Most Effective Homework Excuses to Escape Detention for Students

4 months ago

4 min read

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Every student must have made excuses about homework to escape detention. Everyone does, even your parents must have done it sometimes. It is not bad, as you may be busy and cannot complete your task. But you do not get successful in giving justification every time because your professor can detect if you are lying or telling the truth. However, if you are someone who does not want to get detained and also does not want to work on your task on your own, seek online homework help. Nevertheless, this article will provide you with the most effective and time-proven excuses, which can save you from detention.


Top Nine Homework Excuses to Escape Detention

Many of you do not like to do homework, or you may be one of the students who delay their task and end up facing detention. But have you ever tried making excuses that work? If not, take the help of this article and try one of the following ideas and use them when you want to save yourself from professors.

I was Sick

One of the oldest but most effective is the excuse of sickness. You can give this justification to gain the sympathy of the teacher. This method is the most compelling, it can save you from getting detained and also professor will not question you further.

I Forgot to Bring it

It is one of the most common, but it is proven to be efficient. As the teacher will not send you back to your home to bring it. So you can defend yourself by saying that, you have completed your work but mistakenly forgot it at home.. By this, your professor will not have any other option but to believe you. Therefore, try this excuse and save yourself. 

My Grandma was Hospitalized

This excuse is the emotional way of compelling your teacher. If you are making your grandmother or any relative hospitalized, you gain the sympathy of the professor. They will not question you more if you give this justification. So, try this proven excuse and make yourself detention-free.

I was Absent

“I was absent”, these three words are enough for the teacher to realize that it isn’t your mistake, as you were not present and that is the reason why you did not know about the homework. Moreover, this may be an old and common justification, but it is time-proven and effective. So you can make this excuse and protect yourself from the yelling of your professor for not completing the homework.

I was Unaware of Submission Date

You can make this excuse to buy yourself some extra time to complete your homework. As you have to submit your work anyway, you can also get essay help from experts. In case you are given some challenging essay to write. Thus, due to this excuse, you will have enough time to do your homework. 

Homework was Tough 

You can make this excuse and say that you did not understand the homework. Then your professor will not have any other choice but to teach you that topic again. It can help you to study that subject again if you are struggling with it. In addition, this may also show them your dedication towards study. So, try this justification and escape detention.

Wi-fi Did Not Work

In this technology-driven world, everyone knows that laptops and mobile phones have replaced books and notepads for study. Therefore, try to make this excuse and say that, due to poor internet connectivity, you could not complete your homework. Your professor will not have any other option but to give you another chance.

I will Submit it Tomorrow

Such excuses give you the liberty of one extra day to submit your homework. However, such excuses work only for one or two days because then you have to submit your work. So, if you are someone who runs out of time to complete your academic tasks, then you can make this justification.

My Notebook is Lost

The most popular excuse is, “I have completed my homework, but my notebook is lost.” When you give this reason, your professor has to trust and believe you. It gives you some extra time to complete your task. In addition, once your teacher forgets about it, you do not have to bother about it.



To conclude, it is evident that many students, due to their habit of procrastination, delay their homework. Therefore, making excuses is the only alternative they have. In this article, you must have found the next excuse to escape from detention. However, one should remember that giving justifications for your laziness is not the end of their problems. But you can beat this habit of making excuses by taking online homework help, as it will give you the liberty to complete your tasks before deadlines.

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