Loyalty Is To Be Measured By Actions, Not By Words

Jul 15, 2022

1 min read

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Photo by alevision.co on Unsplash

initially published by me on newsbreak and medium

We all know someone who says “I love you” as a reflex but is too busy for you at the moment. Who promises to call but never does. Who breaks your trust time and time again.

That person? They’re not loyal to you at all.

Loyalty is about reliability and consistency; it’s about being there for someone when they need help or support, even when it’s inconvenient. And belief is about having a more profound commitment to someone than your own needs.

But being loyal isn’t always easy.

Loyal friends, colleagues, and loved ones will always be there for us — or at least, they should be. And sometimes, to uphold the relationship, we may have to lose a friend or tell someone the truth about their behavior.

Of course, what it means to be loyal can differ from situation to situation.

When you commit to someone, it’s your responsibility to carry it out. And if you don’t follow through on what you said you’d do, the person you’re loyal to will lose trust in your word. Similarly, if a friend asks for your help and then turns around and stabs you in the back, he does not remain faithful to his loyalty.

The bottom line: To be loyal isn’t just about what we say or our intentions; it’s about what we do. And an actual show of loyalty is often about taking action when it’s risky or inconvenient.

The world can test our loyalties every day, but when we recognize how meaningful our relationships are to us, we’ll better understand what it means to be loyal. And since loyalty isn’t always easy, when you and your loved ones need support and encouragement the most, you can count on us and our unconditional love.

Because that’s what loyalty is — unconditional love.

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