Overview of General Components of a Computer

Jan 10, 2023

5 min read

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What are the fundamental components of a PC, or the components of a computer? Since computers are now a part of our everyday lives, it's important to know what they are made of, how they work, how they are assembled, and the most important parts. A PC's most important components are as follows:


As the core printed circuit board in a wide array of expandable systems, the motherboard is responsible for facilitating communication between integrated hardware components. An integral connection for communication between other components of the system is accomplished by a motherboard, which enables electrical links. To put it another way, it stores and makes it possible for the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, as well as connectors for other peripherals, to talk to each other. The central processor, the input/output and memory controllers of the chipset, interface connectors, and other integrated components designed for general-purpose use and applications are typically included in significant subsystems.

Because it serves as the "mother" for all of the Computer Components that are attached to it, this board, primarily the PCB, is referred to as the motherboard. A few examples of the parts include peripherals, interface cards, sound cards, video cards, network cards as well as hard drives, and television tuners endlessly providing USB or FireWire ports. Most of the time, the motherboard is fastened to the computer case along the largest face: depending on the shape and orientation, either the side or the bottom of the case.


The center of any computer is the vital central processing unit (CPU), otherwise known as a processor or the main processor. This integral circuitry carries out all instructions given by users and programs. Interpreting the commands of a computer program, performing basic arithmetic and logic operations, guiding functionality inputs and outputs - these are all necessary processes for ensuring that instructions are being followed. Traditionally, the processing unit and control unit (CU) of a processor is referred to as the CPU. The arithmetical logic unit (ALU) lies at the heart of a CPU and is in charge of executing mathematical calculations and logical operations. With the help of a control unit, instructions can be retrieved and executed. Additionally, processor registers are responsible for storing operation results as well as sending operands to the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).

The majority of contemporary CPUs are microprocessors, which means that they are housed on a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. However, some computers have a multi-core processor, which consists of two or more CPUs known as cores on a single chip.

It is essential to consider the CPU's capabilities when purchasing computer parts and components wholesale. After all, the CPU is the computer's brain and has a big impact on how well the computer works. So, for example, a quicker computer chip will permit you to you mess around, alter photographs, surf website pages and work on calculation sheets more quickly. Yet a higher-wattage processor could likewise give you a more regrettable battery duration. Typically, users choose a computer based on the primary functions they intend to perform with it. For instance, although the Atom series is very cost-effective, its performance is subpar. 


Two primary aspects of computer storage can be examined: a solid-state drive and a hard disk.

Hard Disk Drive 

Not to be confused with its counterpart, the volatile RAM memory chip that is erased when your computer shuts down, a hard disk drive (HDD), more often known as just a hard drive (HD) preserves data stored on it indefinitely. This non-volatile form of storage has become essential for both business and personal computing. It is a secondary storage device with a magnetic head that writes data to one or more platters inside an airtight casing. A hard drive is installed in every computer because the computers must store the operating system, software, and user personal files. As a result, a computer's hard disk is an essential component. Inner hard plates are commonly housed in drive narrows and they interface with the motherboard utilizing a link; A connection to the power supply unit gives them power. A hard disk's capacity and performance are its most important characteristics. Limit is referenced in unit prefixes compared to powers of 1000; therefore, a drive with a capacity of one terabyte (TB) can store 1,000 GB; where one billion bytes equals one gigabyte).

Since the early days of computing in the 1960s, hard disks have been an essential component for general-purpose computers as their secondary storage option. And even though they continue to dominate the volume of server storage produced, their demand has decreased. This development is mostly attributed to the rapid proliferation of solid-state drives (SSDs), which have exceptional features.

Solid State Drive (SSD) 

A Solid-State Drive (SSD) is an advanced storage device that retains data using integrated circuit technology, offering continuous and reliable performance. It stores data in semiconductor cells that can hold anywhere from one to four bits of data. SSDs, also known as solid-state devices or solid-state disks, typically have lower latency and access times than hard disks; higher data transfer rates, greater area storage density, and improved reliability. SSDs operate silently and are more resistant to physical shock than electromechanical drives.


Random Access Memory, known as RAM for short, is a computer's internal memory that stores the OS (Operating System), programs, and current data so they can be rapidly accessed by the processor. Compared to hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), and optical drives, the primary memory of a computer, RAM is far quicker when it comes to both readings from and writing into. It is essential to recognize, however, that this variety of memory has a tendency to be volatile. Evidently, data stored in RAM can be immediately accessed when the computer is on but will not remain if the system shuts down. Therefore, RAM serves as a form of transient memory that temporarily holds data and files until the computer is rebooted. At this time, operating systems and other documents are usually moved from an HDD or SSD into RAM for processing.

RAM is conceptually comparable to a collection of boxes, each of which stores a 0 or 1. By keeping a tally of the columns and rows, you can find a distinct address for each box. An array is made up of all of the boxes, which are referred to as cells. A RAM array has an address line for each row and column. RAM is stored in microchips and is small in size. By comparison, a hard disk drive offers an immense capacity with its ability to store up to 10 terabytes of data. On the other hand, your average laptop may feature only 8 gigabytes of RAM.

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