Medicare Advantage Mock Audits: What They Are and Why They Matter

Mar 6, 2023

2 min read

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If you are a provider or organization offering a Medicare Advantage plan, you are likely familiar with the importance of compliance and the potential consequences of non-compliance. One of the most effective ways to ensure that your plan complies with all relevant regulations and guidelines are through Medicare Mock Audits.

What are Medicare Advantage Mock Audits?

A Medicare Advantage mock audit is a simulation of an actual CMS audit conducted by an independent third party. It is designed to identify any areas of potential risk or non-compliance in your organization's operations, documentation practices, coding, and billing. Mock audits can be conducted in various formats, from remote desktop reviews to on-site reviews, depending on your organization's needs.

Why are Mock Audits Important?

Medicare Advantage mock audits are essential to a proactive compliance program for Medicare Advantage plans. They help identify potential areas of risk and non-compliance before an actual audit takes place, allowing your organization to address any issues beforehand and minimize the chances of potential penalties or legal action.

Medicare Advantage Mock Audits can also help you:

  • Identify gaps in documentation and coding practices that could lead to denied claims or incorrect payments.

  • Ensure that your staff is well-trained on compliance issues and following proper procedures.

  • Improve your plan's performance on CMS quality measures and star ratings.

  • Tell regulators and stakeholders that your organization is committed to compliance and quality.

What to Expect During a Mock Audit

The mock audit process typically involves several stages, including:

  • Pre-Audit Preparation

Before the audit, your organization will be required to provide the third-party auditor with a range of documentation, including policies and procedures, training records, sample claims, and member records. The auditor will review these materials in advance of the actual audit.

  • Mock Audit Review

During the mock audit, the third-party auditor will review your organization's operations, documentation practices, coding, and billing. It may include reviewing member files, claims, provider contracts, and more.

  • Findings and Recommendations

Following the audit, the third-party auditor will provide a report detailing any areas of potential risk or non-compliance identified during the review. The report may also include recommendations for addressing any issues and improving compliance from now on.

  • Follow-Up

After the report is delivered, your organization will have an opportunity to address any identified issues and implement any necessary corrective actions. The third-party auditor may conduct a follow-up review to ensure that these actions have been taken and that compliance has been improved.

Benefits of Mock Audits

Conducting Medicare Advantage Mock Audits offers several benefits to organizations providing Medicare Advantage plans, including:

  • Minimizing the risk of penalties or legal action for non-compliance.

  • Improving the accuracy and completeness of claims and payments.

  • Enhancing staff training and compliance knowledge.

  • Boosting plan performance on CMS quality measures and star ratings.

  • Building confidence among regulators, stakeholders, and members.

Final thoughts

Medicare Advantage mock audits are critical to a comprehensive compliance program for organizations offering Medicare Advantage plans. They help identify potential risks and non-compliance, allowing organizations to address issues and minimize potential penalties or legal action.

By conducting mock audits regularly, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to compliance and quality, improve plan performance, and build trust among regulators, stakeholders, and members.

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