Minimalism: A Way to a Cleaner and Sustainable Life

Aug 3, 2022

4 min read

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Minimalism is a design and lifestyle trend emphasizing simplicity, cleanliness, and order. It’s not just for the ultra-rich anymore. Living with less has been gaining traction recently as people look to live more sustainably. The problem is it’s hard to know where to start on your journey towards minimalism when there are so many articles telling you what to do differently or how this one person was able to reduce their possessions by 50% in two weeks.

We’ve compiled some facts about minimalism that can get you started on your minimalist journey.

Origin of Minimalism

Some say it has ties to one of Buddhism’s oldest beliefs to detach oneself from earthly belongings, while some focus on the art and design movement that happened in the past century. However, modern minimalism is a mix of both. It pertains to owning only the most essential belongings, which leads to a well-designed, clean space.

Minimalism is a lifestyle that encourages people to own only what they need and eliminate all excess. It can be argued that minimalism is not for everyone, but there are many benefits to this lifestyle.

Annie Nguyen

How To Start Minimalism

We recommend starting by paring down your wardrobe – don’t keep anything just because it’s “in style” or was expensive when purchased; ask yourself if you wear these items often enough before deciding whether or not they’re worth keeping on hand.

There’s more to minimalism than meets the eye. It’s not all about designing a room with mostly white paired with neutral-colored accents, having as few belongings as possible, or having multi-use furniture. It’s not even about having a clean desk with barely anything. And it’s certainly not limited to design and furnishings that are not grandiose.

Is Minimalism a lifestyle choice?

Most minimalists today choose to own less because they learned what mass production is doing to the Earth. They decide to help mitigate the effects of climate change in their way. At the same time, some realize that what they have in their usual environment affects their mind. They wanted to declutter their space to be more productive, focused, and healthy.

Practical tips for being minimalist

Minimalists are motivated by different things, but the main idea is less is more. Of course, changing your habits, lifestyle, and mindset does not happen overnight. You are bound to experience difficulties changing your life and your surroundings.

Declutter your home

Decluttering your home means that you must learn how to prioritize what you need. For instance, you can start with decluttering your cabinet, which is bursting with clothes you haven’t worn for years.

As you go through your cabinet, be honest with yourself and judge whether it’s a piece you’ll regularly wear or not. Suppose you haven’t used it for a year, bid farewell to the clothing. If it’s a staple, you may keep it. Keep only those you’ll use and bid farewell to those only taking up space without purpose.

Do the above with all your belongings.

Organize what’s left

After purging your house of unneeded and barely used items, it’s time to organize it properly. Now, it’s up to you how to do this.

  • While decluttering your home, you may find a few items you have been missing for years in an unexpected house area.

  • Use this opportunity to reorganize your home and ensure everything is exactly where it should be. Don’t leave anything on the floor; if you must, buy an organizer or two and label it appropriately.

Invest In Reusable Products

Now that your house is free of litter, you have to apply the minimalist lifestyle to yourself. Be mindful of what you consume. Some turn to minimalism to help the environment.

They use reusable bags, natural and organic skincare products, multi-use furniture, bar soaps, and reusable bottles for liquid products when shopping. You might as well try it if you’re dedicated to living a minimalist life.

Be strict

Having your belongings reduced to only what you need is nerve-wracking. This is precisely why some people backslide into their old habits and purchase stuff they don’t need. You may mindlessly buy things you don’t need when you go to the mall, even if you have a list.

All you have to do is remind yourself that you’re dedicated to living minimally. Before adding products to your cart, please take a deep breath and reflect on their usefulness. If it has no purpose and won’t make you feel pleased, gently set it down and walk away.

Unplug Gadgets And Appliances

Yes, minimalism extends to how a person consumes energy. This is because minimalism is connected to sustainability; you must practice conserving resources as much as possible. Whenever an appliance is not in use, unplug it.

If your phone or laptop is fully charged, don’t just unplug the wire from the device. Make sure to unplug the adapter from the power outlet too. Never leave anything plugged – the same goes for lights that are kept on even as daylight streams through the windows.

Living a minimalist life is achievable for everybody.

Related: How to Protect the Environment


Contrary to popular belief, minimalism doesn’t exactly equate to having a home with barely anything in it. You have to learn how to differentiate your wants and needs, prioritize your needs, and not flood your home with your desires but not needs. Start living a minimalist lifestyle and experience just how refreshing it is.

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