Matt’S RV Reviews: What This Fat Ass RV Salesman Can Teach You About Building A Group Of Cult-Like Followers

Jul 4, 2022

5 min read

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Matt and his incredible team

It’s no secret that most people have heard about people successfully using Youtube to drive traffic to their offline business.

But what you may not know is that this isn’t done by luck; it is the direct result of a very deliberate effort and much hard work.

You’ll need some specific strategies in place if you want to grow a loyal group of fanatic customers. Businesses that choose to make videos without them are likely to fail because they aren’t connecting with their potential customers emotionally.

The question is, what can you do to build a group of loyal fans on YouTube that will become customers in your offline business?

This article will show you how an ordinary RV salesman became the MVP of one of the nation’s largest dealerships by creating RV reviews that people wanted to see and, more importantly, reviews they trusted.

Matt Foxcroft from Matt’s RV review started his channel back in 2016 with a mission to educate people about RVs. Like any massive success story, many factors have led Matt’s and his team to have over 100,000 subscribers, more than the largest RV companies.

But there are some strategies that you can use whether you’re a business owner or a salesman for more offline success.

This article will discuss three proven strategies that Matt has used, and you can duplicate them on your channel.

Be The Attractive Character

Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, defines an attractive character as an online persona designed to attract your perfect customer. It’s not about how good you look on camera; it’s about what your viewers think of you and how much they trust you

At first glance, you may be asking yourself, what makes this self-described “fat ass” RV salesman so attractive?

Matt doesn’t try to be a salesman. He is just an average guy who has learned from experience what you need in an RV, and he shares this with his customers.

People often travel long distances to meet Matt and get personal advice about purchasing their RV.

This is why it works so well for Matt and his team. They don’t have to be anything other than themselves.

They are the same people on camera as off-camera, and they don’t have shame in it either. This allows his expertise and passion to be at the forefront of everything he does, and followers love him because of it.

Here is how you can apply the “Attractive Character” approach to your Youtube strategy.

Don’t try to be anything you’re not.

Matt is just a regular guy. When you try to be someone else or something more than you are, you lose that crucial connection with your viewers.

Build trust in your content rather than trying to present yourself as an authority figure.

Be Polarising

“Youtube is not the place to sell your product; it is the place to sell yourself.”

When most of us think of a salesman, we automatically think of a sleazy kind of guy willing to say anything to get you to sign on the dotted line.

By creating fair and honest reviews of RVs, Matt has separated himself from the rest of the pack. I challenge you to find any other RV salesman willing to point out the flaws of a manufacturer’s products.

Matt even grades the position and legroom of the toilet in each RV, awarding those who pass with his trademark “Prime Pooping Position.” Those RVs that fail the “four P” test get a healthy rebuke pointed straight at the manufacturers, often asking them, “What are you thinking?”

In addition, at the end of every review, Matt and his team (usually his wife Andrea or his best friend Will) will point out the three things they like and the three things they dislike about every RV they review.

This strategy of being polarizing works because it builds trust with his viewers; anyone willing to point out the flaws in a product must be trustworthy.

How can you be more polarizing in your content?

Don’t be afraid to point out flaws, and don’t try and make excuses for them. Not only will you gain the trust of your audience, but you might even help bring about changes to correct those flaws.

Create Status

Humans are status-seeking creatures. We care about our place in the pecking order.

In marketing, companies often sell us products that will help us raise our status. For men, a fancy car is at the top of the list; for women, it’s a designer handbag.

Matt creates status for his customers by hosting meetups so you can meet him in person and giving out his phone number so you can text or call him to ask any questions you might have for him.

He also has a private Facebook group called “Club Art Deco,” where he invites his fans to participate by giving their reviews of RVs.

Making your subscribers feel unique with perks is one way to create status while showing people that you care about them, and giving them a way to connect with you is another.

Let’s review some of the ways that you can create a status for your fans or customers.

Give your customers perks that make them feel special. This could be anything from a discount to early access to new products and content, or it could even simply be you taking the time to personally respond to their inquiries rather than using auto-responding software.

Host special events that allow people to connect with you. This could be meeting in person or simply having an online hangout as Matt does.

Give out your personal contact information so they can text or call you for that one question you don’t want them to go to Google.

Offer a private Facebook group where your customers can talk among themselves and interact with you.

Provide behind-the-scenes information to your customers that they can’t get anywhere else.

Show your customers how important their feedback is by incorporating it into new products and content or hosting contests where they can win prizes for giving you suggestions on what you should do next.

Time and again, studies show that people will pay more for a product when they feel like you care about them as a person, not just another sale.

The key is to make yourself accessible to them and take the time to respond to their questions and concerns personally.


Now you have seen how this Fat ASS RV salesman has built a cult-like following of loyal fans interacting with him and communicating with one another.

I hope this is helpful to you in coming up with ways that you could use similar tactics to build your following.

Would you please leave a comment below if you have any questions or share your story about using some of these tactics for yourself?

Robert Elliott:

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