40 Motivational Poems That Will Change Your Life

Jul 8, 2022

7 min read

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Are you feeling unmotivated?

Never fear, this blog post is all about getting you motivated.In this blog, you'll find 40 poems that will help motivate you to keep going when life kicks you down.

1 If 

The poem "If" by British Nobel laureate poet Rudyard Kipling, who was born in India, is a poem of supreme inspiration that teaches us how to handle many situations in life. The poet expresses his thoughts in this motivational poem on how to succeed in this world and, ultimately, how to be a nice person.

2 Still I Rise 

Maya Angelou's poem "Still I Rise" is a motivational poem that celebrates self-acceptance and self-love. The poet leads the reader through a sequence of assertions she makes about herself throughout the poem. She lauds her physical prowess, strength, and capacity to overcome her traumatic and oppressive history.

3 Equipment 

The speaker in Edgar Guest's motivational poem "Equipment" claims that everyone is born with everything they need to succeed in life.

4 Envictus 

The theme of the motivational poem "Envictus" is the triumph of the human spirit over hardship. It serves as a rallying cry for people who are forced to dig deep and fight for their life when they find themselves in challenging and ominous circumstances. The poet undoubtedly experienced difficult times and needed all of his power to fight off illness.

5 The Road Not Taken - Robert Frost

Robert Frost wrote a great poem. In this motivational poem, the forest is compared to life because "the forest has two pathways, but we can only travel one, just as it is in life."

6 You Are Vulnerable and Richly Loved

This motivational poem teaches us that no matter who you are, or what you have done, you are always worthy of love. You are vulnerable and richly loved, just as you are. This love is not based on anything you have done or accomplished. It is simply because you exist. And that is enough.

When you realize how deeply loved you are, it will change your life. You will no longer feel the need to prove yourself to anyone. You will no longer need to seek approval or validation from others. Instead, you will be free to simply be yourself. And that is the most liberating feeling in the world.

This love will also motivate you to do great things with your life. When you know that you are deeply loved, you will want to give back to the world in some way. You will want to make a difference in the lives of others. And that is a beautiful thing.

7 Don't Quit

This motivational poem's message of encouragement is to never give up, especially when things are not going well. "There are seeds of prosperity in your every failure," the poem says.

8 Believe In Yourself

The message of this motivational poem is to have faith in oneself, know that nothing is out of our reach, and work hard to be the best creation of your god.

9 Bloom

This motivational poem shows that the cycle of spring and blooming lilacs will serve as a constant reminder of his loved one, so he begins the poem by describing it. He chooses a lilac to give the coffin, which has been circling the city day and night, as an offering. Additionally, the poet used the recurring symbols of "Lilac," "bird," and "drooping star" in the poem to reflect on the effects of war and death.

10 Circle of My Life

This poem's message is to always look ahead and never back. She makes the analogy between life and a carousel that never stops going forward.

11 Never Stop Being You

Terrie Brushette wrote this lovely motivational poem. A poem that everyone should read for motivation. The poem expresses the reality that people who never give up and who never stop being who they are always triumph in in life.

12 The Simple Things

Edgar A. Guest composed a fantastic poem. This motivational poem talks about little things in life that we often overlook even though we know they can bring us great joy.

13 Start Fresh

According to this motivational poem, we should constantly begin each new day with a sense of renewal by forgetting what happened the day before and the memories that make us feel weak.

14 The invitation 

The interests and disinterests of the speaker in a potential relationship are the basis of Oriah Mountain Dreamer's poem "The Invitation." 

The speaker of this motivational poem starts by stating two things about a potential partner that she does and does not want to know.

15 Good Timber 

Douglas Malloch's motivational poem "Good Timber" illustrates how adversity and struggle shape strong men and trees of good timber. The speaker of the poem begins by stating that there are two types of men and trees. Some people are firstly readily provided with everything they require to survive.

16 Human Family

The Human Family Poem by Dr. Maya Angelou discusses the traits that make humans alike and different. This motivational poem explains how unique each of us is while yet highlighting how similar we are. Knowing that every student is unique is an extremely essential lesson for us.

17 I am water

Rupi Kaur's poem "I Am Water" makes use of water as a metaphor. The speaker can make out both their soft and harsh sides. The motivational poem is intriguing and has the potential to elicit numerous interpretations. The idea that a person might be akin to water may also encourage readers to think of other analogies.

18 It Couldn’t be done

It Couldn't Be Done, a motivational poem by Edgar Albert Guest, exhorts readers to keep going in the face of obstacles. The poem serves as a warning that you will hear statements to the effect that you should give up trying to accomplish specific goals throughout your life.

19 Opportunity

An uplifting word from Berton Braley. A motivational poem that teaches us that every person has opportunities in life, but it is up to you how you make use of them to succeed in life.

20 It Takes Courage

This motivational poem asserts that it takes bravery to get back up after failing, falling, or experiencing a heartbreak. Make it simple to rise and find hope when it is simple to fall.

21  Time Goes

This motivational poem expresses the reality that people who never give up and who never stop being who they are always triumph in in life.

22 Be Here Now

"Be Here Now" is a motivational poem that encourages people to live in the present moment. The poem reminds us that life is short and we should make the most of every moment. It also reminds us that we are the only ones responsible for our happiness. We can't control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. The poem encourages us to be positive and to focus on the good in our lives.

The poem was written by Ram Dass, an American spiritual teacher. It has been widely shared online and has inspired many people to live in the present moment. 

If you're looking for a motivational poem that will change your life, "Be Here Now" is a great choice.

23 Phenomenal Woman

A lovely poem by Maya Angelou that inspires. This motivational poem offers you a crucial lesson in self-assurance: You only need to talk to the world, regardless of who you are or what color your skin is.

24 The Hands of Warrior

This motivational poem explores what ladies think as they get older. Uplifting poetry that will bring tears to your eyes. 

25 Move Past This

This motivational poem advises us to go past our mistakes and failures and concentrate on our objectives.

26 A Voice Behind

This motivational poem asserts that everyone possesses an inner voice that can guide them toward success.

27 Note To Self

According to this motivational poem, things don't always turn out the way we want them to, therefore we should be prepared to deal with change. Young children learned an incredible lesson from it.

28 You Will Never See Me Fall

Joyce Alcantara wrote this motivational poem. It's about never giving up in life is the most motivating one I have ever read. It explains how, with a lot of effort, we can make our lives enjoyable and simple.

30 Pain Ends

This poem was written by Katy A. Brown. This motivational poem encourages readers to let go of life's hurts and to support themselves in all aspects of their lives.

31 This Is A Daily Reminder

Nicolette's poem is motivational. This poem inspires you to lead a better life. Poetry that inspires you and gives you new life.

32 Mighty Oak

This motivational poem encourages us to savor each moment of life and is incredibly touching. The father and son's bond is well described in the poem.

33 Life Doesn't Frighten Me

The message of this motivational poem is that "fear may be overcome." 

34 Trouble But Not Defeat

This motivational poem advises us to never give up and to battle through difficulties that come with life.

35 Move Past This

This motivational poem encourages us to go past our mistakes and failures and concentrate on our goals.

36  I'm Busy

Everyone is busy in their way, pondering their lives and looking for themselves, according to a motivational poem.

37 Embracing All

According to a motivational poem, to advance, we should examine both the positive and negative aspects of ourselves.’

38  Keep Going

This motivational poem instructs us to keep moving forward in life even in the face of defeat.

39 Look Well To This Day

This motivational poem encourages us to always see the positive aspects of each day rather than dwelling on the negative ones.

40 The Strongest Girl I Ever Knew

This motivational poem is quite comforting. A girl shares a story about her courageous crippled sibling.

Whether it's to get out of bed and start your day or to finally take the leap and quit your job, these poems are sure to change your life for the better!

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