List Of Illegal Baby Names

Jun 11, 2022

5 min read

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If parents try and give their kids the names we have on this list, they are breaking the law in some countries, these are the top 10 illegal baby names.

1.     Facebook

Yes, as in Facebook, a few years ago, Mexico had a real problem with parents naming their kids pretty strange things. Eventually, they said enough is enough and they released a list of 61 names that they had banned because people had tried to give them two babies, one of the ones that stood out for everyone was Facebook. In a world where 38 % of the entire planet's population uses this social media site, this was going to always happen somewhere someday and it happened in Mexico. The government said the law prohibits giving children names, that art is derogatory, has no meaning, or can lead to bullying. So they’re worried that Facebook would get bullied at school, but I can see Facebook growing up to be the bully that picks on classmates like Twitter or YouTube, Facebook’s a real bully.

2.     We have full stop written like that but pronounced “Full Stop”.

Some of you guys might call it a period, but we all know it’s that little dot. That signifies the end of a sentence. Well, for a couple in New Zealand, it was also what they wanted their baby to be called for the rest of its life. Amazingly, it almost made it through before the officials were like whirl, whirl, whirl. Well, a dot is not a name, and while they were there, they also banned people from naming their kids, the backslash, or Asterix symbols, but there’s plenty more punctuation out there.

3.     Sarah

Yes in Morocco, there is a list of approved baby names that reflect Moroccan identity. These names are mostly Arabic and Sarah spelled SARAH is considered the Jewish Hebrew version and so is not allowed. So what do the parents do if they want to call their baby daughter, Sarah in Morocco? Well, luckily, there is an Arabic version of the name. Sarah, it’s “Sara”, but with no H at the end Removing just one letter turns the name into the Arabic spelling of the word. Maybe that’s why the H is silent, so the parents can keep it a secret.

4.     Adolf Hitler

Although this name is pretty much frowned upon everywhere, there are countries like New Zealand, where the name is effectively banned. You would have to fight hard If you wanted to name your kid Adolf Hitler, you can tell Adolf Hitler, it’s a big no-no because I don’t even need to explain why it’s bad everyone knows to imagine doing things that are so evil. Nobody is allowed to even share your name forever. A New Zealand judge once said that names like this were banned to not give the children psychological trauma for the rest of their life.

5.     Hermione

This name has been around since ancient Greece but has gained a lot more popularity in recent years, thanks to one particular Harry Potter character. Despite all of this, a Mexican state has banned it. After Harry Potter fans, there started naming their daughters after the magical female role model. Why? Well? It all goes back to bullying. They are worried that a kid named after a fictional which might be bullied at school when they’re older, really really. Is that the real reason? I think they just don’t like muggles.

6.     Nutella

In 2015, a judge in France told a couple they could not name their daughter Nutella after the popular chocolate spread, because she would be mocked for it. Yes, this went to court if you ever wonder, what’s happening in courts. This is the current thing that’s happening. The parents stood up to the judge and argue that they named their daughter Nutella because they wanted baby Nutella to be like real Nutella, sweet and popular. I am not making this up. They were asked to come back to court where a final decision would be made, but they never showed up. So the court decided she should officially be called Elle, but in the end, doesn’t matter what the judge says. It’s too late, we’re all now going to call her baby little Nutella.

7.     @

Whenever you type out your email address to someone, it includes an illegal baby name in China. Some parents wanted to call their baby “Wang at” or “ATAR” as it’s pronounced in Mandarin. The reason is that “ATAR” is very similar to a phrase that means love him. Ah, isn’t that sweet love him lovely stuff right? Well, no, not! According to the Chinese government, they have banned all non-Chinese characters and symbols, including the @ symbol. So don’t even try naming your kid a hashtag It’s not going to work.

8.     Devil

In 1994, a Japanese couple registered their firstborn son, as Akuma devil Japanese officials agreed to it at first, but then, two months later they were like whoa stop. We know, we’ve thought about the whole devil thing, and yeah. No! It’s not happening, they claimed the parents were abusing the right to name their child, but little devil’s father said he picked it because it’s so unique and that there will only be one Japanese person with this name, although the baby had already begun to respond to their Name: devil: the father agreed to a second name for his son emperor. That’s what he chose. I'm just worried that he’ll now grow up to be known, as Emperor devil he’s already a supervillain.

9.     4real

4real with an actual four, we’re going back to New Zealand again for this one, a couple was looking at an ultrasound scan of their unborn baby, and it was at this moment that the father said he realized that baby Was now for real and they thought hey, let’s name our baby – that I’m used the number four good. Officials said they couldn’t do that because babies aren’t allowed to have numbers in their names 4real’s, father brushed that off and said it didn’t matter what the Law says they were still going to continue to call 4real for real forever, but in the meantime, they still have to choose an official name, and so they went with Superman. Yeah, he’s officially a superhero.

10.  Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11115

And no, I’m not going to repeat that, for you, I think I’ve got one of those that are wrong. Anyway. In 1982, Sweden created a law that was intended to stop non-noble families from giving their children so-called noble names. One family didn’t like the fact that the government was telling them what they could or could not name their baby, so they protested by naming their baby. You know: well I’m not going to write it again obviously. But apparently, I pronounced it wrong because the family said the name is just pronounced: “Albin” yeah, they’re, obviously trolling. The name was rejected by officials, obviously, but I like to think they went ahead with it anyway, and somewhere in Sweden right now, you can find a person called Albin who takes about five minutes to write their name.


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