No Woman In Her RIGHT Mind Wants To Be With Mr. Nice-Guy

Jul 6, 2022

4 min read

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If you’re a nice guy, I imagine this is a difficult pill to swallow right now. Don’t worry; I’ll allow you a few moments to process everything.
Okay, that’s it for now.
Let’s get back to the real world.
I’m going to try to explain why a good woman would never want to wind up with Mr. Nice-Guy until she is utterly out of alternatives, forlorn, and desperate. If this is the case, I believe it is safe to conclude that she is not a particularly good woman. But, in any case, here are some of the reasons why decent males are frequently rejected, dumped, and cheated on by women who ARE kind.

1. It’s Difficult for Nice Guys to Do the Right Thing

Yes, you heard me correctly. Nice guys have a hard time doing the correct thing in a given situation. Instead of doing what is right, good guys prefer to take the easier path of doing what is nice. If you can’t do the right thing, you’re making decisions focused on keeping everyone else happy rather than assuring that you’ll be content with yourself when you look in the mirror.

A well-behaved woman will not allow this because it will make you a pushover to her and others. She’ll think of you as the type of guy who is easily led by others and incapable of taking the required steps to put things right in any given situation.

If you’re a kind person who does the nice thing instead of the correct thing, she’ll think you’re untrustworthy. She’ll understand you won’t be able to deal with life’s difficulties and won’t be able to act with personal integrity. If you don’t have personal integrity, you don’t have self-respect. Believe me when I say that no woman can truly admire or respect a man if he cannot respect himself in the long term.

2. Mr. Nice Guy makes you appear less genuine

As a man, it’s critical to be as real as possible in your decisions. It’s just a part of growing up as a man. Nice guys, on the other hand, have a problem with authenticity since they will say “yes” to almost any request.

Nice guys also have a hard time filtering through the avalanche of requests for their time and resources. As a result, a woman can never be certain what is genuine about him and what isn’t.

To put it another way, nice guys take on much too many obligations that aren’t essential. They simply have too much “fluff” in their life. They are responsible for dealing with the burdens, demands, and plans of other people. Nice guys put everything and everyone else second, which frequently results in their becoming a garbage dump for others.
You can be sure that no lady wants a man who is a dumping ground for other people’s trash. A lady will assume you won’t be faithful to her if you can’t be true to yourself. She won’t feel safe around you, thus her ability to become intimate with you will be severely limited, if at all possible.

3. Nice Men Hand Over Their Power to Women

If you’re a kind guy, you’ve probably been surrendering your power to women without realizing it. You’ve probably been enabling women (mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, etc.) to make the most significant, as well as less essential, decisions in your life. You’ve probably formed a type of relationship with women in which you feel obligated to make them happy in order for you to be happy. And believe me when I say that you do not want to be in this scenario.

Why? If a woman notices how readily you hand over your power to her, she may conclude that you could do the same for another woman. She’ll be left wondering what makes her so special in the first place.
She desires a man who is in command of himself and, at times, of her. Giving a woman your authority simply means that you’ve given her permission to approve of you and the pleasure of ensuring that your demands are met at all times.

This is a complete no-no.

No woman in her right mind wants a man to hand over his power to her yet again. She will be thrust into the role of “guy in charge,” and she will despise it. She actually despises it. Worse yet, she despises men who make her feel like this.

Thanks for reading I‘m Bella

Have a great day ahead world ;)

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