New To Affiliate Side Hustling? This Is The Best Program To Join

Jul 7, 2022

2 min read

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If you have not yet heard of affiliate marketing there’s a good chance that you’ve just recently begun looking into how to expand your income streams. If you are new to this term, here’s a quick rundown from Neil Patel:

In order to earn, you are taking on the role of the publisher. You receive the link from a brand, pass it to your network, and then earn a percentage of the commission on any sales made.

Simple in theory but a bit more challenging in practice.

You will often times see articles highlighting how easy affiliate marketing is to get started in, which is usually true, however for a lot of affiliate programs it is difficult to earn until you have an established audience. Since not everyone will engage with the link or code, the wider your reach, the better your chances are of a conversion (or sale).

On the other hand some programs are primed for beginners. I believe this to be one of those. It carries brand awareness, can be shared authentically, and doesn’t reek of pyramid scheme…

It’s Fiverr Affiliates.

Why Fiverr Affiliates is the perfect affiliate program for new affiliate marketers:

Anyone can join. Unlike other affiliate programs, there is no minimum traffic requirement or a requirement for a personal domain.

Fiverr is an instantly recognizable brand. You don’t need to be a good salesperson to drive traffic.

There are six (yes, you heard correctly) different affiliate links you can use to earn money. This allows you to tailor your referrals to individual needs.

This is the program to crawl, before you can walk, before you can run. It probably won’t make you millions but I’d be surprised if you weren’t able to pull a few hundred within the first month of joining. Easily enough to tide you over while you build your brand and audience.

Interested in Fiverr Affiliate? Check it out for yourself here and see if it’s worth a try. Worst that can happen is absolutely nothing. Best that can happen is your wallet feeling a little thicker.

This article contains an affiliate link.


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