Nava Kerala Sadas Bus: A Costly Fiasco at Taxpayers' Expense?

5 months ago

1 min read

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The Kerala government recently procured a new bus, the Nava Kerala Sadas Bus, at a staggering cost of Rs 1.15 crore, to be used by the Chief Minister and other Ministers during their tour for ‘Nava Kerala Sadas’.

This exorbitant expenditure has sparked controversy, raising questions about the government's priorities and its spending habits.

As per the Kerala based news site Matrubhumi, the bus, initially intended for sightseeing purposes, now sits idle at the Pappanamcode Central Works, a stark contrast to the grand expectations set for it.

The procurement of this new bus raised eyebrows considering a lavish bus already existed that could have been used for the ministerial tour.

Further adding fuel to the fire was the news that the Nava Kerala bus was sent to Prakash Bus Body Builders in Bengaluru for renovation just a month after its purchase, at a cost yet to be disclosed.

The reason cited for the renovation was to meet the tourism needs of the KSRTC.

However, with a change in transport minister, interest in the bus seems to have waned, leading to a bureaucratic tangle.

The original purpose of the bus was to be handed over to the KSRTC's budget tourism wing, known for its economical travel options.

However, it remains idle despite the high demand for air-conditioned buses during the peak summer season.

This underutilization of the bus and the opaque reasons behind it point towards a lack of interest at higher levels of governance.

The Nava Kerala Sadas bus fiasco is a prime example of how taxpayer money can be wasted on unnecessary luxuries.

The Kerala government needs to be held accountable for its spending decisions and ensure that public funds are used judiciously for the benefit of the people.

According to a cost analysis of the bus done by the premier Indian passenger mobility platform Coach Builders India, a bus with similar specifications could have been built for much less.

The article also mentions a lavish seat worth Rs 50,000 installed for the Chief Minister, which has now been removed but supposedly reserved for future VIP use.

This highlights the misplaced priorities of the government spending on luxuries while the common people struggle.

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