Nobody Cares About Me — So Here Is How I Will Generate Money In 2022 By Myself

Jul 4, 2022

5 min read

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When others don’t care, I take matters into my own hands

Me working as a dishwasher — Created by Author in Canva


Table of Contents:   
∘ Quick Backstory
∘ What is passive income?
∘ I sell ebooks
∘ Courses
∘ YouTube Channel
∘ Medium  
∘ Sum up

Quick Backstory

The year is 2019, and I’m at work at the restaurant. I worked here as a dishwasher.

It was summer, and people from everywhere came to have drinks and food, which meant I was really busy in the kitchen.

I was always fast and great at my job. Every day I did my very best, and the head chef of the kitchen always called me in on busy days, because I was the only dishwasher who could manage those days.

I’ve never had a feeling of being a loser because I was a dishwasher. In fact, I always thought to myself “now you’ve tried one of the hardest jobs, so there is nothing you cannot achieve in life”.

It shaped my persona, and now hard work is just as easy as watching Netflix. For instance, take a look at my first month on Medium — that was really hard, but it paid off:

Back to the story. This summer day it became too much. I’d had some personal problems the day before I had to deal with, and the restaurant manager who was always power-hungry, went too far this day.

I broke. I broke completely down.

The restaurant manager asked me to step outside with him, and this is where I found out that nobody cares.

He did not take me to the side to talk with me. No, he saw it as an opportunity to smoke a cigarette, and when he was done he said: “now get your shit together, and get back to work”

I choose to quit my job the following week and be the boss of my own future.

Because, when nobody cares about me, why would I fuel their dreams by working for them? So now, I’m on a journey that’s going to fuel my dreams and shape the rest of my life.

I will do it by creating lots of passive income streams.

What is passive income?

I think “passive income” has become a buzzword. It’s something many want to have, but don’t know how to generate.

At first, I did not know how to do it either. I tried one thing, and failed, then the next and failed again. But as cliche, as it may sound, the accumulation of failures is the reason I’m where I am today.

Passive income is just you generating income that takes no to little maintenance every week. However, it will demand some upfront work from you to start generating passive income.

It could be selling digital products such as ebooks, licenses, software, designs, budgets, meal plans, subscription packages, etc.

If you are only here to find your own passive income, then consider reading this article I wrote instead:

I’m only saying this because I do not want to waste your time reading what I do myself if that’s not what you want to read about.

However, if you are interested in how I generate my passive income, then stick around for a bit.

I sell ebooks

As the title states, I sell ebooks. I don’t want to promote them in this article, so this link is not a “go buy my book”, it’s more of a “this is how a finished digital product such as an ebook looks like”

My ebook sales — Screenshot by author

The one above was posted 25 days ago, and it has generated close to $72. So approximately every second day I sell a book, which is okay for an inexperienced author like me.

And ebooks are definitely something I’m going to create more of in 2022 as a way to increase my income.


Creating courses is not something I currently do, but something I want to do in the coming months.

Courses are great because I can use both time leverage and knowledge leverage to give myself more freedom. What do I mean by that?

So when the courses are up people can buy them, and I don’t have to put more time into them, while my income just increases. This is what I call time leverage.

On the other hand, I have a network of people who knows about Adobe Premiere Pro, selling products on Amazon, writing books, how to start a business, etc. I can use their knowledge to create courses, so I don’t have to go out at acquiring that knowledge myself — That’s knowledge leverage.

If you want to do the same, try thinking of people in your network who might be willing to share knowledge, which you can then use for a course.

YouTube Channel

The good old YouTube. This is also something I don’t do yet, but a platform I want to create in 2022 as well.

On Medium, I found that people are interested in my content, so why shouldn’t people on YouTube be it as well.

I already talked to people who are willing to help set it up, record, and edit my videos for free. See, that is the power of a network. If you don’t have a network yourself, then work harder yourself on the videos or try to find people who can help you.

The last option will be the best one if you ask me — It’s the leverage of a network.


Currently, I write on Medium and have been doing it for a month. It already generated me above $50, which I still find insane. On the other hand, I know how much time and effort I put into writing my articles, so that amount maybe shouldn’t shock me.

Image created by the author in Canva

Anyway, I really appreciate everybody who reads my content. Medium will be a platform that I will continue on for the rest of 2022.

Not only does it generate money, but it also helps me grow my other passive income streams due to promotion options on here.

Sum up

  • Nobody cares about you and me, so why not take matters into our own hands?
  • Passive income is a way to give yourself more freedom, and it can be done by selling digital products
  • I sell ebooks and it is currently a success for me.
  • I’m going to create courses and start a youtube channel in the coming months — This is how you leverage time, knowledge, and a network
  • I will continue writing on Medium since it’s a great way to earn some additional income and promote other passive income streams.
  • As always, I hope you were able to find some value in the article.
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