Male Gynecomastia and Female Breast Reduction

Oct 4, 2022

4 min read

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Breast reduction is a relatively common operation to relieve back and shoulder pain in ladies with excessively big ptotic breasts. Although the operation improves the appearance of the breasts, it is most rewarding for the relief it provides from back and shoulder pain. Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure used to treat overly developed or oversized male breasts.

For excessive breast enlargement in women, alternative terminology includes Breast Hypertrophy, Macromastia, and Gynecomastia. Although the operation is more frequently performed in Pakistan, it can happen at any age and is relatively prevalent in India.

The breasts enlarge, becoming heavy, drooping, or "ptotic," which is a major source of back, shoulder, and chest pain. Imagine carrying around two heavy bags of flour, then picture how much lighter you feel when someone lifts the load off of you.

Most insurance companies cover this operation, unlike any other cosmetic procedure, due to the relief it provides after the procedure. Gynecomastia, a disorder characterized by excessively developed or enlarged male breasts, affects males of all ages. It may be brought on by hormonal changes, inherited disorders, sickness, or the use of specific medicines. But most of the time, no cause is understood. Gynecomastia might make you feel uncomfortable emotionally and lower your self-esteem. Some men would even avoid engaging in specific physical activities, like swimming, in an effort to conceal their condition.

Gynecomastia can be identified by

  • additional localized fat

  • excess glandular tissue development

A combination of both excess fat and glandular tissue

Gynecomastia may be manifested unilaterally (one breast) or bilaterally.

Preparing for Your Surgery

You'll also get precise instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including suggestions on eating and drinking, when to stop smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and drugs.

Where Your Surgery Will Be Performed

Breast Reduction surgery is performed in a hospital, or an outpatient surgery facility. If you are admitted to the hospital, your stay will be a short one. The surgery itself normally takes one to three hours, but may take longer in some circumstances if other procedures are conducted in conjunction.

The Surgery

Female breast reduction entails the removal of extra skin, fat, and breast tissue in addition to raising and repositioning the nipple. The latest treatments incorporate tiny incisions and the use of ultrasonic liposuction. The scars from the new procedures are covered and settled down quite well.

Male breast reduction surgery can be conducted in two ways, depending on the severity of the problem: the first is merely liposuction alone, and the second is liposuction in conjunction with gland removal and tissue excision. A useful addition is the use of ultrasonic liposuction, which is currently accessible in a few clinics in India. There are no visible scars following male breast reduction.

Breast reduction is conducted under general anesthesia if tissue removal, gland reduction, and liposuction are performed; if simply liposuction is performed, the treatment can take place under local anesthesia.


After Your Surgery

After surgery, you'll be wrapped in an elastic bandage or a surgical garment. You may experience some pain for the first couple of days—especially when you move around or cough—and some discomfort for a week or more. Your surgeon will prescribe medicine to decrease the pain.

The bandages will be removed two to five days following surgery, though you'll continue wearing the surgical garment around the clock for several weeks, until the swelling and bruising diminish. Your stitches will be removed in two weeks following female breast reduction(augmentation). Male breast reduction most typically entails no sutures to be removed, as the suture line is in the brown skin around the nipple (areola).


Getting Back to Normal

Although you will be up and about in a day or two, your breasts may continue to ache intermittently for a number of weeks. You should avoid lifting or pushing anything heavy for three or four weeks.

Your surgeon will provide you precise advice for resuming your normal activities. Most men and women can return to work (if it's not too rigorous) and social activities in around one to two weeks.

Breast augmentation in Lahore

Breast augmentation is a new way to give your breasts a more composed and firm appearance. It is a surgical procedure in which breasts are implanted with a silicone-filled sack-like feature. Then, it is adjusted under the breast tissue to give them a crisper look. But make sure to choose a cosmetic surgeon who is board certified. It ensures that he is trained and experienced in cosmetic surgery, including breast augmentation. Suppose you are not aware of a certified plastic surgeon. Then let us inform you that at Cosmetic Surgery Lahore, Dr. Mustehsan Bashir is serving. He is a well-known cosmetic surgeon. At cosmeticoplasty, the surgical procedure will take place in an accredited facility, which is essential for your safety. Moreover, don’t choose a breast augmentation surgeon based on high prices because expensive surgery is not guaranteed to be perfect. Dr. Mustehsan Bashir offers multiple financing options to help a patient fit breast augmentation into her budget. Visit now: Cosmeticoplasty by Dr. Mustehsan Bashir,Sector F Phase 5 D.H.A, Lahore.

Your New Look

Although majority of the swelling and bruising will disappear in the first few weeks, it may take six months before your chest area settles into their new, improved shape. This is one of the most satisfying surgeries for both the surgeon and the patient and the increase in self-image for most patients is enormous.

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