Linkpro Oto - 1 to 5 Otos Links Below - Linkpro Bonuses

LinkPro OTO - 1 to 5 OTOs links Below - LinkPro Bonuses

Apr 4, 2023

8 min read

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LinkPro OTO - 1 to 5 OTOs links Below - LinkPro Bonuses

Hey guys, it's Tim here and welcome to my link Pro review now in a nutshell. Link Pro is a link, shortening program, a link, cloaking platform that allows you to cloak your links, but not only that. It also allows you to shorten your links. You can create QR codes with this platform and you can create bio links as well. Now, the best thing to do is to show you how it works, but before I do so, I want to mention that there is a link in the description of this video.

LinkPro OTOs - All 5 Upsell Links Here:

It will redirect you to my website here where you can find more information, also about the pricing here. You can see all the details plus also some free upgrades here. If you pick up link Pro through my link. Okay, let's dive into this, and let me explain you what link cloaking is what link Pro is all about. So here the left side, you see here cloaker, where you can generate new links and you can see your analytic analytics as well, but when I click on generate link, what this allows me to do is to create a new cloak link.

So when I click on new cloaker here, I can add a new link. Now, let me explain you what a cloak link is on most of my YouTube videos here. So this is my YouTube channel here uh. When you see one of my videos and also the video that you're watching right now here at the bottom, it says get it here and then you see a link here. It says: go to tim.

om GPT design. Now what this link will do when I click on this - it's not going to this URL, but it's going to a different URL. In this case. It'S pointed to Tim bundle here, as you can see it at the top there's a little thing.

On top of it, but it's redirected to a different URL. So basically, what you're doing here is I'm masking the ant URL now do this, with every link that I put out. If, when I email my links, when I put it on YouTube, I always cloak my links and that's possible with link Pro now. Let'S say this is my review page that I just showed you what I'm gon na do here is I'm going to copy the URL of this page and I'm gon na paste it in here so link I'm going to call this link Pro review and then I'm Gon na paste that link in here, so this is the the end page, the end result page and in here in the cloak link. I can give my own URL now.

You can also run this on your own domain, but say let's say I want to call this link Pro review. Then this will be my end link that I can post on my social media on my YouTube channel in my emails, when I click save. I now have that link in here, and I can here copy this link and I can share this with the whole world. So when I paste this link in my browser here, you can see it points directly to my review page and that's basically what the link cloak software is doing now. The cool thing.

What I also like about link cloaking so far, is that when you put a link in your email, for example, sometimes we put the wrong Link in our email and we have to mail again because we've added the wrong link right now. The cool thing is with link Pro when you um, when you go to the link itself here to the cloak link. You have the details in here when I click on this link here, uh here at the right side here at this option here. What I can do here is, I can update my link, so let's say I've used a rolling or I want to redirect the same traffic to another URL. I can simply change this link in here to another URL and then the same link, for example.

This link that I shared on YouTube will suddenly point to another link and that's one of the great benefits of cloak links. The other benefits is that people will not see the end destination of your URL and that's how uh Cloud links mostly are being used now inside of your account here, you can also preview here when I click on these details. It will show me the stats of this specific link as well, so I can see the analytics of my links in here as well. I can see how many clicks I get, how many visitors I get when this link has been created, and I can also see that on my dashboard here when I go to my dashboard, I get an overview of all my links. I can also make a selection for the last seven days, for example, I can apply this and on the dashboard.

I can see all the links so also my cloaker graph, but also my shortener grabs, for example. Here, when I click on this one, I can see all the other tools that are in here. I can get the statistics of these tools in here as well. My QR code graph, my bio link graph. I can see all the traffic on my dashboard so that I can make decisions based on which links are converting, which links are not converting.

So that's what the link cloaker is all about. The second thing is here is the link shortener. Now, when I click on generate a link, shortener is basically the same thing, but it is if you wan na, if you want to do it quicker so in here, for example, if I want to have this link here, let me copy this link. I go back to link Pro and I click on new shortener. The only thing that I need to do is fill out.

My name link Pro review. I paste this link in here and boom. I have a shortened link here. I can use this link here and I can share this on social media, so no, no custom domains, no quick uh here where I can change the end of the URL. It'S simply for creating quick links here and I'm going to click on copy here and now.

I can share this on my social media and we'll redirect the people to my traffic there's also no option here to change these links, so this is just if you want to have these links and that's it. You want to share these stats being done inside of Link shortener. Then the next option here is the QR code generated when I click on generate. I can create my own QR code. So when I click on generate QR codes, I can design my own QR code.

So I can upload my logo so, for example, if I want to do my link Pro, I can simply add my logo in here I can say, link Pro I can say this is my link in here. I want to link to this, or I want to link to this page here. Let me put that in here and then slash traffic ID is YouTube. For example - and here I can say, uh check out my link Pro review, so that will be at the bottom here, as you can see on my mouse stopped working. Let me restart that quickly.

Here you can see check out my link Pro review and I can also design the background of this QR code. So let's say I want to have this nicely blue. I really love this color here and I see that I'm on top of it. So let me put myself to the center, so what I was showing you check out my link Pro review. That'S at the bottom of this QR code generator and when I click on generate QR code, this QR code has been generated and now, when you scan this link Pro Image, when you scan this QR code, it will redirect you to my link Pro review.

So you can share this anywhere. You can share this on social media. You can print this. You can do whatever you like and generate QR codes. Now the same thing here, when you click on generate, you will see the whole list of QR codes where you click on download.

You can download these QR codes to your computer and if you want to change the redirection, you simply click on redirect and then you can enter a new URL. So if you like to change this URL, you can change this for a new URL as well. So let's say your destination has changed of your QR codes: uh simply change it and you can change it afterwards and then the last thing is the bio link Creator. This allows you to set up bio links quickly. So when you click on new bio link page, I can get this a name.

So I'm going to call this review bio page, I'm going to click on Create, and in here I will be able to choose one of the templates. So here you can preview. These templates - that comes with your creator here, so this is one of the examples. Now this doesn't look good here. You can see the backgrounds missing, so I already told them that they need to fix that.

But basically you can go over all these templates here and you can create your own bio page. So let's say you want to use this template. You click on start with this template here and now you can start modifying your bio page. So here this is a simple bio page that you can share on your social media. You can redirect them to your Instagram Facebook, Twitter Youtube.

So basically, what you can do is you can put this on your Instagram page, for example, in your bio page and people, click on that link and you can redirect them to any other page. You can redirect it to your sales page as well or to other Pages where you want to redirect traffic, and then you can simply share one link. So when I click on publish here at the right top, I can say publish this link, and now we can share this link, all my social media channels. Here I get this page here look at this and this is called my bio link here. I can share this URL with other people, uh yeah, so that I have this on my social media profiles or wherever you would like to share this and that's basically, what link Pro is all about again if you're interested there is a link in the description of This video make sure to check that out.

If you have any questions, make sure to ask them in the comments below and, of course, hit the thumbs up. If this video was useful, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel if you haven't done yet. I do a lot of product reviews hit the notification Bell, so you can get notified. Thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers


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