Romantic Or Tragic: Sleep Positions Say A Lot About Your Relationship With Your Partner

Aug 21, 2018

4 min read

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After getting married, when you reach home, you have only a few hours of the day remaining. These hours have to be carefully distributed into all extra things you want to do. You have to do all your recreational activities like watching your favorite show or reading a book or doing yoga at this time only.

Besides this, you also have to dedicate some time to your relationship. And trust me, this is the most important part of married life. No matter how weary, how stressed or how fucked up you are, you have to spend time with your partner before you go to sleep.

In the present scenario when both the partners are working, love in a relationship is a serious issue. This issue is very well evident if you notice the way you sleep with your partner at night. You can very well remember when you had a romantic conversation and when you had a fight by noticing your sleeping positions.

According to cognitive specialists and psychologists, the way a couple sleeps reveals a lot about what they are going through in their relationship. Your sleep position is an emotional window into how you feel about each other at a given moment. It is a reflection of what is going on your love life.

Would you like to know what your sleeping position says about your relationship?

Let us begin.

The Spoon

If she is inside the guy's arms, with her back touching his tummy, the sleeping posture is known as spooning. The couple has maximum intimacy while sleeping and are probably in the best phase of their relationship. This reveals that there is a sense of security and trust between them.

The Twine

The two are entwined, like strands of threads. They are inseparable and everything exists in the relationship. It has the abundance of love, smiles, and intimacy, showing the high point of any relationship. It is a perfectly balanced life.

The Hug

In a simple and cute gesture, when the couple wishes to make the phrase two souls united into one, the hug position gives them the best sleep. This reveals the passion and desire for each other. It is the hot phase of the relationship when they are new and hence too hot for each other.

The Cradle

He might love to treat her as his doll or as a baby. The cradle sleep patterns nurture healthy relationships as they have warmth and care. The partner who has the arm around is very protective and wants to provide the other one with comfort and safety. It is the most understanding time out of all the phases in a relationship.

The Pursuit

When she is trying to make it to him, expressing her desire for being close, it is the pursuit sleeping position. It denotes a lot of ups and downs in the relationship. It demands careful attention as one partner is having problems and one partner is trying harder to fix them. Sleep deprivation is quite common in this struggling relationship.

The Cliff

When the two people sleep while showing their back to each other, it is a cliff. They are on the opposite ends of the bed, not liking even a slight touch. It shows a conflict in the relationship. The distance in between is clearly reflecting the emotional gap that exists in the relationships.

The Crab

It is the worst sleeping position. You are either trying to run away from your partner or you're uncomfortable. It is clear indication of excessive difference or dominance in a relationship. There is an imbalance in a relationship which might lead to its culmination. It is the alarming stage.

Looking at your sleep intimacy (couple sleeping) you can easily judge your relationship status and whether or not you can continue with it. The larger the distance between the two of you, the more endangered the relationship is.

Every time you come home from work, make sure you have some moments of intimacy with your partner. A laugh or quarrel would be sufficient to keep the love growing, and flowing while you sleep. Be careful!

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