Mistakes a Web Design Company Should Avoid to Improve Seo

4 months ago

7 min read

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Ever wondered how stunning websites turn into crap that directly hurts SEO? Many stunning websites struggle to attract organic traffic because of hidden SEO pitfalls. Common web design mistakes make web pages frustrating for users, affecting the search engine ranking.

Meanwhile, the success of a website hinges on aesthetics and discoverability. Teaming up with a web design company can be a game-changing plan. They can help you craft websites that integrate SEO principles to improve visibility and attract organic traffic. Moreover, they'll guide you through improving the appearance of your webpage and its performance on search engines.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the common mistakes web design companies make that impact search engine ranking. Addressing these loopholes can improve your site visibility and drive more conversions.

Why SEO is Important For a Web Design Company

Do you know what makes your website visible and drives more traffic? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is behind the scenario. It allows your website to rank top in the search results and attracts more organic traffic without paying for ads.

In simpler terms, SEO is about making your website user-friendly, relevant, and crawlable by search engines. Moreover, it helps attract more leads, boost conversions, and enhance brand awareness.

But how will you design such an SEO-friendly website? The solution: hire a professional web design company in the USA or elsewhere. They’ll help you adopt effective SEO strategies to improve your website performance and productivity.

Significance of SEO in Professional Web Design

SEO is more than just technical afterthoughts in web design and development. This is the key to any successful digital marketing strategy.

Here's why SEO is essential for a web design company:

1. Better user experience:

Poor user experience frustrates customers, resulting in increased bounce rates. However, SEO prioritizes user-friendliness and enables web developers to craft responsive and appealing websites. It further offers better navigation and faster loading times to enhance user engagement and reward with higher rankings.

2. Higher conversion:

An optimized website attracts more visitors and guides them towards desired actions, like purchasing, subscribing, etc. Furthermore, it encourages micro-conversions, attracting minute and single actions like watching videos, subscribing to newsletters, and so on. This ensures a smoother user experience, making conversions effortless.

3. Improved organic traffic:

SEO ensures that your website gains more organic traffic, allowing visitors to find your website through search queries. A well-optimized website can improve customer satisfaction and drive more conversions.

4. Search engine-friendly:

Web design agencies use SEO to make websites more accessible and crawlable to search engines. This strategy involves optimizing links, content, and navigation, making your website discoverable by target customers.

5. Optimized marketing budget:

SEO offers a long-term and cost-effective strategy compared to paid advertising. Such a website optimized for SEO resonates well with the target users, ensuring alignment with budget requirements. This strategy increases organic traffic for your website with minimal ongoing maintenance, maximizing your return on investment.

6. Content collaboration:

This is another significant benefit of SEO in web design and development. SEO offers hand-in-hand practices to improve content collaboration. Moreover, this approach allows developers to integrate appropriate and relevant keywords to save developers time and cost, offering better visibility in search engines.

A web design company integrates SEO principles from scratch to design visually appealing and engaging websites that convert visitors.

Common Web Design Mistakes That Affect SEO and How to Avoid Them

Visual appeal is important for websites, but it needs to be SEO-friendly for better responses. However, there are several factors web designers should avoid to improve SEO results.

Here’s the list of web design mistakes to avoid that can negatively affect your search engine ranking:

1. Slow Load Speed:

Speed is an important factor impacting the overall website performance. Visitors hate to wait longer for page loading, which results in frustration and decreased conversions. Furthermore, slow load speed negatively impacts your website’s search engine ranking.

Experts offering website design services in the USA or anywhere else can help you address loading speed issues effectively.


Detect and address errors in SEO-friendly website design and development

Highlight the site performance report and identify page loading speed-related challenges

  • Adopt browser caching strategies

  • Optimize HTML codes

  • Compress images

  • Minify CSS, JS, and HTML files

  • Choose the right hosting server for better speed

2. Poor Navigation:

This is another mistake a web design company should avoid to craft SEO-friendly websites.

Poor website navigation means using menus that lead to unexpected pages, leaving users frustrated and lost. This is the impact of badly designed website navigation, directly affecting the SEO.

Here's how poor navigation impacts a website’s SEO:

User Engagement: A cluttered navigation system redirects users towards irrelevant content, affecting user engagement and time spent on your site. This is a negative SEO indication for search engines.

Bounce Rates: Unclear navigation frustrates users and makes them quickly abandon a website, leading to high bounce rates. This directly impacts the user experience.

Confused Crawlers: Poor website navigation confuses search engine crawlers to understand your website's structure and content and creates difficulty in page indexing.


  • Use logical hierarchies and descriptive labels

  • Add internal linking to guide users and search engines effortlessly

  • Use intuitive and clear navigation

  • Add a search bar and footer navigation bar

  • Avoid over-using menu options

3. Large Image Files:

This is an important factor in improving your site’s speed, accessibility, and performance. A professional web design company should optimize the images on the web page to enhance user experience. Neglecting your web page image can hurt SEO. Here’s a list of different image issues:

Broken Images: Incorrect URLs or missing images frustrate users and indicate a poor-quality web page.

Missing Alt Text: This additional text for crawlers improves user experience by providing alternative context against an image for screen readers. Missing alt text makes your website inaccessible.

Oversized Images: It slows down page load speed.


  • Add alt text to all images

  • Keep your contexts descriptive

  • Resize or compress images using effective tools

  • Replace the broken image or change the URL

  • Apply Site Audit to detect image issues

  • Avoid keyword stuffing

4. Sluggish Meta Tags:

An unoptimized metatag can impact a website’s search engine rankings. Meanwhile, meta tags show snippets of HTML codes that allow search engines and viewers to learn more about your website. Poorly optimized meta tags, such as excessively long or missing titles and descriptions, mislead search engines to find your page. Moreover, this SEO mistake confuses users, enabling them to decide if your page is relevant.


  • Include relevant keywords to Optimize your title tags and meta descriptions.

  • Use Site Audit to highlight duplicate meta tags

  • Create short and informative meta tags and descriptions

  • Summarize page content strategically

5. Poorly Optimized for Mobile:

Search engines prioritize mobile-optimized web pages. So, websites not optimized for mobile can be a significant mistake that website design service providers should consider. A lack of mobile optimization can misguide search engines from ranking your website due to poor visibility and accessibility.

Here are the main mobile optimization methods:

Responsive Design: This enables your website to adapt to different screen sizes, providing a great user experience on all devices.

Dynamic Serving: This provides content adjustment facilities based on different devices and their screen without changing the URL.


  • Create a responsive website

  • Optimize web page for mobile devices

  • Ensure dynamic serving to ensure your website offers a seamless user experience

6. Unclear CTA:

This is another website design mistake that can hurt SEO. A Call-to-action button provides clear instructions and actions users should take while visiting your website. However, using an unclear CTA confuses visitors and reduces the scope of conversion. For instance, incorporating CTA buttons labeled “click here” fails to convey a clear message.


  • Use a clear and well-optimized CTA

  • Implement eye-catching strategy while designing CTA

  • Use bright colors and place them in a visible area

  • Keep it minimum; try to add one clear, loud, and informative content

  • Use social proof and supporting texts for your CTA

7. Technical Errors:

While a stunning website might impress visitors, technical errors can hinder your SEO efforts. Broken links are some of the major reasons behind it.

Moreover, server errors like 4xx or 5xx codes can prevent search engines from crawling and indexing your page. 4xx errors impact search engine accessibility, and 5xx creates server errors while performing a request.

In addition, poorly linked 404 error pages are other technical issues that affect a website’s search engine ranking. They redirect users to another page and provide a way out from an error page.


  • Use site audit tools to identify and fix the broken links

  • Check the URL and remove the typing errors

  • Clear cache and cookies

  • Create a link with the ‘404 not found page’

By avoiding these mistakes, a web design company ensures your website looks visually appealing and performs well in search engines

8. Accessibility Issues:

Many web designers overlook accessibility, but it's a critical SEO mistake. This is another web design mistake a professional web design company should consider.

  • Here's why accessibility matters:

  • Search engines prioritize inclusive content

  • Better user engagement

  • Faster loading times

. Features like alt text for images help visually impaired users understand your content, while a clean design free of iframes and flash elements ensures faster loading times – a key SEO ranking factor.

By making your website accessible, you can provide positive indications to search engines, potentially boosting SEO ranking.


  • Use alt text for images to improve accessibility

  • Apply a clean and responsive design strategy

  • Use sitemaps for a better understanding

  • Integrate breadcrumb links to make your navigation intuitive and inclusive

  • Research and use highly readable content

  • Use interactive elements for keyboard navigation


It’s never too late to optimize your website for better search engine response and ranking. Your first step will be identifying and planning a strategy to overcome web design issues. This blog depicts the major mistakes a web design company should avoid when designing a user-friendly website that boosts SEO. Some common problems include poor content, loading speed issues, unclear CTA, inaccessible designs, and more.

Optimizing for SEO ensures your website is visually appealing and performing well in search engine rankings. Web design professionals integrate SEO principles to improve user experience and organic traffic and gain a competitive edge.

Embrace effective SEO principles to overcome website design issues and deliver solutions that resonate with search engines and users.

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