Love as a Form of Traveling

Aug 26, 2022

5 min read

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On the occasion of a fragile moment (which, however, also encompasses so much beauty), today I want to reflect on this magical, mysterious and fascinating feeling.

This will be a very personal reading as it is essentially a vent.

However, I want the reader to identify between the lines, perhaps taking a cue from past personal experiences and trying to treasure the concept I want to pass on: the importance of letting go, living lightly, facing one’s fears and having the courage to be happy.

Dedicated to C. — the one who made me discover the most beautiful feeling life can offer: love.

They say we attract what we want based on our attitude and the way we behave when faced with certain situations. I totally believe that, yet it is absurd how much a person who crosses your path in a completely random way is capable of changing your existence.

The power of human connections is tremendously strong and special and that is what leads me to think and confirm my theory, that it is people who are the most beautiful part of this magical journey called life. As in travel, as in our daily lives.

The beauty of questioning oneself

The beauty of being able to feel so grateful to have everything you have and to be able to feel unique emotions, and to reflect:

why did life make me meet this person? And why at this very moment?

It often comes at the most unexpected time, when you may not even be looking for it, and this puts you in extreme confusion.

You think you are fine, you are in balance with yourself, then that someone comes along who turns your days, your thoughts, your life upside down, and the most precious thing is that you manage to touch new emotions.

Just when you thought you had found the meaning of well-being, of what makes you feel good, you find yourself catapulted into a new reality. A reality made up of a rollercoaster of emotions, in which however you are extremely grateful because you know that deep down you are being made to grow and above all that suffering will never equal the good that this person is doing you.

This is the feeling of love: a feeling I had never experienced in my life.

So fragile, so powerful and strong. So intense that it turns your thoughts, your plans, your perspectives upside down.

A feeling so intense that you cannot describe it unless you really feel it.

A feeling in its own right, subjective, made up of some negativity but also endless positivity that has no comparison.

The creation of new perspectives

Everything takes on a new shape. The world suddenly becomes more colorful.

Those red roses turn into a lush burning fire.

That green meadow becomes an immense forest full of life and harmony.

Your thoughts become brighter and shine with a light of their own, just as the sun that gently illuminates your days envelops you more intensely.

The colors of life are accentuated but your favorite remains enclosed in that person’s eyes..

You can do nothing but thank her and feel extreme gratitude.

You wonder how lucky you are and think that life is crazy cool.

You are scared because you know it will be painful, it will have its risks, yet you are ready to put yourself out there because it feels so damn good.

And then the beauty of having you rediscover yourself. Rediscovering your most hidden sides, the ones you jealously kept in the dark to protect yourself but which you are finally able to free yourself of because you think they are worth it.

You feel happy. You feel grateful. You feel filled with joy. With love. Whit bliss.

You live in the present.

Your days have become pure life.

And you don’t know how long this feeling will last, so you just enjoy every inch of that person’s skin, every caress.

Every glance you let it linger with intensity as time passes.

Accepting suffering, embracing it

Your paths will part, at least for a period of time, yet you decide to live it to the full again and think that love is all that truly makes you thrive, for better or worse.

You think that and continue to believe it, looking on the bright side of it all.

It hurts but you know it will make you grow. You know that everything will turn out as it should and that if “fate” wills it, then life will bring you together.

Personal reflections

I am ready to follow you anywhere. I am ready to make myself crazy and I am ready to welcome you with open arms.

I am proud of you.

I am tremendously in love with you.

I am proud of the woman you are and that I hope you will become.

I am grateful to be part of your journey of growth and I am grateful you are part of mine.

Spurring me on to do better and motivating me more each day.

Your energy is pure strength and I will always wear a smile thinking that life has decided to give me the greatest gift I could have ever imagined.

Because you are the biggest mess that ever happened to me, but God how happy I am that you messed up my life.

To your departure, to mine, to ours.

To this island of traffic that for some reason got in our way but in the hope that that is really its purpose: to make our lives flow even more smoothly and to make it all prosper even better.

Thank you for making me a better person.

I will think of you looking at the stars on the beach at night.

You know I love the big float and if you ever feel the need to feel a little stronger connection, you know I will be sitting there, on the soft sand, watching the big float thinking of you. Like that magical night in the park.

Now go and conquer your dreams and enrich yourself with that beauty that swept me off my feet and made me fall in love with you: your intelligence and eyes shining with love for what you do, confirming to me that one must not stop dreaming, never.

I say thank you, in its fullest and most sincere form.

And I say see you soon, because I want to shine again with you in the spotlight of this wonderful world, in the hope that we can continue to visit it together

With love, Alex

© Alex Negrini — Be Adventurer, 2022

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