Performing Umrah in Ramadan: A Spiritual Oasis

5 months ago

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Every year millions of Muslims from all over the world, go to Saudi Arabia to perform Umrah. This is not just a worship by Muslims but a self-devotion to their Lord (Allah).  If we go deep into its literal meaning, Umrah means “lesser or minor pilgrimage.” In this pilgrimage, Muslims go to Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah to see the holy “Kaabah.” Umrah is not just about the travel journey, it’s the journey of faith, belief, and a journey to seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT). Ramadan is the most sacred month of the Islamic religion.

Performing Umrah in Ramadan has a significant value for Muslims because Muslims believe that performing Umrah in the holy month of Ramadan will bring more blessings, happiness, and forgiveness for them. Let's explore the significance of doing Umrah in Ramadan in more detail.

What Is Different About Umrah During Ramadan?

Visiting Makkah and Madinah during the holy month of Ramadan is a spiritual and enjoyable experience. This makes an Umrah during Ramadan a journey that you will never forget. People on the Umrah can visit the Prophet's Mosque in Madina and the Grand Mosque in Makkah this Ramadan.

Muslims want to spend the holy days of Ramadan in the Holy Land so desperately that they book their Umrah through multiple international travel companies through Ramadan Umrah packages. During this month, millions of Muslims go to perform Umrah because they want to spend their fasting days in front of their Lord (Allah). Everyone who is a Muslim must do the Hajj and the Umrah. There is nothing like being in Makkah and Madinah during the holy month of fasting. Doing Umrah during Ramadan is the most spiritual and exciting thing you can do.

Ramadan, also known as Ramadhan or Ramazan, is a 30-day time in the Islamic calendar during which Muslims worldwide fast from sunrise to sunset. This month, all adult Muslims, both men and women, are expected to fast. Kids who want to fast from morning to sunset do so with the same zeal and excitement as their parents, even though they are not forced to. 

What is the Concept of Hajj?

Hajj is an integral part of Islam, just like fasting during Ramadan. According to Muslim belief, all Muslims who are healthy and have enough money must go to Makkah to perform Hajj. The Hajj is always done in Dhul Hijjah, also written as Zul Hijjah or Zul Hajj. It is the 12th and last month of the Islamic calendar. The Hajj is done to remember the sacrifices that Prophet Ibrahim, his beloved wife Hager also called Hajra, and their son, Prophet Ismael, made. Every year, about 2.5 million Muslims go on the Hajj. 

What is the Concept of Umrah?

Anyone can do Umrah, also called the "lesser Hajj," whenever they want. On the other hand, Hajj is a holy journey done every year in the month of Dhul Hijjah. The main practice takes place on the ninth of that month. Muslims from all over the world do Umrah in Saudi Arabia every year. The time and cost of their Umrah journey are different according to their budget and the package they select.

Is there any reason to do Umrah during Ramadan?

Another great reason to do Umrah during Ramadan is that it has more blessings and rewards. This is one of the best things about performing Umrah during this holy month. Performing Umrah during Ramadan does not excuse you from performing Hajj at the right time. Hajj is an obligatory duty for all Muslims who have sufficient money to bear the cost of Hajj. On the contrary, it is meant to stress how important it is to do Umrah during Ramadan. If you do your Hajj first, it will mean more to you. Also, you can always do Umrah during the holy month of Ramadan.

Which month is the best for Umrah?

Ramadan is the best time to do Umrah. Many people don't like the crowds and fast out of their homes, but there is a reason why so many people reach Saudi Arabia during this holy month to perform Umrah. You should not miss the chance to do Umrah during the blessed month of Ramadan. The spiritual divine and endless blessings of this month are greater than other Islamic months. 

Is it possible to do the Umrah in just one day?

The Umrah never lasts longer than one day. Only two of the four bases of Umrah take longer time which are Tawaf and Sa'ee. But the two including “Niyyah” and “Halq” will not take much time. You can quickly get niyyah, and halq (head shaving), or taqsir (hair cutting). Together, the Tawaf and Sa'ee should take about four hours since they each take about two hours when there are few people. If the Mataf is too small, you'll need to find another way to do it, like doing Tawaf on a bigger circle at a higher level. When this happens, it might take a lot longer to perform Tawaf. You will take the same time for Sa'ee. The hike between the Safa and Marwah hills could take more than two hours if there are a lot of people on the road.

Why going on the Umrah journey during Ramadan is a Good Idea?

Muslims think that anyone who leaves their home to do Umrah is a pilgrim until they return. Those who pass away during this journey will receive rewards by being able to enter heaven. Every year, a huge number of Muslims go to Makkah to seek forgiveness from Allah, confess their sins, and ask for lots of happiness and benefits.

There is something truly amazing about seeing everyone pray together at Umrah. To serve and worship Allah, travelers put aside all worldly affairs and focus on this spiritual journey. They promise to completely clean themselves on all levels (spiritual, mental, and physical) and get better.


Muslims perform the Umrah during Ramadan, which is a very religious journey that shows how important the holy month is to them. There are many ways to grow spiritually during this sacred month. These include fasting, prayer, and the journey including visiting holy places. Anyone healthy and able to perform Umrah in Ramadan must do it. The experience will change their lives forever, and they will gain a lot of blessings. 


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