8 Oxymorons That Will Help You In Becoming A Grammar Nazi

Aug 19, 2018

3 min read

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You must be very confused when you come across such phrases in literature. And you need not worry because Feeding Trends has come to your rescue. We will make you a Grammar Nazi.

These phrases are a part of the figure of speech known as OXYMORON. It presents a self-contradiction in order to bring out the paradox.

You may be puzzled for hours if you sit to take out the literal meaning of these phrases. Because they don't mean what they might look like.

Here is a list of oxymorons that you must know:

1. Open Secret

Something that everyone knows but pretends not to know.

2. Living Dead

Something that is alive but very dull and boring.

3. Noisy Silence

Something that keeps on echoing in the mind even when you are alone.

4. Bright Smoke

Something that is done with wrong intentions and is clearly visible.

5. Sick Health

Something that looks perfectly fine but is unable to function properly.

6. Cold Fire

Something that is dying out each moment with no chances of revival.

7. Loving Hate

Something that is boycotted purposely.

8. Rich Beggar

Someone who has less stuffs but is contented with it.

These were 8 oxymorons that will help you to become grammatically more correct. Although, unfortunately, the list ends here.

But, congratulations! You are one step closer to becoming the Grammar Nazi.

Next time you come across them, make sure you decipher the paradox hidden in the self-contradiction. (And thank us later.)

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