Migrate Rds to Aurora: Optimize Your Database Infrastructure

5 months ago

4 min read

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Are you considering migrating your database from Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) to Amazon Aurora? Aurora is suitable with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and offers superior performance, scalability, and availability compared to traditional databases. In this article, we'll walk you through every step of transferring your RDS database to Aurora. We'll cover why migrate RDS to Aurora, its key benefits, the prerequisites for migration, different migration methods, and best practices to ensure a smooth transition.

Why Migrate RDS to Aurora?

Amazon Aurora offers several advantages over traditional RDS databases, making it an attractive option for businesses looking to optimize their database performance and reduce costs. Here are a few of the main advantages of shifting to Aurora:

Better Performance

Aurora achieves 5* better performance than MySQL databases and 3* better than PostgreSQL databases. It achieves this through performance optimization techniques, such as optimized storage, caching, and parallel query processing.

Increased Scalability

With Aurora, you can scale your database easily by increasing the compute resources or adding additional replicas. This allows you to handle higher workloads and traffic without sacrificing performance.

High Availability and Durability

Aurora includes built-in failover methods and automatic backups to ensure high availability and durability of your data. It duplicates data across various Availability Zones (AZs) to prevent failures.

Cost Savings

Despite its advanced features, Aurora is generally more cost-effective than provisioning and managing traditional databases, especially for high-throughput workloads.

Prerequisites for Migration

Before you begin the Migrate RDS to Aurora procedure, you need to follow the prerequisites:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account: To build and administer Aurora resources, you must have an active AWS account.

  • RDS Database Backup: Before migrating, take a complete backup of your RDS database. This backup will serve as the source for your migration.

  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Aurora databases are deployed within a VPC, so you'll need to have a VPC set up in your AWS account.

  • Security Groups and Network Access: Configure the necessary security groups and network access to allow communication between your application and the Aurora database.

  • Application Compatibility Check: Review your application code and database queries to ensure compatibility with Aurora. While Aurora is designed to be compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, some differences may require code changes.

Migrate RDS to Aurora Methods

There are several methods available to migrate your RDS database to Aurora. The best option will be determined by your individual needs and the amount of downtime you are willing to suffer during the move. Here are the standard migration methods:

Snapshot Migration:

  • This method involves creating a snapshot of your RDS database and restoring it as an Aurora cluster.

  • It is a fast and straightforward approach but requires downtime during the migration process.

  • Suitable for small to medium-sized databases where downtime is acceptable.

Logical Replication Migration:

  • This method uses logical replication to continuously replicate data from your RDS database to an Aurora cluster.

  • It allows for minimal downtime and enables a seamless transition to Aurora.

  • Suitable for larger databases or applications that require minimal disruption during migration.

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS):

  • It supports homogeneous migrations (RDS to Aurora) as well as heterogeneous migrations (Oracle to Aurora).

  • DMS can perform one-time migrations or continuous replication, minimizing downtime.

  • Suitable for complex migrations or when you need to migrate from a non-AWS database to Aurora.

Import/Export Method:

  • This method involves exporting data from your RDS database and importing it into an Aurora cluster.

  • It is a straightforward approach but requires downtime during the migration process.

  • Suitable for smaller databases or scenarios where downtime is acceptable.

Step-by-Step Migration Process

While the specific steps may vary depending on the migration method you choose, here's a general outline of the migration process:

Plan and Prepare:

  • Assess your current database requirements, such as size, workload, and availability needs.

  • Choose the best migration option for your needs and downtime tolerance.

  • Ensure you have the necessary prerequisites, including an AWS account, VPC, security groups, and IAM roles.

Create an Aurora Cluster:

  • Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate the Amazon Aurora service.

  • Create a new Aurora cluster by choosing the appropriate engine (MySQL or PostgreSQL) and cluster configuration.

  • Configure the necessary network settings, security groups, and parameter groups for your Aurora cluster.

Migrate Data:

  • Depending on your chosen migration method, follow the specific steps to migrate your data from RDS to the Aurora cluster.

  • Set up replication from your RDS database to the Aurora cluster for logical replication migration.

  • For import/export migration, export data from your RDS database and import it into the Aurora cluster.

Verify and Test:

  • Once the migration is complete, verify that all data has been successfully migrated to the Aurora cluster.

  • Test your application with the new Aurora database.

  • Address any issues or incompatibilities that arise during testing.

Cut Over to Aurora:

  • Update your application's connection strings and configuration to point to the new Aurora cluster.

  • If you used logical replication or DMS for migration, cut over to the Aurora cluster by stopping replication and redirecting traffic to the new database.

Monitor and Optimize:

  • Monitor the performance of your Aurora cluster, and then implement any required changes or improvements.

  • Take advantage of Aurora's advanced features, such as automated backups, read replicas, and performance insights, to enhance your database's performance and availability.

Best Practices of RDS to Aurora Migration

To ensure a smooth and successful Migrate RDS to Aurora, follow these best practices:

  • Plan Ahead: Carefully plan your migration strategy, considering factors like downtime requirements, data size, and application dependencies.

  • Test, Test, Test: Perform thorough testing throughout the migration process to identify and address any compatibility issues or potential problems.

  • Optimize Your Schema: Review and optimize your database schema for Aurora, taking advantage of its performance features and capabilities.

  • Implement Backups and Disaster Recovery: Set up automated backups and implement an AWS disaster recovery strategy.

  • Follow Security Best Practices: Secure your Aurora cluster by implementing appropriate security measures, such as network access control, encryption, and auditing.

  • Leverage AWS Support: If you encounter any issues or have specific requirements, leverage the AWS Support resources and documentation for guidance and assistance.


Migrating from Amazon RDS to Aurora can significantly improve your database workloads' performance, scalability, and cost. Also, further opting for an AWS migration consultant can ensure a smooth and successful migration. However,  It is essential to take the time to understand your specific requirements, select the appropriate migration method, and take advantage of Aurora's advanced features and capabilities to optimize your database performance and availability.

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