Levels of Reflective Process

Nov 28, 2022

1 min read

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Reflective Practice is the ability to reflect on one’s action so as to take a critical stance towards one’s own practice engaging in a process of continuous adaptation and learning.

Levels of reflective process

1.     Description:

A description of the incident/experience with just enough detail to support what have I learnt?  A teacher can maintain a reflective diary to maintain all the records of the lesson. This diary can be used to maintain all the improvement points and strengths of the teacher.


After taking 30-minute lesson in class, I will write down which things worked very well and in which areas I need to improve. Like my students like to interact during the session so, I will write it in my reflective diary.

2.     Comparison:

In this level an individual will try to make comparison between his previous and current actions.


If my students are more interested in interactions then I will try to find some key points from my previous lectures which can be used to interact in classroom, like asking students about their opinion on certain aspect or using Co-operative learning in lectures.

3.     Application:

In Application level an individual has to make a proper plan about how he is going to apply the method which he had learnt after comparing the current and previous notes of reflective diary.


I could apply co-operative learning method here where I will divide students in 3 groups and give them their respective topics. (What is FDI, Advantage and its disadvantages). In this student will interact with the teacher and also with their peers.

4.     Critical:

In the last level of reflection which is critical, an individual will try to analyses that the method which he applied was it effective or is their anything he should have done. If the execution of the plan is not done properly what was the reason behind it. These things we have to consider.


After dividing the students in 3 groups and helping them with their respective topics, teacher has to think whether students are able to understand the whole co-operative learning method or not and are they interacting with each other properly or not. Because interaction was the main objective of using this learning style.

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