Life Lessons I Learned From My Plants

Jul 4, 2022

4 min read

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1. Sometimes we need to cut down roots to grow some more

Whenever I’m repotting them it’s good to cut some of their roots, so it can help them grow and I realized it’s the same with humans. I moved around a lot, changed my job a few times, wasn’t easy, but I found out that most of the times, if not all times, I found something better, even if I thought this was the worst thing.

I like to think my destiny is setting me on the right path every time this happens, with every choice I make, I’m only closer to what the universe has in store for me. And most of the times it did, sometimes I wasn’t able to see it right away, but eventually I realized that everything is for the better, even if I can’t see it right now. I never got the call for the job I wanted because another one was waiting for me.

The thing is to not get mad, frustrated or depressed when things don’t go the way you wished, because maybe what you wished for wasn’t right for you.

2. Change is painful

When I moved a plant to another room it died a little, some are really sensitive to changing the environment. Some are not. Everyone copes with change different.

When I change them to a different pot and disturb their original place, their leaves suffer, loose some flowers, or stop growing for a while.

I noticed that with myself, whenever I start something new there is a time when I find it so hard that I want to give up, until I get to feel comfortable with the new project or situation in my life.

3. Kindness helps us grow

Any living thing needs kindness, plant, animal or human, nothing will grow and thrive in a dreadful environment. So if we’re kind to our plants and pets, why shouldn’t we be kind to ourselves?

I’m having a very awful time the past few weeks, I often feel discouraged, no good, not capable enough and horrible thoughts go through my mind, diminishing my efforts to get back on track, when instead I should be gentle and grateful for every small victory I have.

Don’t worry, you’ll have better days. The fog will eventually lift.

4. There are times for rest and recovery to be able to rebirth

I started to love gardening only for 2–3 years maybe, and only this winter I found out that some plants, if not all (I’m still learning) need to be cut down to hibernate for a few months, if not, they will not grow or flower the next spring.

As do we need time to find ourselves again and again, reinvent ourselves, but first we should rest, contemplate and be aware of all the new changes that came up for us.

If we go on and on without any rest we’ll find ourselves lost, depressed and burnout.

5. I can’t always be pretty

I don’t always have to be my best self, look the best. There are days when everything feels like crap and I just want to survive the day. So I put all my energy into surviving, and not making everything perfect.

6. I grow better amongst others like me

I read that orchids grow better in the company of other orchids. Maybe more plants have that in common.

But what if we surrounded ourselves with people like us? I’m a mellow kind of gal, and I did the mistake of allowing any kind of people into my life. Aggressive people, fast-paced, manipulative, people who had life values very different than mine. They messed with my mind so much, I wasn’t myself anymore, I didn’t know who I was and had a hard time leveling myself after I left.

7. I don’t need much to thrive, but I need my mind whole

Some flowers only need little water, while others need a lot, some need sunshine as much as possible and others only the minimum amount otherwise they become dramatic and loose some leaves or flowers.

We don’t need other people, money, things, accomplishments to be happy. Some of these might provide some serotonin at the time, but if I’m not happy with myself, none of these will make me happy for long.

We can be happy and thrive in any environment we can create for ourselves, don’t need much. But we need to have a peaceful mind, gratitude for everything we have and to learn to love ourselves.

8. Success looks different for everyone

Some plant might suffer form a disease and lost all it’s leaves and had to be cut down, but survive, and at some start to grow again some tiny leaves. Other might “have babies” or grow in length very much in a short period of time. That doesn't mean one is failing me and the other is making me proud. I love them all.

You get the emphasis here, right? Never compare yourself with others. Some colleagues from high school might seem to have it all together, started a business, a family, seem happy with everything. And here I am, overcoming depression and trying to find a job.

I never compare a tomato to a rose, not even a rose to a different rose, a small one just overcome aphids while other is growing as heck but has some kind of disease that seems to have flour on it’s leaves.

Every one has its demons. They’re just not visible to anyone.

Give yourself grace and grow as much as you can in the time that you need. No matter the stage you find yourself into.

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