Parenting Roles

Jul 13, 2022

4 min read

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Keys to Keeping a child in checks

Parenting is really a hard forever job that can’t be avoided, children too are hard to deal with based on they seems to develop some unusual attitude mostly just to get attention or get what they want, you know a situation where your son or daughter just start creating a scene just because you got he/she angry or being denied of what they want.

The effect of technology, environment, inherited attitude and peer group are the factors that determines a child personality and also determines the future of the child. I will be explaining those factors below.

Inherited Attitude: There is always a dominant attitude that a child most inherit one from the father while the other from the mother for example: from my father’s side we love women a lot and we always have a luck of beautiful women drooling for us while from my mother’s side they have the mind of strong determination of when they say yes it always yes and when they say no is always no which they will never change, so this qualities which I picked from them is part of the uniqueness of being their son.

Environment: This factor says a lot about a child personality imagine a child from a rich family compare to a child from a poor family there is a big space of differentiation between them due to the cause of environment. A child born in a ghetto where it is filled up with Indian hemp smokers, with rugged attitude as the dominant way of survival also giving the child the idea of ruggedity as the only means of survival but the advantage of it is clear adaptation to any situation or environment.

All hands are not equal but that doesn’t brings the fact of getting your child too exposed to what might endangers his or her life. Now your role as a parent is exposing the child to the cons and pros of his /her environment by giving them the does and don’t they must abide in for example: an environment filled with smokers as a parent you educate your child on the effect of smoking and damages it can cause to the body.

Peer Group: hmmm this set of people mostly determines the rise and fall of anybody they can be a source of help or a time bomb of destruction.

There are two types of friends:

Best Friends: these types of friends can also be called lifelong friends, taking someone as a bestie means you guys tolerate each other and you guys personality really matches each other

Social Group Friends: they can also be referred as casual friends this set of people you don’t really keep a close contact with them.

They say “show me your friend and I will tell you who you are” but do you know this proverb is proven to be false everybody got their own choice of lifestyle for example I have a lot of friends that smoke, club and do all sort of things, we roll together chat and do things together but when it comes to all this their runs. I mostly step out of the game. I mostly classify these set of people as just casual social group.

In this aspect as a parent you are to know your child’s friend, try to be accommodating, make them feel at home when they come around and watch their attitude, behavior and languages. We all know slangs are common language that goes viral in these modern days. As a parent try to bring yourself low so as to understand their ways so you can easily detect when your child is about walking off to the path of destruction so as to keep him off it by implementing adequate measure of corrections.

Technology: this factor also determines the rise and fall of any child. Technology brings a lot of information, ideas, data’s and fact to people but considering technology as a factor that determines a child personality matters on what the child goes to search for on the internet . Take for exam a child surfing through X-rated site, you really can’t blame the internet for it because it doesn’t know if the person going through it is a child or not.

This factors should be taken very seriously by parent because it deals with exposure to all round information around the world. Children are not to be banned from using electronic devices because it helps them a lot but a filter should always be applied and maximum security monitoring them and keeping them in checks.


Children are not easy to train but as a parent you should never hide anything from them, it better you expose them so the street won’t help you to do that. I hope you know what it means when a child is exposed by the street.

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