Light in the Love’s Tunnel

Jul 25, 2022

4 min read

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There is still hope for true love

I am very excited these days because I started my Zumba instructor training. That changed my mindset in so positive-emotional wave that I can not sleep thinking about the steps I will show in my future Zumba class.

Meanwhile, I spend a lot of time outside to recharge because I work on my Poetry book “Mori Monologues” and write actively on my “Thinking Confessions” blog.

The last posts I have read recently were only for bad dating experiences which I also have, but I do not care about it anymore since my mind is occupied with Zumba and Poetry.

I decided to write again on the Medium platform because the last posts I read here were only about disappointing dating experiences. I also have them, but I do not care about them anymore since my mind occupies with Zumba and Poetry.

I saw rays of hope for true love the last few days when I was out to listen to live music, and I have met new people in real life.

On Friday, I went to a live music place in my town. A famous bulgarian singer sang. His niece was there with her boyfriend. She stepped on the stage, singing and playing the guitar. For my taste, the girl was not enough emotion in her songs and I didn’t feel her. The people in the cafe left, but she enjoyed her performance.

The thing that amazed me that evening was the Devotion I saw in that girl’s boyfriend. He left everything else and concentrated on her performance, making a video of her best moment on the stage. He supported her with every fiber of his body. I loved the image of both loved persons. The girl sang three songs, and they hugged and held hands. It was a unique experience for me as a skeptical romanticist that there is still true love somewhere out there and humanity. That made me happy. I never envy people in love. I applaud it. It makes me believe that I can find that treasure too.

The story I heard yesterday made me speechless too. I went out with the mind to dance Salsa. Sunday and Tuesday in my Seatown, there is a free Salsa party. In the club were no dancers. I. and my friend went to a pub. I do not drink beer in the pubs, but still, they are popular. I ordered my glass of rose wine. There were no free places, and a man and a woman invited us to join them because they would like to go soon. We started the casual talk, and both people did not go. The woman was older than the man, and I liked him as a person, thinking he was her friend. He said they both are married. Wow! I was amazed by the pride I felt when he said that. In true love, there is no age difference. It was fascinating for me, who had always evaded marriage because my parent’s family was broken when I was young. That man and his woman have 21 years difference, and it was my first-time experience communicating with that type of couple. I was surprised by how deep their love is despite the age difference. I have never seen a thing like that in a similar age couple, and even in the standard young girl-older gentleman couple. These two people connected on a deep level I could not imagine since I never felt it. After so many years together they still keep their flame toward each other. Looking into each other’s eyes they knew every single thought they had and the tenderness surrounding them. They indeed complemented each other in many fields. Right said I was shocked in a good way.

I started to think about where I live?

Are they some aliens or live in another universe?

These days I was a witness to true love I never imagined I would see. Of course, that inspired me to write more love and humanity stories because there is still a light of hope for human salvation before they become materialistic robots. I know I may sound weird, but I always choose and will keep choosing to look at the bright side of the situation when meeting new people. Many persons I know speak only for interests when it comes to love. I am a faithful believer that it is not always about interest when feelings are involved. I may get disappointed by my naive belief in the good of people, but still, I will not change that because I do not want to do it. It is my core and the foundation I built my character.

Key takes /if someone cares about them/:

*Life is happening outside virtual reality, and true love is there.

*Changing mindset opens new eyes and doors to the human soul that are unknown.

* People should drop off the act of false friendliness and become sincere involved with others’ lives they meet in reality.

Thank you for reading, and I am going off to my real Zumba life-changing experience that led me outside the box of virtual situations. The past disappointing romantic experience stopped me from living my life. But they are part of my life, and I embrace them with pride because they made me who I am today.

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