Over 60 and Job Hunting: 10 Ideas for You

Aug 21, 2022

6 min read

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By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

When working as a coach, I often work with people who are over 60.  I did this while as a headhunter, too.  There is a dynamic for the worker who is over 60 that I heard think you've heard of before (whisper) AGEISM.  Part of it is self-inflicted in that you don't look sufficiently at yourself and what you have done wrong in the interview so you find it easy to blame others.  Thus, I thought I would do a video about 10 things you might consider doing in order to shorten your job search.

The 1st 1 is (and I know it's a tough one) is NOT to get fixated on the past.  When you are over 60, you tend to be interviewing with people who are younger than you (DUH!!!).  Often when those of us (I'm 66, by the way) who are over 60 tell stories, it sounds like (old man voice), "I remember back in the old days when things were right, we did things right!  Not like they're done now!"  The stories sound like we are patronizing.  You have to tell your stories without going into the "patronizing tone."  You have to do it by going into "selling mode," which is quite different.

As you know, stories are valuable part of interviewing , but they have to be practiced before delivered.  I want to make sure you hear that.  Your stories have to be practiced in such a way where you're talking TO someone and not AT someone.  You don't want to offend them and cause them not to listen to you.  Brevity is best.  Don't turn this into a 3 minute or 2 minutes or 1 minute and 45 seconds of the monologue.  Keep the story succinct.

2. Consider getting a consulting or temp assignment.  All of us tend to be better when we are not sitting around the house watching TV or doing nonsense.  Get out and about.  Take a temp assignment.  Consider volunteering.  Again, it is about activity.  I am a believer that we set ourselves in motion where we are doing "stuff" we maintain our mental energy and perform at a higher level.  Temp or consulting assignment.  Volunteering.  Do something to get yourself out and about with people.

Working out.  I'm not talking about sweating bullets all the time, but if you're not used to exercising, get yourself onto a treadmill and start walking.  Don't just simply walk at the lethargic pace.  Do short intervals.  Let me use myself as an example.  I had a few injuries and now I'm working with a trainer.  My cardio work is not as good as it once was.  Often, it is bike for 5 minutes to loosen up at 80 RPM or better and then sprints for over 100 for 1 minute, increasing resistance during the sprints and then dropping it down to 80 RPMs with no resistance.  It goes a long way toward getting me charged and going and I believe will be of help to you, as well.

When you're talking to organizations, don't get fixed on the money.  Don't worry about the money for now.  Do not exactly making a lot of money sitting at home, or you?  I understand that for people who work in the professional areas, money is important because it reflects the value of the work that is involved.  For example, in IT, if you are a $250,000 your person, you are more see you senior then the people making $150,000  In terms of the quality of the work that you do.  It is unlikely that they will see you as being suitable for the $150,000 your job.  Within your professional bracket, whether that is between $150,000 and $75,000 or some other level, be flexible about your money.  Don't look at the $75,000 jobs, if you are making $150,000.  Or $150,000 jobs, if you are used to making $275,000.  The jobs are very different.  You think you can do it, but you are just wasting your time.  They won't consider it.  But you can still be flexible.

Be involved with social media.  LinkedIn, obviously.  Facebook ads.  Facebook now has job postings.  Look for job postings on Facebook as well, but answering job ads should be your primary focus.  It's about who you communicate with and how you reach out to folks so that they become aware of who you are and the stuff that you do; that of course involve social media, but it should also involve face-to-face networking.  You need to be talking to more people by phone, Skype, in person.  Get out of the house and talk to folks.  It makes a big difference.

When you are interviewing, research the firm.  Research the hiring manager.  Do stuff that is going to give you a leg up on your competition.  Just having some degree of familiarity with the organization and the hiring manager will help.  I heard a story from an affiliate who they had sent for a job. . . The job was his!  It was an unusual position with very specific skills required.  He had that background.  No relocation was involved.  The guy asked no questions to speak of at the end of the interview.  Always be prepared with questions!  Show curiosity!

If nothing else, ask these 2 questions: "Let's say you hire me.  What are your expectations of me for the 1st 30, 60 and 90 days after I join?"  Question number 2 is, "Let's them on board for year and I have done a great job.  The best you job you might've seen someone perform in that role.  What what I've accomplished during the 1st year that would cause you to think that way?"  Again, it gives them a sense that you want to be a high achiever and, as such, that normally piques their curiosity.  Get involved with networking groups

Get involved with networking groups.  Don't just simply network for yourself; get involved with groups.  Help other people.  You have relationships that can benefit others.  They have relationships that can benefit you.  Networking fills 70% of all positions.  Even if you think about who it is that you know, there are far more people that they know that you don't.  You want to be introduced to those people. 

Always look at things that you are doing or have done that can be portable in your career for starting a small business.  Let's get real.  You don't have a lot of years in the workforce.  Let me use myself as an example.  I'm 66..  Do you think I'll be working till 90?  I don't think so, but in doing so, think in terms of what you can do to get yourself out and about.  Starting a business consulting, temping, doing stuff for other businesses.  Other individuals, and what your skills are that can help.

You can write an e-book and sell it.  You can speak to groups and be paid for that.  You're not going to get rich from it.  It's unlikely it's going to replace a full-time income.  Again, it is part of being active.


Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is a career and leadership coach who worked as a recruiter for more than 40 years. He is the host of “No BS Job Search Advice Radio,” the #1 podcast in iTunes for job search with more than 2400 episodes. He also hosts Job Search TV on YouTube, and Amazon, as well as on BingeNetworks.tv for Apple TV and 90+ smart sets.

I do a livestream on LinkedIn, YouTube (on the JobSearchTV.com account) and on Facebook (on the Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter page) Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 PM Eastern. You can send your questions about job search, hiring better, management, leadership or to get advice about a workplace issue to me through LinkedIn's messaging .You can also message me through chat during the approximately 30 minute show.

Are you interested in 1:1 coaching? People hire me to provide No BS career advice whether that is about a job search, hiring better, leadership, management or support with a workplace issue. Please click here to see my schedule to book a free discovery call or schedule time for coaching.

My courses are available on my websitewww.TheBigGameHunter.us/courses The courses include ones about Informational InterviewsInterviewing, final interview preparation, salary negotiation mistakes to avoidthe top 10 questions to prepare for on any job interview, and starting a new job.

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