Misery - Poem

Nov 11, 2022

1 min read

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Getting out of bed seems like a chore

these days,

My thoughts seem to be lost, as if

inside a broken maze.

These anxiety induced headaches are

becoming alarmingly frequent,

This rational mind of mine looks to

slowly circumvent.

Why am I always the one at the


The one people can so easily leave,

rotten and forgotten?

My whole world feels like it's built on

a shallow land of worthless empathy,

A world that I am roaming around

alone, aimlessly.

I can always take a bottled smile,

But that too is beginning to feel like a

curse, a thing very vile.

I don't think I can keep up with this

for much longer,

Maybe I'll come back in my next life,

better and stronger.

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