Losing Weight Will Be Easy if You Know These Tips

Jul 24, 2022

3 min read

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Weight loss!!

It may not seem a big issue for many but believe me, there are thousands of people who do struggle from not being able to do it.

The reason can differ from a lack of consistency to a lack of motivation or possibly a lack of a strong intention behind continuing it.

No matter what is the reason it needs to be uprooted.

You need to find your 'why'. Cause, if the reason is strong enough no matter what will happen you will stick.

Now, when you find your 'why', how to make the process of sticking to losing weight possible?

I will say through the right guidance and knowledge about fitness and simplifying everything. Cause in most cases people expect something unexpected or over complexify things which causes them to give up on their journey.

That is why to improve your knowledge about fitness and guide you to make the journey a lot easier I am here with the blog.

So, keep reading till the end.

1) How does weight loss really happen?

Before knowing anything from basic to complex things first know how you lose weight.

So basically, you lose weight when you put your body in a calorie deficit.

Let me explain.

Your body has a maintenance calorie in which it neither gains nor loses weight.

When you stay in a deficit, you lose weight.

That means unless you go into a deficit you will not lose weight.

Now you can be in a deficit by eating less (you need to weigh your food) or exercising more (mainly cardio).

On a deficit as you are eating less, your body uses that extra stored fat to use it as a source of energy.

To find your maintenance calorie there are several sites available on Google for free.

2) Keeping everything simple

Complexifying anything decreases the chance of continuing a task hard.

Mean you need to keep everything as simple as possible.

Look you need cardio to stay in deficit and resistance training to not end up losing muscle with fat (though we obviously lose both, resistance training prevents us from losing muscle).

It's simple.

On the other hand, get down to basics with the exercises.

You have no need to complicate your routine.

Do basic movements on repeat. Focus on compound movements in resistance training and for cardio do running or cycling; no need to do HIIT movements.

I will suggest doing 30min of low-intensity movements daily.

3) You do not need supplements

This seen is planted in your brain by Social Media.

Online marketing and branding of products made it seem like if you want to see the progress you have to take supplements.

It is completely wrong.

There are few products on the market that you can consider buying.

Protein powder and Creatine Monohydrate are two of them.

But again these are not necessary.

If you can afford them you can add them.

But initially, fix your basics. Give your attention to the diet, training, and rest first.

Then think of supplements.

4) How to implement exercise in day-to-day work?

Know how to implement exercise in your daily life.

Like if you are really busy making time for workouts then this trick will generally help you.

There are thousands of blogs on this topic available on the internet.

Still, let me give a few examples.

  1. Use stairs in place of lift.

  2. You clean your house. Move more.

  3. Walk to your bus or auto stop.

  4. Try walking in the morning for just 10-20mins.

  5. Do 20 push-ups whenever you get time.

5) How to make dieting easy?

To make the journey of losing weight easy making dieting easy is most important.

Because this is where most people fail.

Even if they make time for training they can not resist food.

So, how to make dieting easy?

All lies down to flexibility.

Reward yourself once or twice a week (by giving cheat meals).

Do not go too restricted on your food intake.

Go in a small deficit, 200-300calories.

The more your mind will be satisfied the more likely you will be to continue.

So these are all the tips. Hope this will help.

Enough for this blog.

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