a lot of nutritional value. We will be looking into each one of them one by one.

There are a lot of ways Pili nuts can be consumed. If you want to add more variety to your dry fruits apart from almonds, Cashew, Raisin, and pistachio, Pili Nuts can be the next option. You can easily take a handful of Pili nuts for a snack. If you like, you can roast it and consume it with salt or whatever flavor you like. You can also get a large variety of options in the market for flavored pili nuts. If you like it, you can also put it in some dishes or pudding. It is widely used in Filipino recipes.

Nutritional Properties of Pili Nuts

As per USDA, 100 grams of Pili Nuts hold the following nutritional values:

  • Energy: 719 kCal

  • Water: 2.77g

  • Protein: 10.8g

  • Total lipid (fat): 79.6g

  • Carbohydrates: 3.98g

  • Manganese: 2.31mg

  • Calcium: 145mg

  • Iron: 3.53mg

  • Magnesium: 302mg

  • Phosphorus: 575mg

  • Potassium: 507mg

  • Sodium: 3mg

Health Benefits of Pili Nuts

Being a nut naturally brings a lot of health benefits. There are a variety of nutrients and benefits that make it recommended for consumption. The Pili nuts work as a large energy source. The components consisting of the nuts make it helpful in various situations. Some various conditions or diseases can be improved or prevented by including Pili Nuts in your diet. As it contains very less fat and very high energy, it can also be inculcated in the diet if you have a strict dietary routine. 

An Excellent Vitamin E Source

Pili nuts have a good amount of vitamin E nutrients. This helps us improve the health of our skin and eyes. It also helps the growth and health of your hair. It helps improve the internal defense mechanism and improve the antioxidants in the body. It also helps in reducing oxidative stress. This can also help cure some cases of liver diseases, specifically non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (a condition where fat starts to accumulate in the liver). 

There are many other benefits of vitamin E like improving cramp pains for women during their menstrual cycle, and might also help improve cognitive skills. 

Helps Reduce Cholesterol Levels

As recommended by the USDA, the National Academies' recommendation includes consumption of trans fat and dietary cholesterol to be as low as possible without compromising the nutritional adequacy of the diet. Taking this into consideration, it makes it very important for all of us to plan our diets in such a way as to lower cholesterol or fat intake. Pili Nuts, having cholesterol as low as 3.98g in 100g, is a very safe amount. 

Improves Bone Health

The element Magnesium is responsible for the amount of vitamin D and calcium regulation in our body. As we can see in the chart, Pili nuts contain a good amount of Magnesium making them a very healthy food product. Especially for bone health, components like Magnesium, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus are responsible. Fortunately Pili nuts contain all of these components. Hence making it very beneficial for bone health.

Good for Heart Health

Pili nuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids. This component helps the human body to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to the amount of unhealthy food intake all around us, a large number of people are facing heart problems. We need to take things under control. That can be done only if we start paying attention to what we are putting in our bodies.

Due to the presence of omega 3 fatty acids, various other benefits are provided. It reduces the risk of abnormal heart rhythm. It prevents blood clotting. It helps keep the arteries smooth and lower blood pressure.

Helps Improve Immune System

The presence of Vitamin E makes it very rich in antioxidants. The presence of antioxidants improves the inner body's fighting strength. It helps the immune system in fighting off any foreign particles. This helps fight off any infection. So, if you are very prone to getting sick, this is because you have a low immune system. It would be very helpful if you start including Vitamin E-rich products in your diet.

Improves Digestion

There is a natural fiber presence in Pili nuts. This presence of fiber makes it very helpful for indigestion. It helps improve your digestive system. Intake of Pili Nuts can provide help in conditions like constipation and hemorrhoids.

Simple Homemade recipes using Pili Seeds

There are various ways of consuming Pili seeds. Eating it raw as a snack is an option. Although, let’s try a few simple recipes in which Pili seeds can be used.

Here I have mentioned some of the Filipino cuisines. It will give you an idea of how it is traditionally used. You can customize it according to your taste palette. So, let’s move to the kitchen.

1. Pili Nut Cake

We all love a good cake. And it becomes even better when it is healthy. Here we have a healthy Pili Nut cake recipe that you and your family can enjoy. This recipe would take almost 50 minutes, including the baking time. So, let's get into the cake.


  • All-purpose flour: 3½ cups

  • Baking powder: 2 tsp

  • Eggs: 7 large 

  • Unsalted butter: 2 cups

  • White sugar: 3 cups

  • Vanilla extract: ½ tbsp

  • Milk: ½ cup 

  • Pili nuts (chopped): ½ cup 

  • Pili nuts (sliced to half lengthwise): 3 cups 

  • Light brown sugar: ¼ cup

  • Salt: ¼ tsp

  • Oil: 2 tsp


  1. Preheat the oven to 325℉.

  2. Take around a 10 inch round cake pan, and grease it properly with oil

  3. Put in sifted flour, salt, and baking powder in a separate bowl.

  4. In a blender put the butter with eggs and sugar until it is fluffy and soft.

  5. Gradually add the dry ingredients and milk, and the chopped pili nuts.

  6. When all the ingredients are well incorporated, and a batter is made, turn off the blender.

  7. Shift this batter to the cake pan.

  8. Sprinkle the Pili Nuts that have been sliced lengthwise.

  9. Also, sprinkle the light brown sugar.

  10. Cover the pan with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

  11. After 20 minutes remove the foil and bake for another 20 to 30 minutes.

  12. Insert a toothpick to check if the cake is done from inside.

  13. When done, place the cake pan outside to cool it down.

  14. Once it is cool you can pull out the cake and serve it with whipped cream.

2. Pili Nut Brittle

Follow the given steps to make the pili nut brittle.


  • Pili nuts (blanched and shelled raw): 2 cups

  • Butter (softened): 3 tbsp

  • Baking soda: 1/2 tsp

  • White sugar: 2 tbsp

  • Light syrup: 2 tbsp

  • Cooking oil for frying


  1. Put the pili nuts in the sun to dry off.

  2. Combine the baking soda with the butter 

  3. Spread half of the mixture on a marble slab and set aside.

  4. In a frying pan fry the nuts on low heat, until golden brown.

  5. Add the white sugar to the pan.

  6. Add the syrup, and continue frying until medium brown.

  7. Remove the nuts from the oil and spread them on the marble slab with butter spread.

  8. Brush the remaining butter mixture onto the nuts.

  9. When the nuts slightly cool down, cut them into pieces, while it is still a little warm.

Potential Side Effects and Usage Tips

Whenever you are trying something new for the first time, it is always recommended to be sure about your allergies. If you are allergic to some food component, it doesn’t matter how nutritious it is. It will cause you trouble. If you are not sure about it, you can find out by an oral test with an allergist. If you are allergic to it, you might get symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, or sudden itching in the mouth, or eyes. If such a situation occurs, immediately contact your doctor, as it might sometimes become serious.

Also, it is very important to note that if you are in general allergic to dry fruits or tree nuts. You should avoid the consumption of Pili Nuts. If you are unsure about it, consult your doctor.


Pili nuts are very healthy nuts. It is considered to be one of the most nutritious among the other nuts. The health benefits of this nut have been mentioned above. Pili Nuts are a very good source of vitamin A and have a large amount of energy content that gives an energy boost to the body. Apart from that, there are various health benefits like it may help reduce cholesterol levels, improve bone health, and be good for heart health. It also is very helpful in improving Digestion and the immune system.

Pili nuts have a hard outer shell that protects the nut just like a walnut. The scientific name of the Pili tree is Canarium ovatum. These trees are native to the Philippines. Although you must be careful before consuming the pili nut. You need to be sure that you are not allergic to the nut. If you are allergic to it, you might get symptoms like abdominal pain, vomiting, or sudden itching in the mouth, through, or eyes. If such a situation occurs, immediately contact your doctor, as it might sometimes become serious.

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