All About Menstruation, Periods, PMS, Girl’s Periods

Nov 10, 2021

10 min read

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The loss of the uterine lining is referred to as menstruation. Menses is another name for menstruation. Menses are a typical element of a woman's sexual health during her reproductive years.

Humans and comparable species, such as primates, are the only creatures who have menstruation that involves vaginal bleeding. The womb's endometrial tissue is lost and discharged through the vaginal canal. 

Women get their periods every 28 days on average; however, this cycle can vary from 24 to 35 days. The menstrual cycle of a woman includes a period. It's an indication that the body is functioning appropriately.

Menstrual facts in a nutshell:

Here are some important factors to remember regarding menstruation.

  • Periods usually begin between the ages of eight and sixteen.
  • Approximately 5 to 12 tablespoons of blood are lost on average.
  • Bloating, irritability and breast soreness are all symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Many women experience irregular periods, but if you are worried, you should consult a doctor.

What exactly is a period?

The start of a woman's reproductive years is marked by menstruation. She can become pregnant as soon as she gets her first period, or a few days earlier. Menopause, which occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, is the cessation of menstruation. A young woman's first menstruation will be noticeable because blood will flow from her vaginal opening.

Each of a woman's two ovaries carries a number of eggs. During the reproductive years, an egg will be released once a month. Every month, the womb also prepares a lining in the event that the egg is fertilized. If the egg does not get fertilized, the lining is no longer required and will be lost along with the egg. This shedding appears to us like blood. This is referred to as a time. The womb will require the lining if the egg is fertilized, thus it will not be shed. This is why when a woman becomes pregnant, her periods cease.

When do menstrual cycles begin?

Periods begin when a woman reaches menarche. It will happen when all of the components of a girl's reproductive system are fully developed and operating together. Periods usually begin between the ages of 12 and 14, however, they can start at any age between 8 and 16. Menstruation is a significant part of a girl's puberty. It's one of a number of physical indicators that a girl is maturing into a woman.

A girl may notice more clear vaginal discharge around 6 months before her first period. This is typical and nothing to be concerned about unless the discharge has a strong odor or causes itching. Until the lady approaches menopause, her periods will be regular.

The menstrual cycle:

During the reproductive cycle, the pituitary gland in the brain releases hormones to activate the ovaries. Some of the woman's eggs, which are kept in the follicles of her ovaries, begin to expand and mature as a result of these hormones.

The follicles begin to produce an estrogen-like hormone. The uterine lining thickens as a result of the elevated osteogeny, in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg.

If a woman has had intercourse within a few days of the egg being released and has sperm in her fallopian tube, the egg may be fertilized and she will get pregnant.

It's crucial to remember, though, that pregnancy can occur with unprotected intercourse at any point throughout the menstrual cycle. If the egg is not fertilized, estrogen and progesterone levels decline, and the endometrium (uterine lining) begins to break down. This is the first day of the era.

The endometrium and a tiny bit of blood make up the menstruation. The breakdown of tiny blood vessels within the womb when the lining detaches causes bleeding.

A time of roughly 5 days is a typical Trusted Source. During the first two days, the bleeding is usually more intense. Even if the blood flow appears to be substantial, the amount of blood lost is typically 5 to 12 tablespoons.

Menorrhagia is the term for when a woman's menstruation is heavier than usual. Menorrhagia should be checked up by a doctor since it can create complications like anemia due to a low blood count.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sometimes known as premenstrual tension (PMT), is a mix of emotional, psychological, and physical symptoms associated with a woman's menstrual cycle.

Some women may have the following symptoms in the days leading up to their period:

  • abdominal bloating
  • acne
  • headache, including migraine
  • irritability
  • pains, especially backache
  • low mood
  • feeling generally emotional or troubled
  • insomnia
  • lack of concentration
  • breast tenderness or swelling
  • slight weight gain
  • binge eating

The symptoms usually improve after the woman's menstruation starts and she starts losing blood. Symptoms will, in most circumstances, be entirely gone by the conclusion of the term.

PMS may be exacerbated by the following factors:

  • Caffeine intake is stressful if you have a history of depression or any mental disease.
  • Smoking and alcohol usage, as well as a family history of PMS, are all factors to consider.
  • vitamin and mineral deficiency, calcium deficiency, and B vitamin deficiency

Irregular periods:

A cycle lasts an average of 28 days, although it can last anywhere from 21 to 40 days. The duration of the cycle and the amount of blood lost by many women are consistent from cycle to cycle. Some women, however, experience irregular periods.

There may be differences in the time between periods:

  • the length of the interval between periods
  • the length of the interval between periods.
  • the amount of blood spilled and the length of time the bleeding lasted

Irregular periods can be caused by a variety of factors, and therapy will vary depending on the cause. It's fairly uncommon for women to experience irregular periods for up to 6 years after menstruation begins or throughout perimenopause when the body prepares for menopause.

Many women have gone without a period at some point in their lives. It might be for no obvious reason, or it could be in expectation of a pregnancy, or it could be due to anxiety or strain.

Irregular periods can be caused by a variety of reasons, including the ones listed below:

  • benign lesions like uterine fibroids, endometrial polyps, and scarring
  • hormone imbalance
  • bleeding disorders
  • medications
  • changes in birth control methods
  • infection in the uterus
  • cancer of the uterine lining or cervical cancer

What is Amenorrhea (the lack of a period)?

Amenorrhea is a condition in which a woman stops her periods after missing three in a row. It's also used if a female is under the age of 15 and hasn't started menstruating yet.

Reasons for amenorrhea include:

  • excessive exercise or weight loss
  • stress
  • some medications, including birth control
  • hormonal problems
  • pregnancy


Pain is a medical disorder characterized by significant uterine pain that occurs during menstruation.

During menstruation, most women suffer minimal discomfort, but dysmenorrhea occurs when the pain is so severe that it interferes with daily activities. It may be necessary to take medicine. Some women endure discomfort in the days leading up to their period, while others suffer from dysmenorrhea throughout their period. The discomfort usually decreases as menstruation decreases. Dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia, or excessive blood loss, affect certain women.

The following signs and symptoms are possible.

  • lower abdominal cramps and discomfort
  • Diarrhea
  • headaches
  • low backache
  • nausea
  • ache that travels down your legs
  • weariness and exhaustion
  • weakness
  • vomiting

The following categories are more prone to suffer from dysmenorrhea:

Women over the age of 30 who smoke and are underweight or overweight

Those whose periods began before they were 12 years old, according to a reliable source

Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by a variety of reproductive health disorders, such as endometriosis and fibroids.


The following are some interesting facts concerning menstruation and pregnancy:

  • Because sperm may survive for up to 5 days, it is unusual but yet possible to become pregnant if you have intercourse during your period, depending on the duration of your monthly cycle.
  • Periods are used to prepare the womb for pregnancy. If the uterus does not conceive, the unused egg and lining are shed, and the uterus prepares for another attempt. Because fertilization has occurred, periods do not continue during pregnancy.
  • Although you are unlikely to have a period while pregnant, minor spotting or bleeding may occur at times when you would usually have had your period.
  • Around week 6, when the placenta takes over sustaining the fetus, bleeding may occur.
  • Bleeding can indicate an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. Any bleeding should be brought to the attention of a physician.


Treatment may provide some relief for those who are experiencing unpleasant menstrual symptoms.


Painkillers can help with period symptoms and discomfort. Acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen, and aspirin are examples.


Period discomfort is typically relieved by using the contraceptive pill. The uterine lining will be thinner, which will result in fewer contractions during menstruation.


Exercise has been shown to lower the degree of discomfort and agony experienced by people suffering from menstrual difficulties.

Breathing exercises, massage, and medicine are examples of relaxation approaches. Yoga is used by some women to relieve pain and stress.

Heat treatment: 

Applying heat to the abdomen with a hot water bottle will help relieve pain.

Warm bath: 

In addition to aiding relaxation, a warm bath may also give pain or discomfort alleviation.


Menstrual items are either disposable or reusable and are used to absorb or capture the menses. Sanitary pads or napkins: Sanitary pads or napkins are disposable menstruation items that are inserted in the underwear and absorb the menstrual flow.

Tampons: Tampons are cylinders that are placed into the vaginal canal and absorb menstrual flow. They're constructed of 100% cotton fleece or treated rayon or cotton mixes.

Menstrual items that can be reused include:

Pads made of cloth: Cotton, terrycloth, or flannel are common materials for these. They are positioned on the outside. They can be washed.

Menstrual cups are put directly into the vaginal canal to capture the flow of the menstrual period. They may be used again and again. There are also disposable options available.

Reusable underwear, sometimes known as "padded panties," is typically composed of cotton and has absorbent layers sewed in. They are washable and reusable.

A blanket is often referred to as a towel or a draw sheet. These are huge fabric pieces that are placed between the legs when sleeping. They may be cleaned and reused several times.

Menstrual cramps are unpleasant feelings experienced by many women prior to and during their menstrual period:

  • The discomfort, commonly known as dysmenorrhea or period pain, can be subtle and inconvenient or severe and excruciating. After ovulation, when the ovaries release an egg that travels down the fallopian tube, menstrual pains usually begin.
  • The lower abdomen and lower back can also be affected by pain. About 10% of women who menstruate have significant enough discomfort to interfere with their everyday lives for 1–3 days each month, according to Trusted Source.
  • Primary dysmenorrhea is pain that only occurs during menstruation. Period discomfort caused by a medical condition such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease is known as secondary dysmenorrhea.

Menstrual Cramp Symptoms:

Menstrual cramps are dull, throbbing, cramping ache that occurs right above the pelvic bone in the lower abdomen.

Other signs and symptoms might include:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • sweating
  • faintness and dizziness
  • diarrhea or loose stools
  • constipation
  • bloating
  • Headaches

People should seek medical advice:

If the symptoms are severe or develop worse over time, or if blood clots are larger than a quarter, or if discomfort occurs at other times than menstruation, see a trusted source.


Over-the-counter pain medications are frequently effective. Menstrual cramps can be relieved with this trusted source. Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can help ease the pain.

Manufacturers have invented items that are particularly designed to relieve menstruation cramps. These are a combination of NSAIDs and ant prostaglandins that help ease uterine cramps, blood flow, and pain.

To prevent ovulation and lessen the severity of menstrual cramps, a doctor may prescribe hormonal birth control tablets. These tablets operate by weakening the uterine lining, which is where prostaglandins are produced, reducing cramping and bleeding.

Other hormonal birth control methods, including intrauterine devices (IUDs), vaginal rings, patches, and injections, can help relieve cramps.

If the cramps are caused by an underlying medical disease, such as endometriosis or fibroids, a doctor may consider removing the undesirable tissue through surgery.


People might also try various lifestyle changes to alleviate cramps. Exercise on a regular basis attempting to reduce stress — for example, via meditation, mindfulness, or yoga stopping smoking if a smoker, or avoiding secondhand smoke.

Acupuncture Trusted Source or yoga Trusted Source may assist, but further study is needed to prove their effectiveness.

Home remedies:

  • Some natural therapies are available at home. Applying a hot pad to the lower belly and practicing relaxation and mindfulness practices are two trusted sources that may help.
  • Jogging or yoga are examples of physical activity.
  • bathing or showering in warm water and receiving a massage using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS).


Except during pregnancy, menstruation normally occurs every 28 days between adolescence and menopause Trusted Source. The muscles of the womb tense and relax in an uneven pattern during menstruation. This action aids in the removal of undesirable tissue and blood from the womb.

These contractions happen to everyone, yet some individuals aren't aware of them. Others, on the other hand, may experience significant discomfort. Nausea, vomiting and other symptoms may also occur in some people.

Risk factors include:

Menstrual cramps tend to be reduced by the following factors:

  • When you're older and have had more children, you're more likely to take birth control tablets.
  • If you're under 30 years old — especially before the age of 20 — and have heavy periods, you're more likely to get severe cramps.
  • have a history of menstruation cramps in your family

Other things that might make it more likely include:

  • Being a survivor of sexual abuse, smoking, obesity, and sadness

Menstrual cramps can be worse by the following factors:

Menstrual cramps can also be caused or exacerbated by a number of underlying medical issues.

These include the following:

The source you can trust:

Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and certain birth control methods, as well as adenomyosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

If the symptoms are severe, surgery may be required.


Menstrual cramps are a typical ailment that happens during the monthly period. Various treatments are available to alleviate the pain and suffering they might cause.

It's a good idea to contact a doctor if the symptoms are severe or occur at other times of the month.

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